Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Oif Simchas Wednesday ט' אדר


Altman - Adler Lake Terrace
Rosenman - Hauer Fountain Ballroom 

Pre purim farbrengen at Mordy's Shtiebel 9:30


  1. Unless you want your kid to be exposed to OTD's, drugs, drinking, viewing inappropriate material, stay faaaaar away from mordy's shtieble

    1. Not so simple to put down an entire Shul like that, there are plenty of beautiful Minyanim there, you can warn people to be careful, but I'd be careful what you write...

  2. Bashers will always be bashers
    Stay out of west gate no explanation needed
    Stay away from satmar who knows who is there
    Stay away from bmg there are alot of older bochurim
    Stay away Ok so u Stay away and keep your mouth Closed and we will have a better place

  3. Just the fact that they every month daven Hallel with live instruments is reason enough that the place should be shut down. What kind of twisted Rav can allow this? No true Ben Torah that I am aware of. For sure not in the spirit of Rav Aaron!

    1. Hmmm. Something tells me that they're not pretending to be in the spirit of R Aharon.

    2. So you don't have to Daven there, or Daven by another Minyan on Rosh Chodesh.

  4. I think r Aaron would daven there if it was around in his days.

  5. If the westgate juveniles had a place like this growing up maybe snaps would be safe . .

  6. Yeah but I’m wg you can’t build any shul even a normal one.
