Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Understanding The Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and others.

The collapse
How did we get to this point? 

As its name suggests, the bank portrayed itself as focused on the leading edge of technology. And it served thousands of tech firms. Yet SVB invested their money in something much less exciting, as Paul Krugman wrote: U.S. bonds, effectively I.O.U.s from the federal government.

Because the federal government has always paid its bills, U.S. bonds are widely considered the safest investment. SVB’s experience shows there are moments when even these safe investments may not pay off. The details get technical, but they’re worth unpacking to understand what went wrong.

Bonds are effectively money that the government borrows from buyers — the public — before paying them back later, with interest. Market conditions and the Federal Reserve, America’s central bank, help determine that interest rate.

When SVB bought bonds, interest rates were very low. Since then, the Federal Reserve, which sets certain influential rates, increased those to combat rising prices. Now, new bonds can carry interest multiple times higher than those SVB bought.

Imagine, then, that you want to buy bonds today. You would want the newer bonds because they have a higher payout. So when SVB needed to sell bonds, to raise cash that it could use for its customers’ withdrawals, it could do so only for a discount, taking a loss.

The bank failed to follow basic financial advice: Diversify your portfolio. “It’s not fraud,” said Joseph Gagnon, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “But it’s an extremely risky, and obviously risky, strategy.”

In the past few weeks, venture capitalists and other wealthy customers on social media and in private chats started discussing concerns that SVB could no longer pay its depositors. Some began to move their money out of the bank, and the situation spiraled quickly. “Once you start asking, ‘Are we having a bank run?,’ it’s too late,” my colleague David Enrich, a business editor, said.

A regulatory failure
Financial regulations are supposed to stop these kinds of crises. But Silicon Valley Bank’s problems were not caught until it was too late — which many experts say was a result of insufficient oversight. (Here’s what to know about how your own money is covered.)

Under pressure from banks in 2018, Congress passed bipartisan legislation that Donald Trump signed into law shielding smaller banks, like SVB, from more stringent rules. The banks argued that they were so small that they posed little risk to the broader financial system.

SVB’s collapse and the aftermath suggest the banks’ claims were wrong: Even smaller bank failures can threaten the financial system as a whole, prompting some experts — but not all — to call for the federal government to get more involved.
The Morning Newsletter/NYT


  1. Thank you for posting about what actually occurred
    I guess there's such a thing as playing it too safe

  2. As we've seen from the past few years, the NYT is not a credible news source.

  3. Svb was brought down by social media. This is why we should all stay away from social media.

  4. 16th largest bank, is not a small bank

  5. The system is socialism for the rich.

    And Capitalism

    They get both
    Those guys fool everyone screaming against socialism (for others)

    If the gov't gets rid of risk by saving these honchos
    then the institution should be non profit or gov't owned

    We all agree that

    Risk = Profit

    All the media hock of danger to the system is total propaganda scare .In order for the public to accept saving them


  6. If So make a National Bank
    Secure,Non Profit that is like Germany
    They want the advantage of the milking the public & still be their private pocket

    Chutzpah . Regurgitated propaganda
    The extorting Rich were,will be ,& are, robbers
    Including too many from among us

  7. Proves how false the crony system is
    The sheer impudence
    The Rich will make the masses shell out to save them.Those masses who they stepped on.And plan to step more.

    Explains how come so many turn from necessity to socialism & communism

  8. 7. Every Nisayon that a person gets from Hashem & passes, brings him closer & closer to Hashem & every test that a person experiences gets harder & harder, but a person can never ask Hashem why something bad is happening, because we all know that if a person was not able to pass a test then Hashem would never give it to him. Nothing in the world will effect a person of Bitachon, no matter what happens, cause he knows that everything Hashem does is for the good. Do you know what the reward for being a person of Faith & trust is? The reward is worth more then all the money in the world, the reward is the gift of Happiness, you get to be the happiest person in the world cause nothing in the world will effect you. Now can you tell me a better reward then that?.

    There are many other shocking wake up call messages directly from Hashem relating to this topic of the economy market crashing C”V and we should not be in need of these wake up calls from Hashem. If you want more shocking messages DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM on this topic just reply to send more cause these shocking messages above were already sent back in 2008 when the economy market crashed.

    May we all wake up and accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov

  9. https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/03/14/when-banks-and-other-institutions-try-to-change-the-world/#

  10. Mr cohen we missed you
