Friday, March 17, 2023

Friday March 17 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, March 17, 2023 / כ״ד אדר תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת ויקהל-פקודי  פר' החודש מברכים חודש ניסן

Candle lighting 6:45 pm

shkiah/sunset 7:05 pm

weather 61° cloudy skies this afternoon. Slight chance of an afternoon shower. tonight 40° Chance of rain 50%. shabbos day hi of 53

Rosh chodesh Nissan in Thursday

- Flashback 3 Years ago this erev Shabbos:
Bringing in the shabbos- From Lakewood to Monsey, to Flatbush and Boro Park, and many other areas in between and afar, neighbors have arranged to go to there front porches at a prearranged time to be mekabel Shabbos and sing Lcha Dodi together, bring a Shabbosdige taam to their homes and neighborhood. Everyone is reminded to remain on their own porches with appropriate social distancing.

- Heinz Ketchup is Kosher L' pesach this year with  no חשש קטניות. It has a Tartikov Hechsher and from Badatz of London KF. The bottle says special Passover edition.

- Shuls resume schedules of early shabbos minyanim as the long Fridays begin with day light savings time

- Tehillim for Slabodka Rosh Yeshivah Hagaon Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsh Shlita has been hospitalized again with pneumonia name is Moshe Hillel Ben Mindel.

-Talmidim of Rav Elya Svei zatzal will gather this shabbos to commemorate his yahrzeit a a shalosh seudos at Central court shul in Lakewood

- There will be Controled Burns present in Ocean County, in the area of Route 571 in Jackson Township today. per the OC Sheriff 

- El Al has added a washing cup for netilas yadayim in the lavatory on the NY=Tel Aviv route

- Kollel Network Ateres Shlomo in EY denied rumors it had money in the banks that were shut down. The delay in kollel checks is technical and will be distributed Sunday to the avreichim.

- YouTube restores Trump's channel — Axios

- Chinese President Xi Jinping will travel to Russia next week to hold talks with President Vladimir Putin,in an attempt to bring an end to the war with Ukraine

-  Turkey will ratify Finland's NATO bid, Erdogan says.

- Lakewood, NJ was selected as the biggest boomtown of New Jersey. Boomtowns are considered the fastest-growing cities in America due to rapid business and population growth. Change in population:1 year: 21.28% Change in occupied housing units: 1 year: 21.99% see more on Yahoo 

- A tiny Catskills resort town is playing host to a federal probe over voter fraud accusations — even as locals head to the polls next week, The Post has learned.

- US probing voter fraud accusations after  Residents of Fleischmann's, NY in the catskills claim that a pair of deep-pocketed property moguls have recruited seasonal renters to stuff the ballot box so they can get favorable treatment for their development plans. NYP

Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler returned home after going to England to partake in the chasuna of Rav Frand from the kehilas Chasam sofer in the Ridge area.

Video: מרבין בשמחה

Heinz Ketchup kosher for a pesach without kitniyos


  1. - El Al has added a washing cup for netilas yadayim in the lavatory on the NY=Tel Aviv route ElAL also has a program that gives you Zmanim in real time while you are flying

  2. First I need to convince my mother to use Leibers ketchup...

  3. Too bad Heinz couldn't get one serious hashgocho. 1+1=0

  4. New York: Kyras Joel
    Change in population:

    1 year: 25.43%

    5 years: 50.00%

    8 years: 56.74%

    Change in occupied housing units:

    1 year: 26.04%

    5 years: 50.81%

    8 years: 56.20%

    Change in owner-occupied housing units:

    1 year: 42.94%

    5 years: 94.01%

    8 years: 66.52%
