Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday March 12 News Updates

 Weather: 45° Mainly cloudy. High around 45F. Tonight & Tomorrow heavy rain. Tuesday snow in the forecast with gusty winds.

- Please daven for Rebbetzin Yocheved Paler, who was hit by a vehicle together with her daughter in Lakewood, NJ and was hospitalized. The Rebbetzin is a daughter of Rav Gavriel Ginsburg zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel of Toronto. She is a noted mechaneches and a beloved teacher at Shiras Devorah High School in Lakewood. The accident happened Friday night at River Avenue and Chestnut Street in Lakewood as mother and daughter were walking. Both were taken to Jersey Shore Medical Center in Neptune. (Matzav)

- Update: Second Bank closed: Regulators close New York's Signature bank, citing systemic risk”… depositors will have access to their funds tomorrow. No losses to the taxpayers. Many locals have money deposited there.

- לקיים בנו חכמי ישראל Tehillim for Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita who came down with Pneumonia on top of his other health issues and condition has worsened. Name is Moshe Hillel Ben Mindal

-Mike Pence: "History will hold Donald Trump accountable for January 6"

- Bde: perirah of Rebbetzin Deena Weinberg a"h wife of Rav Noach Weinberg ztl of Aish. Levaya tonight at the nome in Kiryat Sanz in Yerushalayim 

- Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday that the federal government would not bail out Silicon Valley Bank, but is working to help depositors who are concerned about their money. Elon Musk said he is open to buying the bank.

- Lakewood PD: Rt 88 closed between Clover St & Linden Ave due to downed pole. Avoid the area. Expect delays.

- Gas prices shoot up in the Lakewod area by 25 cents a gallon over past 10 days.

- Pesach aisles and sections open in local supermarkets.

- New York State Department of Health is urging all New Yorkers planning travel this spring to Israel and other countries with circulating poliovirus to get fully immunized against polio and to follow CDC recommendations for such travel.

- Bochurim returning home from E"Y

Today Pre Yom Tov shabbos shoe sale at the Toras Aron gym 500 summer avenue from 11-5 selling large selection of boys and girls shabbos shoes sizes 22-42 $35 a pair.

- Real estate several residential homes in Lakewood go on market asking for over $3 Million

- NJ division of civil rights and law against discrimination will hold a webinar in Lakewood  at the Strand theater this week  March 16 to discuss bias and discrimination. 

Pesach list 5783 by Rabbi Yudel Shain




  2. There's alot of frum money that was lost in this bank and in a ponzi scheme in Lakewood

  3. Let SVB collapse.
    The countries who followed suit were soon enough better off afterwards

    1. Signature Bank in New York once had a close business relationship with the Trump family with Ivanka serving on the bank’s board of directors from 2011-2013, but the bank severed ties with President Trump and closed his accounts in protest of the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol and called for his resignation. Two years later Signature Bank collapsed and was taken over by regulators.

  4. I think it collapsed because it brought so much tumah to the world. So much unfiltered internet, smartphones, Tesla’s which are unfiltered etc.

  5. What makes America great, in part, and there are so many reasons (like the risk the Founders took in putting all executive power in one single man, separate from the legislature, without risk to liberty. When the Romans did that, they ended up with an emperor), is the First Amendment. It goes back to the Zenger case in 1735 when a publisher criticized the royal governor, and was found not guilty because he told the truth.

    Every country puts a "but" before "freedom of speech," even England when it comes to criticizing the King. Not us.

    BTW The King of England still has all the constitutional power that every king had in the past. The only difference is that the ruling party in Parliament today has a clearly defined leader thanks to the two-party system, which springs from district representation-second place is nothing in your district like in America's Congress-and that ensures just two parties, the victor determining who becomes the prime minister, so that the King is not needed as much as in the 1700s.

    BTW The English has done something remarkable. They have the greatest monarchy in the world, perhaps one of the greatest ever, and yet the King's government is the most democratic in the world ).

    Also I am so sick of those who say "make America great again." America is great. Alway has been, and always will be. At least in our lifetimes. A Lang

    1. Technically.
      The King can be abolished on simple whim of Parliament. Some Constitution.

      In Canada they would need all the provincial gov't to agree as well at least to abolish his pseudo monarchy.
      Furthermore, his room to maneuver is so small, many term the royal family little better than a golden prison.

    2. Parliament actually did abolish the monarchy in the 1640s. They needed to reestablish it again. Today, the parties are unified enough to rally behind a leader.

      One of the great advantages of the two-party system is that it is election oriented, meaning that it is like the Yankees and Mets. There historically has been little difference between the parties because it is the candidates that take stances on issues. The parties are there just to get their members elected. In a multi-party system, the parties are issue oriented.

      Our system is better because America is great, still is, and always was. No, really, it is better because since the parties need to attract as many voters as possible, they tend to be centrist. Except for what we are seeing today, where so many people even question the whole legitimacy of the American experience, (a bunch of Commies), the parties did not allow their candidates to take extreme positions.

      This is another thing that makes America great. Stability. Jefferson's greatest achievement, of so many, was when he became president, when the new party took over, very few laws were repeal, government ran smoothly from one administration to the next. This, together with the interstate commerce clause and Gibbons v Odgen, ensured that America will become the worlds greatest economy. However, when government changes policy from one party in power to the next, investment suffers. Hence the advantage of the two-party system.

      My foreing policy professor , RObert Divine, used to say, the policy of America was stablity. The policy of the Commies (Russia) was instablity. It still is.

    3. You're nicely parroting college text.
      Very boxed, superficial,simplistic,& Retro- Neo con centrism.

      Iirc many like the noted prof. Peter Hoggs would
      pontificate that Canada was about stability by comparison while the US was relatively about (individual;state) rights & freedom

  6. Mr.Lang ,You should be blessed
    That aside,Was the purpose of the lecture that Trump is bringing America to it's ruin?Or Biden?K Harris?
    Some others?
    It remains very foolish to state " America is great. Alway has been, and always will be" when most Americans including those who are experienced already dispute it
    & Even more foolish to predict from here onwards

    1. If you are talking about our technological capability, yes, we are not even close to what we were in the 1960s. There is no way we can build the Saturn V today. Our cars are just now become as powerful as the old GTOs and Chevy 454s. But if you are talking about T. Roosevelt's and Captain Mahan's vision of American power, we are stronger than ever. We have a unified alliance in Europe that has Russia in a weaker position than ever. We dominate almost most every industry. Our kids never had as much opportunity. We have more freedom than ever before. Like I said, the only thing that has regressed was our capability to go into space.

      Now that I am commenting, the reason why kings do not have as much power today is because government now requires billions of dollars. Elizabeth I rarely called for a parlaiment because she knew that it would only authorize spending under its own conditions. She govern with a minimal amount of money. The power of the purse is foundation of modern government.

      I am not interested in Commies like those who attacked our Congress. Congress is the sovereign branch of government.

      Stupid people for centuries, even Andrew Jackson (one of our greatest though), complained about the elites. He had it out for the national bank, which gave stability to the dollar as Hamilton intended. Let's face it, the Founding Fathers were the most educated.

      Which also brings me to another point. Marx, the Commie, held that the workers would take over from the property owners. But he was supposed to be a student of Hegel and Hegel held that the two competing groups in a society merge into a new group. The workers and property owners merged into the professional class. It is the professional class that runs America. The whole premise of Communist Revolution was anti-Hegelian and missed the mark.

      And for all ya'll who don't think America is great, we are sick of people who hate our country.

      Where else can ONE MAN, with a cause, and in the name of justice, without followers or an army, can fight against all others and defeat the full might of the state, or even national government?

    2. Goodness.You are stuck in 1920

      Kings ,like the French,managed fine didn't have to call the Estates general.They ruled without it from 1614.Till the Revolution.

      The puritan inspired revolution forced the English Monarchy to be inherently different.Kicking & Screaming

      America is so far removed nowadays from that puritan antecedents that you may as well reference the Merovingians

      Hegelian trajectory doesn't have to end in a synthesis of what existed previous.A new better edifice can be impelled to be built on self destructive ruins.
      [Wicked] Marx's
      attacks were far reaching,comprehensive,and with much basis.
      Communism is badly wrong fortunately,but not at all because your contentions

    3. Who Defines When & if 'America is great'
      Manifest Destiny updated?
      For perpetuity?!
      Even erstwhile decent countries eventually went off the rails & haywire.
      Better arguably than what the US has presently become [We all hope it can be turned back around.The odds are however against]
      eg Ask German Jews in 1932 if their country was great.
      Wager on the answer?

      FWIW Many populations in their countries believe they are really great.Without the chest thumping.

    4. The Americans and Roman thought of their country as exceptional. Hence American Exceptionalism. Germany is just another country, and barbarian. Although the Prussians created the renowned general staff, that is their only invention in government. Otherwise, they never had anything even close to the stable democracy that America and England had for centuries. Like the rest of the world, they always need a strong leader. Even Kant, arguably the greatest philosopher since Plato, when it came to political theory, is blown away by Locke and J.S. Mill.

      They used to say that the French did not need officers in war because everyone knew how to fight and the Americans did not need officers during peace because every American knew how to govern (which was the premise of Jackson's spoils system).


    5. Blown away by Locke and J.S. Mill"

      Agree to disagree .

    6. If the French stopped successfully fighting in 1870
      Did Americans stop successful governing after the Reconstruction

    7. Rabbi Cohen, You were wrong to say America is a long distance from its Puritanical roots. America is built upon both the drive for opportunity and the pursuance of an ideal (religious, moral, ethical, whatever). I side with TR over Wilson, but it is the same thing, national interest against the ideal. These two driving forces trace to Virginia (money) and Massachusetts (religion). Little has changed. You said I am not in the 1920s but history teaches you about the past, today and tomorrow. America is no different than it was in colonial times. The vision of opportunity and idealism has not diminished.

    8. In a way. The Court created 14th amendment substantive due process which essentially gave it the power to take sovereignty away from the people on those issues. It still does it.

      Still, America is great. Any one of us, especially in Lakewood, would respect the responsibilities of public trust to the best of our ability and avoid as much undue personal conflict as possible.

      I learned form Rabbi Yukesiel Weinstein that when you worked for BMG (I ran the lunchroom on Shabbos), you make anything your job. You just do what needs to be done. There were no bosses. You go, like anyone else in Yeshiva, beyond the call of duty.


    9. Options, with overlap:
      1. The arc of the next decade bends against your wishfulness. More likely scenario. And that is when disillusionment sets in. Feel free to meet quite an amount in every age group
      2. The arc of the next decade bends along with your anticipations.
      The odds are heavily against ,but if it does play out we will both be very happy.Halevai.
      If interestingly the second alternative does come somehow to pass it will be as much because of the influence of the jeremiads and forewarning of the realists as the unbridled sweet dreams of bright-eyed tassel and gown dressers

      You treat American political legal Theory as an Ends.A faulty premise (and no, this is not "living tree" jurisprudence). Which was never intended to be. The intent of the Founders and theorists was not to die unfulfilled and buried in the ground like a carcass. Nor should we.

      A "City upon a hill" indeed.
      At best it was intended to be a bridge and an early stage construction of the edifice to bring us all to the next level.

  7. When The corruption Madoff happened the famous line going around the world was:

    What's a person's money worth after they leave this temporary physical world? It's not even worth counterfeit or monopoly money, it's completely worthless. What do you think the niftars children will do with it? buy a Sefer Torah in the zechus of the Neshama?

    Let's all remind ourselves who really runs the entire world Hashem our loving father and king of kings ruler of the world and sometimes we need reminders and wake up calls directly from Hashem above.

    May we all wake up to the wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov.

  8. Proves how false the crony system is
    The sheer impudence
    The Rich will make the masses shell out to save them.Those masses who they stepped on

    Explains how so many turn to socialism
