Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday March 31 Shabbos Hagadol News Updates

 Erev shabbos Hagadol 5783 Friday March 31
- Candle lighting 7:02 pm
- Shkiah/Sunset 7:20 pm
Weather today 59° overcast, rain tonight,shabbos day rain in morning  thunderstorms with wind gusts 4o mph Chance of rain 80%. 

- Bingo sale case of 15 dozen eggs $38

- LFD adds Westgate location for chometz burning, not in dumpsters

- Donald Trump is expected to be arraigned in Manhattan criminal court at around 2:15 pm on Tuesday

- Former Vice President Mike Pence:  
"The unprecedented indictment of a former president of the U.S. for a campaign finance issue is an outrage and I think it's clear to the overwhelming majority of the American people this is nothing short of a political prosecution."

- Biden asked to respond to unprecedented indictment of top opponent, responds ‘I have no comment’

- Shabbos hagadol drashos in all shuls.Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita will deliver a drasha 5:15pm @ B"M Ateres Yeshaya

- Minhag Hayeshiva to say all יוצרות שבת הגדול after chazoras hashatz shachris before kadish

- Famous Brooklyn bakery in Meah shearim will be closing its doors today for the last time after 30 years.

- At the Jackson township meeting this week a resident held a copy of the new magazine for the frum community and asked a planning why the planing board member is also an editor.

- Shomrei Hachomos Pushka truck will be in the Ridge area this afternoon 

-Yated Ne'eman newspaper prints Pesach issue for this week.

- Rav Yisroel Goldblatt shlita will deliver shiur at B"M Lutzk today 1:00 pm

Hagolas Keilim for the public this Sunday at NPGS Jackson location 3-6pm

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