Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Tuesday March 14 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather:39° Occasional snow showers. Quite windy. Temps nearly steady in the mid to upper 30s. Winds at 25 to 35 mph. Chance of snow 70%. Winds could occasionally gust over 50 mph.


Faanews reports The Board also approved the internal roadways at 26 feet wide after Traffic Expert Scott Kennel assured the Board that school buses would have no issues traversing the campus. No new traffic signals or road widening was mentioned, however they did agree to make one intersection into an all-way stop. Full story at FAANEWS 

FAA: Lakewood Planning Board tonight  approves mega shopping center at Cederbridge  Corporate campus. The proposal is for 28 stores, 116,000 sq feet of retail space, with 571 parking spaces. Unlike when Beth Medrash Govoha proposed it, no members of the public commented on this application. Full story at Faa news 

- The yanuka shlita has requested that all of klal yisrael say the following 3 perakim at least till sunday---He says that there might be a גזירה on the klal  kapital 37,83, 144 

- Signature Bank, was co-founded by chairman, Scott Shay, is a major donor to Jewish causes.
Signature specialized in deposits from realtors and lawyers. It drew scrutiny from regulators in 2018 for its relationship with people in the circle of then-President Donald Trump, including his Jewish son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner.(Times of Israel)

- LPD on incident last night: There is nothing that indicates that Suspect chose to menace the victims based on their religious beliefs.

-  Aaron Lang: Wednesday's lakewood BOE agenda announces a request for a $73 million loan bringing the amount WE ALL owe to $200 million. All of you will just keep following marching orders to vote for those who tried to stop me from winning and keep me at the bottom of the organization w/o any say.

 - Today at seasons  half off the entire deli showcase

- Jackson: Tonight, the Township Council is set to introduce an Ordinance to amend the previously approved land swap to include an additional lot neighbors will have an additional opportunity to voice support or opposition to the land swap. faa news reports 

- LPD update on machete wielding man: A male later identified as 22 year old Max Sanchez of Lakewood, had approached five pedestrians along Forest Avenue while brandishing a machete. Although no specific threats were made to any of the victims, his menacing behavior caused fear of eminent injury or harm to each of them. All of the victims fled from Sanchez and contacted the police, he was quickly located and taken into custody without incident. The machete was also recovered. He was subsequently transported to the Ocean County Jail.

 - BDE: Petirah of  Harav Dovid Zev Ben Moshe Menachem Wicentowsky ZTL of Monsey, Levaya today at Bais Medrash L"Torah Rav Feivelsohns yeshiva 10:45am  in Monsey. Kevura in Lakewood approx 2 pm. There will be a call in number for the levaya 848 220 3300 conference ID 835-508

-Former President Donald Trump attacked his potential 2024 opponent and current rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, during a Monday night speech in Iowa comparing him to Sen. Mitt Romney.

-Theres has been an influx of cleaning ladies in the Lakewood area ahead of the busy Pesach season due to the lax border policies. In previous years it was hard to find cleaning help with people accusing others of stealing away their workers.

- At a meeting a few weeks ago took place in Lakewood among senior roshei yeshiva in the US about the shidduch crisis. A possible plan was discussed to eliminate a grade in either Mesivta or Bais Medrash to lower the age of bochurin returning from Eretz Yisrael to start shidduchim earlier. The elimination of 12th grade seemed to be gaining support, although not everyone is on board with this. Balei batim involved said there would be a fund set up in case some rebbeim lose their jobs.

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Moshe Ivgi ZT"L of Bnei Brak at the age of 92, he was  mechaber of the seforim  'חכמת המצפון' a work of 17 volumes on chumash, He was a talmid of Novardik and learned in France under his rebbe Rav Gershon Liebman Zatzal. He built mosdod Ohr Yisrael in bnei Brak. Levaya this afternoon from his home in Bnei Brak.

 - Moody’s Investors Service on Monday cut its view on the entire US banking system to negative from stable.

- In Boro Park yesterday at the signature bank there were no long lines reported of customers taking money out. Some did so already over the weekend others are counting on the FDIC to keep it secure and not rushing to pull money out.

- Lakewood Planning board meeting tonight at 6pm livestream here see agenda here. Several applications including  a new retail center at Cedarbridge park  for a total of 3 buildings with a total of 115,236 sq feet of retail shopping space with 25 stores and 571 parking spaces.
Beth Medrash Govoha of America Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision and Site Plan for a Planned Educational Campus with 6 apartment buildings and a daycare at the new property purchased from GCU, including banquet halls.
118 Ocean Avenue, LLC at Spruce and  Vine Avenue  Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan for a daycare center.

- On Monday evening, Lakewood Shomrim received multiple calls concerning a person using a machete who chased and threatened people in the area of the Satmar Shul on Forest Avenue. Multiple Shomrim members responded swiftly to the scene and secured the area while maintaining visual surveillance of the suspect as he attempted to flee. The suspect was subsequently arrested by police at gunpoint and his knife recovered by law enforcement and taken in as evidence. (Hamodia)


  1. BMG needs to make finally make the rule that they will not accept new bachurim over the age of 22.

    1. Sure, no problem. I am sure they will listen to an anonymous commenter on a blog...


      Hashem already setup your sons and everyone else’s son/daughter zivug 40 days before they were even born. Forget about the fact that now they are holding at around 20 or so years later since they were born. Hashem has their zivug waiting for them and can send it to your son/daughter immediately but is just waiting for each person involved in shidduchim to do their RUCHNIUS hishtadlus of Bitachon and Emunah(faith and trust in Hashem) together with Tefillos/Prayers.

      Mrs. Seminary girl,/Mr. Learning/working boy Are YOU doing your RUCHNIUS hishtadlus? Not just your gashmius hishtadlus of dating and speaking to shadchanim etc….?

      Start turning directly to Hashem for help in all your needs, especially shidduchim that they say is a bigger miracle than the splitting of the Yam suf.

    3. Every person going through should have bitochon that her personal situation will turn around however regarding the klal it is STUPIDITY to say that there is no crisis. Listen to Rav Elya Ber Shlita minute 32:30 https://mytat.me/v169104

    4. I can’t speak for everyone but the girls I know are davening so hard their brains can bust! They daven for others they volounteer they give tzedaka etc… etc.. what a foolish statement to say work on your ruchniyus, as if they’re not?! And they go to weddings night after night to be misameach their friends. Even though they haven’t had a date in months! They spend time and money making wedding showers gifts etc.. which will never be reciprocated because they’re married friends have no time or money! And still they do it with a full heart. I think their ruchniyus is just fine.

    5. Do they volunteer for real Chesed?
      Because one of these 'organizations' recently did 'chesed' for me with a volunteer. Shut it down, I say. Shut down these nonsense 'chesed' organizations. Nobody needs them.

    6. Shalom-
      Mostly an am Haaretz with little seichel

  2. Let's see how quick the new cleaning ladies will be lured and paid more by desperate housewives

  3. I think we should add a grade to girls schools.

  4. For the reasons 12th grade exists to begin with it does not sound like a good idea to eliminate it for the shidduch crisis. Plus you will need the Roshey Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel on board with accepting younger bochurim. This is one idea that if successful will be coming from pressure from baaley batim about how to run Yeshivas as opposed to any Roshey Yeshiva seeing the need on their own

  5. https://www.faanews.com/2023/03/jackson-township-land-swap-is-up-for.html

  6. Instead of bochurim learning a year less in yeshiva girls schools can add a year before girls go to seminary. After all it is girls who have the problem finding shiduchim, and as opposed to bochurim who will lose a year of learning as bochurim, the girls lose nothing.

    1. Lost nothing except bringing more Jews into the world to do mitzvahs and learn Torah.

    2. You're right, everyone should get married at age 16 and all problems will be solved because there will be more people doing mitzvos

    3. Your'e right. Bochurim should not get married at all, in order to allow for them to learn as bochurim for their entire lives and all our problems will be solved.

  7. Why is it important for bochurim to go learn in Israel ?

    1. So they can have some hefkeros away from rebeim and parents

  8. These shidduch askanim are fools and have no backing.

    I have recently spoken to some of the Roshei Yeshiva who originally backed lowering the age for boys. Now, they say, it backfired. Divorce rates amongst those getting married young are at unprecedented rates. They told me there are many with major Shalom Bayis issues seeking help at numbers never seen before.

    Is is a favor to help girls get into marriages which will mess them over for life? Our boys are not more mature or more ready at a younger age than they were 20 years ago. If anything, they are less ready to marry at younger ages.

    1. The divorce rate in Lakewood is four times higher the divorce rate in Kiryas Yoel. The older they are the less mature they become. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/05/29/divorce-rate-cities-with-the-most-and-least-divorces/111873758/

    2. Which Shidduch askanim? Rav Elya Ber? Everyone can be ready at 22 if they want to be just like ALL the Israeli and chassidish boys. Rav Elya Ber explained it well. Follow this link. https://mytat.me/v169104
      There are many reasons for the increase in shalom bayis problems, one of them explained R' Gershon Ribner is "the shidduch crisis". Girls are understandably so desperate that they sometimes agree to a not so suitable shidduch. May Hashem help them all persevere, work through their difficulties and build happy and stable homes together with their spouses.

  9. Roshey Yeshiva should stop poluting the minds of bochurim telling them it's the greatest mitzvah to Mary for $$$

    1. That is so 1980. Plenty of rich girls on the market

    2. Sheker!
      Nowadays, the rich marry the rich, and Yeshivaleit marry each other. Marriage for money is not a thing anymore.
      Those who hate Torah keep on making up stories about Bnei Torah

    3. Totally not true . Thge nboys that are sitting around BMG over age 25 , most are waiting for $$ so they can learn at least five years. many are 'bais' bochur who dont know any other optionas they were told this is the only way. Boys demand at least $1,800 a month for five years. Lots of times the boys dont have any $$ and cant give anything towards support. How is a Rebbi with a few daughters supposed to support an aidim?
      The system is broke there are hundreds of boys over 25 ...

    4. Less people looking for outright rich but all demand a minimum support. These days you need to pay off the shadchan just to get suggestions.

    5. People still don't look for rich shiduchim. Alef bochurim have learned that it is not kedai, and the cultural differences between rich and poor make the marriage not that great.
      And no, there aren't 'hundreds of bochurim' over 25. There are some, not everyone gets married immediately. But they get married, and to someone whom they perceive as their zivug.

    6. Yes there are hundreds over 25 in BMG ask the office they will tell you the number. If I recall it is around 300

  10. Since the discussion already began, I implore each one of you to approach every Rosh Yeshiva whom you know and respectfully explain to them what you are going through. Don’t be ashamed to tell them that your wonderful daughter is in the parsha for a year, two, three or more and she has not gone out on even one date. This scenario is unfortunately very normal, and it does not reflect poorly on you or your daughter. Inform the RY how few serious shidduch suggestions you receive and how difficult it is to get through to a competent shadchan. Don’t underestimate the power of the individual to be the catalyst of real change. The Roshei Yeshiva need to hear from the tzibur the full magnitude of the problem so that they should be motivated to make the painful concessions and bold moves that Klal Yisroel so desperately needs. If we don’t wake up now, and do our small part we will have only ourselves to blame.
    If you need clarity on what the cause of the crisis is and what true Daas Torah is, please follow this link: https://mytat.me/v169104

    1. I also implore every divorced man to speak with all rabbonim and roshei yeshiva as to how their marriage fell apart when their wife saw no need to work on it. How their children have been deprived a father and turned into a weapon of war.

      Don’t underestimate the power of the individual to be the catalyst of real change. The Roshei Yeshiva need to hear from the tzibur the full magnitude of the problem so that they should be motivated to make the painful concessions and bold moves that Klal Yisroel so desperately needs. If we don’t wake up now, and do our small part we will have only ourselves to blame.

      I implore every child who grew up with divorce to explain the situation to every rosh yeshiva.

    2. Do you have any empirical evidence for your claim that those who get married younger, i.e., Israelis, Europeans, or Chassidim, have a higher divorce rate?

      We do have evidence regarding Chassidim. KJ's divorce rate is 4 times lower than Lakewood's.

    3. "Every child who grew up with divorce." So now we are blaming every divorce on people getting married too young? So every 35-year-old couple who gets divorced is blamed on the fact that they got married at 21?

    4. I watched your link (https://mytat.me/v169104), and they specifically said it's not due to so-called age gap.

    5. The KJ stats are so irrelevant, it is frightening that it has to be said.
      Lakewood has hundreds of seniors moving here, who are part of the statistics. A Williamsburg boy who marries someone from KJ, returns to Wsmbg. A Brookly/Baltimore/LA/Cleveland boy who marries someone from anywhere and moves to Lakewood, stays in Lakewood. Of course the numbers will skew upwards.

      Statistics are fancy ways of dressing up lies.

    6. KJ divorce may be lower because
      A.expectations for life are lower
      B.many will tolerate "outlets" that are unacceptable here

    7. Basic support of 2000 a month is not affordable to many middle income mishpachos.

    8. Anon: 5:49:
      I have no idea why you are frightened. OK, so seniors move to Lakewood. Fine. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? What does Baltimore boys moving to Lakewood have to do with anything? And what does a KJ boy moving to Williamsburg have to do with anything?

  11. The real shidduch crisis is because of how we have raised and spoiled our boys. As a father of a girl in shidduchim, most of the boys being redt I would not let near her. The boys today have lost focus on what's important and what makes a quality husband.

    1. As I bochur in shidduchim, I'm truly grateful to hear you honest assessment of me. I'm sorry I won't ever get to meet your wonderful daughter, but I'm thrilled not to have you as my father-in-law.

    2. The fact that a yeshiva bochur is on Hefkervelt is exactly what I am talking about. The fact that you see nothing wrong with it, and still consider yourself worthy of $2500/month is why there is a crisis.

  12. Funny, when the borders are 'open', we in Lakewood gain. Now it's cleaning ladies. Another time it's your friend from Toronto who married a girl from Montreal and is trying to apply for a Green Card.
    Yet we insist on voting against our own interests.

    1. Funny it's beyond you.
      For most of us (the better crowd),there is more to life than convenience

    2. I know. We have values and principles, and not allowing immigrants in is one of them.

      The rest of us are Jewish, and have Taryag Mitzvos and Nach to guide us. None of which says, 'do not allow hungry people searching for opportunity to enter your country'. In fact, I seem to remember the exact opposite somewhere.

    3. Strawman,Ahh.
      Went from pushing cleaning ladies to '" not allow hungry people searching for opportunity to enter your "
      We're supposed to allow anyone who 'claims to be hungry' to enter Israel also?

      But taking advantage of your host country for simple convenience has been a-ok for you?

    4. I am saying 'vote your own interests because nobody else will'.
      You gain from more cleaning ladies, you gain from liberal immigration policies, you gain from better regulation.
      Do it for yourself.
      Like when you choose a brand of noodles in the store, you choose the one that is good for you.

    5. There are plenty out there who will .
      Practically,check out around results when whole populations devolve to all"vote your own interests because nobody else "
      Hardly very pretty.That's if they even survive.

    6. Most Jews I know live by the shulchan aruach, not taryag mitzvos and nach. "taryag mitzvos and nach to guide us" sounds like you don't believe in torah she baal peh.

    7. you gain from better regulation Right. Those endless covid lockdowns and mask rules were phenomenal. We all gained so much from them. So many lives were saved by Cuomo's red zones It's just amazing that those anti-science conservatives opposed them.

    8. Would you let 5M illegals into Israel? Did I hear you say no? So why should we let them in to the US?

  13. "If Biden gets in, you're going to have a recession the likes of which you've never seen. You'll be lucky if you even have a country left" President Trump, July 2020

    “I don’t know anybody that’s worried about inflation!” Joe Biden July 2020

  14. The planning board approval is slap in the face to the seniors and all Lakewood residents who will be sitting in parking lots of Lakewood roads. Rav Feivel Cohen ztl asked to go to bais din but he was ignored. The people will suffer from this.

    1. Why did the neighbors not go to be mocheh?

    2. Has the traffic near the Chase mall gotten worse since the new stores opened up? Honestly, no. The real traffic issues in town are near Route 9/The lake and New Central.

    3. Parking there is horrendous.

    4. What planet are you from?
      Traffic on Cedarbridge daily from 2-6 pm is a nightmare backed up to Clifton from New Hampshire.
      What are you talking about.?

  15. The traffic issues in town are not limited to any 2-3 roads. It is literally all over that you can’t move. Go back under the sand.
