Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Wednesday March 22 News Update Lakewood

 Weather: 62° Cloudy skies. High 62F. Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5783

- Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg struggling to get votes for Trump indictment  as jurors doubting case. 

- Pedestrian struck on Madison and Courtney by Bais Faiga transported to hospital and alert 

- The Federal Reserve raised the interest rate by a quarter point to curb inflation despite the banking turmoil. The New 5% rate will be the highest since September 2007.

- Shatnez Alert notice by Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez Olami Nisson 5783: Garments sold in Jewish-owned stores require shatnez testing. A brand label of a woolen men's suit purchased at Emporio, Shatnez was discovered in the handkerchief pocket after being thoroughly tested at a professional shatnez laboratory. One cannot rely on salesmen regarding shatnez.

- A Seudas Rosh Chodesh will take place in Lakewood tomight for donors of TTFY to support the Adirei Hatorah, the kollel youhgeleit of BMG. 

- Trump indictment expected today or tomorrow 

- Bris took place today in Yerushalayim for Yonassan Refoel Palei with singing and dancing following the loss of 2 sons r"l in a terror attack.

- Verizon is continuing to fight in Superior Court against a lawsuit which seeks to overturn their Lakewood Zoning Board approval of a cell tower facility on Clifton Avenue. The lawsuit was filed by neighbors on the block. FAAnews

- Kashrus alert: Grapefruits from Israel are being sold in Costco they have kedushas Shviis and should not be purchased.

- Following a tense hearing on Friday, Ocean County Assignment Judge rules that Lake Terrace may continue to hold weddings pending approval of the Lakewood Zoning Board. However, their existing court ordered restraints will remain in place as Judge Hodgson denied a motion to reconsider and lift the court orders. More on Faanews 

- COVID update: Effective April 1, 2023, please be advised that the Ocean County Health Department will no longer distribute and post the weekly COVID case updates on the OCHD website and our social media outlets. The Ocean County Health Department concluded that the key factors are the changing state of the pandemic evidenced by a consistent decline in overall COVID cases and deaths. In addition, the Ocean County region experienced a significant drop in pandemic status from moderate to low according to the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) weekly surveillance report. 

- A letter, signed by Rav Gershon Edelstein, and Rav Dov Landau, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka  calls for tefillos for Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita in need of a refuah shleima name is Moshe Illel ben Mindel. 

- Prosecutors in the special counsel's office have presented compelling preliminary evidence that former President Donald Trump knowingly and deliberately misled his own attorneys about his retention of classified materials per ABC News.

- Flight attendants pushing to not allow lap children under 2 to fly in parents arms due to safety concerns they are pushing airlines to require babies to have their own seats,

Rep. Matt Gaetz If I were Governor of Florida, I would not allow any Floridian to be hauled before a Soros-backed prosecutor in a blue city over politics. I wouldn’t make an exception to not protect the President of the United States.  

Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi In B"M Lutzk

Video: משנכנס אדר משנכנס ניסן


  1. Video is very enlightening. Thank you

  2. If you would understand foreign languages, you would absolutely cringe to hear yourself described by the body parts you're getting referred to in your face.
