Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday 12 Adar March 5th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 55° Sunny to partly cloudy. High around 55F. 

Fast of Taanis Esther begins tomorrow morning at 5:03 am fast is over 6:24 pm. It is customary to extend the fast until after קריאת המגילה

- Potential snow flurries purim night and day

Phoenix house fire update The tragic house fire in Phoenix on Wednesday night killed a father and his four children, zichronam livracha. Shimon Boyer (52) and his sons Nachman (8) and Dov Ber (7) were pronounced deceased instantly. Two other children, Tamar Tzadika (11) and Shevach Tzion Yisroel (9), were placed on life support and niftar over Shabbos. The levaya took place Sunday at 2:00 p.m.  at Beth Israel Cemetery Phoenix, AZ 85009. The entire Phoenix Jewish community came together for the levayah as hundreds gathered to mourn the tragedy. “From every shul, all the schools, the high school, the yeshiva, the day school, the caregivers, tutors, friends and the office workers from the schools as well. We have never seen such a tragedy, and the entire community is in shock. The sight of five hearses lined up was overwhelming.( Hamodia)

- House Majority speaker Kevin McCarthy will pay a visit today to the town of New Square and will meet with the Skver Rebbe at 4pm.

- Thousands attend hespedim tonight in Mir Yeshiva for the first YRtzeit of Rav Chaim Kanievsky ztl among the Maspidim  Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita (Kollel Rashbi)

- Israeli pilots in the IDF call for insubordination  as 37 out of 40 pilots from the 69th fighter squadron have become the latest reservists to join the protests against the government's judicial overhaul. Earlier El Al pilots refuse to fly PM Netanyahu for  a state visit to Rome later this week.

- Moadim L'simcha Pesach order deadline today for Lakewood info see  Here

- Erev purim shopping large crowds at the wine stores and supermarkets 

- TTFY Adirei Hatorah Fundraiser today in Florida with the attendance of all Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva.

- Purim night learning at BMG seder on Bais Sholom 830 - 9:45 followed by the purim tish in Bais Aaron. There will be a section designated for supporters of the adirei Hatorah. Maariv in all botei medrashim Purim night 6:44 pm Krias Megillah at 7:08

- Decision tomorrow  on Lang Lawsuit: The decision of the Appellate Division will be on Monday and it is going to be published in the NJ court reports. The decision will have a significant impact, not only on Lakewood, but on Toms River, Brick, Jackson and other towns with large numbers of nonpublic students.Happy Purim!, Aaron Lang

- B"M Arlington will have a seder limud Purim day for Bochurim and Youngeleit with מתן שכרה בצידה from 9:45am - 11:45 am up to $200 staggered.

- Minyan for entire sefer Tehillim purim morning at Kol Aryeh 6:00 am 

Kupas Hair refalling off a talis worn by Rav Chaim Kanievsky to all donors who contribute to the matanos Levyonim Kupat Ha'ir will iy"H be holding a special lottery for the tallis in which Maran Sar HaTorah ztvk"l himself davened. Whoever gives $111 in matanos l'evyonim to Kupat Ha'ir is eligible for entry into the lottery. The special letter that his son HaGaon Rabbi Yitzchak Shaul Kanievsky shlit"a wrote says as follows: "BS"D Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar 5783 With this I confirm that the tallis gadol which is found at Kupat Ha'ir is the tallis gadol – it is the tallis that our father, our master, our teacher, and our Rav Maran HaGaon zllh"h davened with it tefillas Shacharis a few days before he went up in a storm to the Heavens on Adar Aleph 5783, and by his instructions we are giving it to Kupat Ha'ir for the donors".

The 2.3 million kiddush hashem at American Dream Water Park construction

see other videos below


  1. Bmg also gave up on the Cedarbridge mall and took a financial loss because it would have been bad for kids.

    1. Not because it would be bad. Because the benai Torah said if they continue with it they are leaving BMG. BMG was ready to go through with it.

  2. After he lost his pants he's fetching a talis

  3. For $5000 a ticket my mosod is raffling off a chance to make Kiddush Levona on the same moon that Rav Chaim Kaneivsky and the Lubavitcher Rebbe both used to make Kiddush Levona on.

    1. This is in the spirit of Purim and kosher funny.

  4. R' MT Bergman is not the RY of Ponovezh. Rav Shach insisted that he not have a shteller there as not to have family chazokos.
    ואין כאן מקומו להאריך

  5. The charedim were on target all along after all
    The IDF is basically secularist politics
    Traditional or religious soldiers get punished for minute infractions by comparison

    {Israeli pilots in the IDF call for insubordination as 37 out of 40 pilots from the 69th fighter squadron have become the latest reservists to join the protests against the }

    Lock Them Up

  6. They have to crack down hard
    They used to term this-
    An Altalena moment
