Monday, March 20, 2023

Monday March 20 News Updates

Weather: 52° A mainly sunny sky

Jackson planning board Approves Bais Yaakov of Jackson application. School Board Member Aaron Rottenberg previously told neighbors that this school is only for Lakewood students. Tonight, Bais Faiga Administrator Rabbi Yosef Posen told the Board that this school will serve Jackson students. Mr. Rottenberg stated that the schools will not include banquet halls, however he did not agree to place a deed restriction prohibiting such uses on the property.
Full story at Faanews 

- Tonight at Jackson zoning board Application for  2,500 student school campus off Jackson Mills Rd was carried after large crowd attends hearing. The devopers requested to come back with revised plans that don't need variences and is a by right application. FAA News

The developers of a 200,000+ sq foot school campus with 4 schools for a total of 2,500 students on Chandler Road and Jackson Mills Road tonight requested that the Jackson Township Planning Board adjourn the hearing on their application as the application (which seeks variances) drew a large crowd from interested parties.

- Trump indictment could land as early as Monday, sending law enforcement scrambling
A grand jury is expected to charge Trump late Monday or Wednesday, according to three people involved in the deliberations.(Politico)

- Legislative Democrats are poised to fast-track legislation to restore $102 million in aid to school districts that would have seen cuts under Gov. Phil Murphy’s proposed FY2024 budget plan.

- Shidduch crisis campaign a  string of professional written letters posted on various media outlets highliting the plight of those in shidduchim awaiting their bashert. The campaign is in order to lower the age of boys stating shidduchim. At a meeting in Lakewood a fee weeks ago that included Rav Elya Ber and others an idea was discussed on eliminating a grade in Mesivta or Bais medrash to have the bochurim start shidduchim earlier and lower the age gap between boys and girls starting the parsha of shidduchim.

- Dekal counter covers for Pesach is back with a new and improved product with a adhesive that easily comes off. Last year there eas a issue  with the sticky residue stuck on marble and other counters. B"h the issue was fixed for this year.

- First day of spring begins today  March 20 at 5:24 p.m. Ritas will be giving out free ices at all their locations today as they open for the season. 

- Steel barricades arriving outside  Manhattan Criminal Court today ahead of a possible indictment of  former president Donald Trump

- Lakewood poskim issue call for people to check for a proper ishur when giving tzedakah after recent cases of gneivos by unscrupulous individuals  

- JCP&L requested a review  by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities for a  rate increase of  $185 million investment that strengthens the energy grid, enhances the customer experience and funds new low-income and senior citizen customer assistance programs. customers would see a 7.5% percent overall rate increase – or $8.45 monthly which is $101 annually.

- Bun Burger moving to new Location on Lakewood/Toms River border by Chestnut and Route 9 

-Rally tomorrow in Toms River in support of Donald Trump at the Lets go Brandon store off Rt 37

-  Emergency Passport Appointments Reinstated at US Embassy in Israel which will help US couples get passports for newborns

- Bochurim begin returning from Eretz Yisrael for Pesach bein hazmanim some stay untill Rosh Chodesh, BMG farhers begin hundreds expected to join for next zman 


  1. Honestly they let whoever wants from EY come around and collect. All you need is a pulse and a heartbeat to get an isshur it became a free for all. They get free food from local eateries and Simchas. Some of them act like real animals and think that if we have no cash we have tons of credit cards loaded with millions of $$$. They think we’re money machines. However I do know some of them come from some real unfortunate circumstances. There needs to be a better vetting process.

    1. Or you could just not give any of them. Aniyei ircha kodem

    2. An old neighbor of mine told be she personally knows someone that comes to America every year since their children are born and collects for a down payment for an apartment for the newborn. Then they rent it out until the child gets married. By then, most if not all of the apartment is paid off. She said (years ago) that he already owned 7 apartments for their children by coming in and collecting hachnasas kallah. Since I heard that, even though I still give, I feel in my heart a feeling that I hope it's legit.

    3. 'Or you could just not give any of them.'
      You could be mechuyav to give. even a pittance, like a nickel

    4. Unbelievable how a Halacha is distorted. When people don't want to give Tzedaka, they say 'Aniyei Ircha'. Not that these people give a nickel to aniyei ircha either. It is just an excuse not to give.
      Sad how people are influenced so badly by the Goyim to hate Tzedaka.

  2. Scathing letters regarding the shidduch crisis and the age gap on several frum websites. It seems that the crisis is finally reaching a tipping point. The writers are requesting that people respectfully approach the roshei yeshiva over bain hazmanim and tell them what they and their daughters are going through. The deafening silence etc. Askonim are saying that this is the only way to get things moving. See Mr. Gary Barnett's plea at the end of this video

  3. Why don't we post the fake ishur AND the photos of these Tzedaka theifs ??

    1. Problem is the ishur is real!


    Hashem already setup your sons and everyone else’s son/daughter zivug 40 days before they were even born. Forget about the fact that now they are holding at around 20 or so years later since they were born. Hashem has their zivug waiting for them and can send it to your son/daughter immediately but is just waiting for each person involved in shidduchim to do their RUCHNIUS hishtadlus of Bitachon and Emunah(faith and trust in Hashem) together with Tefillos/Prayers.

    Mrs. Seminary girl,/Mr. Learning/working boy Are YOU doing your RUCHNIUS hishtadlus? Not just your gashmius hishtadlus of dating and speaking to shadchanim etc….?

    Start turning directly to Hashem for help in all your needs, especially shidduchim that they say is a bigger miracle than the splitting of the Yam suf.

  5. Again is there anyone who is familiar with kreshefski matzah being sold by bingo?? Are they legitimate? Lasfukey the Gross Matzos they sell which use foot pedals & go through a hand operated press and baked on a conveyor belt

    1. A Badatz hechser. says shmura so what is the shailo?

    2. Which hechsher does it have? Have you tried contacting the hechsher?

  6. Some have become very aggressive in shuls and harass older people disturbing them by davening to no end. There has to be a set of rules that are accepted you can't have a old yid bullied to no end with no there to look out for him.

    1. So the Gabbaim of the Shuls who see a super-aggressive Meshulach should approach his driver and tell him that he needs to stop bringing that meshulach. This is no excuse for the Sedom rule of no meshulachim.

    2. The biggest problem is with the young bochrim coming. They have a tendency to be very aggressive and many of them are up to no good. Who is sending them here unsupervised?

  7. I think it's time for tomche tzedaka to only authorize their own credit card machines, and have the ability to shutdown the machines if a user is found to be unworthy, and more than that, in an emergency situation to withhold funding too.

  8. It is said when someone told the sanzer rav he needed to check out the aniyim coming to him because they know about a faker who he gives to he replied "you rather withhold money from 9 worthy people so the one cheat doesn't get, I rather give 9 cheats so I won't have said no to the 1 poor man with them.

  9. Close the freezer now

    1. Lock everyone in the freezer?
