Saturday, March 11, 2023

Motzei shabbos Ki Sisa Lakewood

 Day light savings move clocks ahead tonight 1 hour. Some yeshivos will have a late start for shachris.

- Tehillim frum yid hit by a car Friday night in Los Angeles on way home from shul please daven for Yehuda Ben Sara Tziviya

- Melava malka & siyum hashas commemorating first yartzeit of Rav Yaakov Landau zt"l at B"M Chanichei hayeshivos the shuil will be renamed Ohel Yaakov. Divrei Zikaron By Rav Lipa geldwerth, Rav Yankel Nekritz and Rav Yechezkel Landau. 8:45 pm at 142 Holywood Drive

- Melava Malka Admor M'Woodridge at BM Michtav Sofer 1051 W. County Line 9:30 Pm

- Nes in Beitar Illit after a Arab terrorist attempted to blow up a bus by placing explosives underneath in the luggage compartment. Over shabbos in many shuls they said מזמור  לתודה thanking Hashem for the big nes. Th

- Late winter storm that has the potential to turn into a powerful nor’easter is expected to have a wide range of impact on the New Jersey region from early Monday morning through late Tuesday, according to weather forecasters.

-Tomorrow pre y"t shabbos shoe sale at the Toras Aron gym 500 summer avenue from 11-5 selling large selection of boys and girls shabbos shoes sizes 22-42 $35 a pair.

- Chasdei Hashem habachur Binyomin Ben Devorah who was hit on Cross street before Purim is alert and recognizing those around him. He is still in ICU and in need of tefillos.

- Analysts caution of Panic everywhere on Monday unless the FDIC does a system-wide guarantee. FDIC only has $124.5 Billion on its balance sheet and a $100 Billion line of credit. 
US banking system is +$22 Trillion. FDIC assets cover only 1.26% of deposits.

- The Howell Office of Emergency Management has outlined an evacuation area and routes for people within a one-mile radius of a site where nearly 300 drums containing possible hazardous materials were found last month. The plan would only be used in case of emergency regarding the materials. The epicenter is 15 Marl road see maps Here. The evacuation route includes Squamkum road.

NEW YORK (AP) — It was called Silicon Valley Bank, but its collapse is causing shockwaves around the world. From winemakers in California to startups across the Atlantic Ocean, companies are scrambling to figure out how to manage their finances after their bank suddenly shut down Friday. The meltdown means distress not only for businesses but also for all their workers whose paychecks may get tied up in the chaos.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Saturday that he’s talking with the White House to help “stabilize the situation as quickly as possible, to protect jobs, people’s livelihoods, and the entire innovation ecosystem that has served as a tent pole for our economy.”


  1. Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that your not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. And neither is the message from me an internet writer and businessman. The only honest answer is that it comes directly from Hashem above.


    1)In the Torah in the Parsha of Shemitta & Yovel, Hashem Guarantees & promises anyone that if they keep these Halachos they will always be taken care of. (either by getting double in the Sixth year or even having extra) Where is Shemitta & Yovel TODAY in the Diaspora? Where can we find this when outside of Israel is not even responsible for these Halachos? The answer is Hashem promises anyone that if he runs his business with %100 honesty (coming to work on time & not even a minute late, never using your office time to check your personal needs or the news on the computer, paying your employees on time etc...) he is guaranteed to always have money & never have the need to struggle to make ends meet. This is where we are holding today, for those of us that have been-& still are- honest, from before the economy started going downhill in the beginning of the century. They are the people that are guaranteed to make it through the economy-even- when it crashes.

    2)Why is the economy so bad today? Why is the whole world going down? For the past thousands of years there was always Avoda zara in the world-from the molech to the baal to the asheira tree etc...-todays avoda zara is MONEY, we are a servant to money, we serve money, we bow down to money, we let money talk & rule us. Thus we leave Hashem no choice but to take it away from us Rachmana L'tzlan. But you can still save yourself from going down. if a person can use his money the right way & remember that it all comes from Hashem & it was just loaned to him (even though he worked for it), then he is the perfect person to continue holding Hashem's money.

    3)Becoming a Baal Betuchen & Emuna (Faith & trust) is no simple matter. A person can't just say, let me have faith in hashem, it is a long & Difficult journey. Becoming a person of Betuchen & Emuna in Hashem is an average of a 30 year journey minimum. (not from when your born, but from when the journey starts) Do you know what these 30 years are? Only the first 10 percent of the journey is learning every mussar sefer in the world, the other 90 percent of the journey is passing every single Nisayon (test) with Ahava (love) etc... , from accidents to robberies to deaths Chas V'Shalom etc... A true person of Faith knows the mishna in pirkei Avos that says the good & bad is all for the good every minute of the day , 24-7. Every Nisayon that a person gets from Hashem & passes, brings him closer & closer to Hashem & every test that a person experiences gets harder & harder, but a person can
    never ask Hashem why something bad is happening, because we all know that if a person was not able to pass a test then Hashem would never give it to him. Nothing in the world will effect a person of Bitachon, no matter what happens, cause he knows that everything Hashem does is for the good. Do you know what the reward for being a person of Faith & trust is? The reward is worth more then all the money in the world, the reward is the gift of Happiness, you get to be the happiest person in the world cause nothing in the world will effect you. Now can you tell me a better reward then that?

    1. All that is quite nice, if it would be true.

      But now that we know that the economy is not crashing, and there is plenty of money in the Yiddishe tzibur, are we to deduce the opposite of your words?

  2. Are gevirim pulling out their money

  3. Now the useless agudah is hokking another stadium event

  4. Nah I keep 250k in each bank. Some cash at home (3-400k) and the rest is invested.
