Sunday, March 19, 2023

Sunday March 18 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 41° Sunshine and a few clouds. High 41F. Winds Higher wind gusts possible.
-  Former Vice President Mike Pence has stated that he and his team are seriously considering running for president.

- Matzav: Vaping Connection in Lakewood put out a statement that their homemade vape juice contains chometzdike ingredients. They do, however, have a limited number of kosher-for-Pesach vape juices. Contact them at 732.858.1757 for more information. More

- Bingo pesach sale through March 21st see list Here
-Traffic with pre pesach shopping. Igud bnei Hayeshivos clothing/shoe sale today for mechanchim

- Hachnosas Sefer torah to  B"M Tikun Shlomo 828 Ridge Ave. Procession leaving at 2pm from Remon drive.

Chasdei lev pesach distribution for rebbeim today in Lakewood at first energy park.

- Vaad Hakashrus reminder to check all products even when bought in Pesach store or section.

- Some stores selling Osem bisli products kosher for pesach please note it is not made from shmurah Matzah.

- Tehilllim for injures in Arab shooting attack today in Hawarah,   אלכסנדר דוד דוב בן שרה.

- Hespedim tonight for Rav Chaim Kanievsky ztl at Central Court shul divrei helped by Rav Yisrael Meir Druk shlita

- Federal prosecutor says: Donald Trump's post claiming he'll be arrested Tuesday could see him Denied bail over fears he'll try and incite Jan 6. riot at arraignment hearing.

- A lawsuit was just filed naming Township of Jackson, County of Ocean, and JCP&L, over the death of a frum woman while crossing the street. A few months ago, a judge ruled that a lawsuit can be filed in this matter. Full story on Faanews

- BDE  petirah ofReb Avrohom Yaakov Zeigler, Z”l, of Brooklyn, Founder of Zichron Shlome Refuah Fund. He was 81.

- Tehillim: Tragedy  in Belgium when a minibus carrying about 20 people from Antwerp to London crashed into oncoming traffic overnight. the driver, R’ Shimmy Segal z”l was niftar He was 67. Another approximately 18 passengers were injured, several, including a bochur, seriously. Please  daven for Tzvi ben Rochel Libah and Avrohom Eliezer ben Chaya Yutal. The group spent shabbos in Antwerp with the Pshevorsker rebbe.

- BDE: petirah of Rabbi Moshe Juravel zt”l.
Rabbi Juravel was a longtime 5th grade rebbi at Torah Institute/Yeshivas Kochav Yitzchok of Baltimore. Levaya in Lakewood later today at the chapel on 7th st with Kevura in Lakewood

Matzav reports: Rabbi Juravel is survived by his wife, Mrs. Shulamis Juravel, and his children, R’ Pinchos Efraim Juravel, R’ Yisroel Meir Juravel, Hadassah Shifra Yagid, Sara Leah Matthew, Yehudis Brocha Schreiber, Esther Rivkah Stern, Miriam Rochel Aron, Devorah Malka Gruskin, and Shoshana Tova Klein.

His siblings are Rabbi Dovid Juravel, famed for his tapes and books; Rabbi Avry Juravel, noted kashrus personality; Rebbetzin Shulamis Schmelczer; wife of Rav Chaim Schmelczer zt”l, founding menahel of Telshe Yeshiva Chicago; and Mrs. Leah Israelowitz, wife of Rabbi Ephraim Israelowitz.


  1. Does anyone know if the Kreshefski matzos from Eretz Yisrael that Bingo is selling are legitimate hand made shmurah matzos?

    1. Not sure what you are asking about legitimate? They are hand made, with a hechsher that it is shmura mshas ketzira.

    2. The issue maybe how it is rolled out..

  2. I believe we hold shmura is only required only for the mitzva - besides all Matza today is shmurah just not mshas ketzira..

  3. Could someone who is not such a wise guy answer my question normally?

    1. Not every comment gets posted orderly.. My comment was in regard to the bissli not being shmurah - there were no comments posted when I posted that...

  4. The fact is telling people to protest is not an incitement for a riot. It only became an incitement 1/6

    1. The commission found out that there was a lot more than 'telling people to protest'. There was an understanding that he was behind their actions, based on other statements and communications that they had.
      And they were quite close to undermining the entire election, through the shtik they tried with Mike Pence and the Secret Service.

      If all you care about is policies, by all means Trump is your person. But if you care about democracy, he has to be kept far away from politics forever, as a lesson to any future insurrectionist.


    2. Putting aside that the previous is applied invariably only to the (center-right ,who go along naively, and) right-wing, we Agree .
      Stay tuned as how many of the protest rioters will soon be gov't ministers in Israel

  5. AnonymousMarch 19, 2023 at 11:46 AM
    Does anyone know if the Kreshefski matzos from Eretz Yisrael that Bingo is selling are legitimate hand made shmurah matzos?
