Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday March 29 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 53° Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. High 53F. 

- Manischewitz macaroons are now in a new packaging, a pouch that is fresh-sealed and reclosable no more macaroon cans. 

- The grand jury examining Trump’s alleged role in a hush money scheme isn’t expected to hear evidence in the case for the next month, largely due to a previously scheduled hiatus.(politico)

- Clothing sale Igud Bnei Torah Shirts hats jackets suits for $100 on River Ave near GG south 7-11

-  Earlier today the Belzer Rebbe was feeling dizzy and collapsed hatzolah was called to his house after a brief checkup it was discovered the rebbe's sugar level was low, with treatment the rebbe has regained his strength and feeling better B"H. name is Yessochor Dov ben Miriam

- Ted Cruz tweeted utterly disgraceful Biden gleefully hosts anti American radicals like Lula while shunning close allies like Netanyahu. It"s clear that Biden and his freinds are high from funding  what they beleive to be successful anti government protests in Israel.

- Shiur on  inyanei Pesach today at 12:00 pm by Rav Shlomop Feivel Schustal shlita at Rabbi Kahanas Kollel 185 Miller Rd 

- Jackson Township Council voted last night  to lower the zoning threshold required for shuls and houses of worship from two acre to one acre for most residential  areas of the town. The ordinance passed a first reading. Agudah  statement  t"onight's vote will finally provide worshipers in Jackson Township, including Orthodox Jewish residents, the ability to pray in houses of worship without an unrealistic burden placed on them by the municipality.

- One time lakewood board member appointed to Jackson zoning board last night more 

- It has become apparent that many members who serve on Lakewood govt boards that have a say in tax increases and zoning including MUA rates do not live in Lakewood yet have been appointed to their positions by the township committee, Residents of Lakewood feel that their lives should not be governed by people making decisions who don't live in the town or pay taxes there. 

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah to B'M ner Yisrael today procession leaving from 7th street and Somerset at 6:30 pm

- Ocean County officials formally began the process of soliciting bids for installation of a traffic signal as well as a complete redesign of the jughandle at the Chestnut Street / New Hampshire Avenue intersection in Lakewood. more on faa 

- Signs in Lakewood area shuls to daven for Osher ben Chana Frumit as The Appellate Court has scheduled oral arguments in the state’s appeal against Rabbi Osher Eisemann.The arguments are set for April 25th and the state is appealing Judge Joseph Peone’s decision to grant a new trial.

- BDE: petirah of Rebbetzin Sarah Zakheim a”h. She was 104 years old. The Rebbetzin was the wife of Rav Yaakov Zakheim zt”l, longtime rov of Agudas Yisroel of Midwood on Bedford Avenue and Avenue J in Flatbush. Rav Zakheim was a talmid of Rav Elchonon Wasserman zt”l, Hy”d, in Baranovitch (Matzav)

- Biden said  he won’t invite Netanyahu to the White House “in the near term,” over the judicial reforms Netanyahu responded in which he noted Biden’s “longstanding commitment to Israel” but added: “Israel is a sovereign country which makes its decisions by the will of its people and not based on pressures from abroad, including from the best of friends.”

Senator Ted Cruz tweeted utterly disgraceful Biden gleefully hosts anti American radicals like Lula while shunning close allies like Netanyahu. It"s clear that Biden and his freinds are funding anti government protests in Israel


  1. So Everyone's favorite website seems to be in a fight with the Agudah now.. .Not seeing any "exclusive" Agudah statement! Statement at all for that matter... Are they upset that Avi gave an interview on a competing site? Or was it something to do with his 2 day resignation?

    1. PCS still advertising with them so who knows...

  2. Hisgarus with our neighbors is not a smart thing. This ordnance was snuck in and will cause more sinah. It could have been worked with differently. The crowd came down and called out the hypocrisy of selective enforcement during covid. Do we have to raitz uhn more and forget we are in galus???

  3. I guess unhinged zoning laws are contagious - Jackson residents are only started to feel the "benevolence to the builders"


  5. Not like macaroons are all that exciting in the first place. Was mostly about the traditional cylindrical packaging . .

    1. People bought the macaroons for tradition - is it still tradition if its not in the same container that your grandmother would get it in? What do they write on the package "New package same Great taste"? At least people will now know that they aren't last years stock... or older
