Monday, March 13, 2023

Monday March 13 News Updates Lakewood

 weather: 45° Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. Tomorrow  Windy. Snow showers will mix with rain at times in the afternoon. High around 40F. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

- Heavy police  presence at Forest Ave and 4th street a suspect with a knife was arrested with the help of Lakewood shomrim.

- BDE: Petirah of  Harav Dovid Zev Ben Moshe Menachem Wicentowsky ZTL of Monsey, Levaya will be Tomorrow Morning  at Bais Medrash L"Torah Rav Feivelsohns yeshiva 10:45am  Kevura in Lakewood.

- Gov. Phil Murphy declared a state of emergency Monday in five counties expected to be hardest hit with snow from a nor’easter storm that will also bring heavy rain and wind gusts up to 45 mph through Tuesday morning. The state of emergency will go into effect at 8 p.m. in Bergen, Morris, Passaic, Sussex, and Warren counties.

- Livestream from Lizhensk Here

- Improvement in the condition of Rav Moshe Hillel hirsch shlita who was in the ICU please continue to daven for Moshe HIllel ben Mindel.

- Several New York politicians are renewing legislative pushes to have the state opt out of the twice-yearly time changes. and have reintroduced a bill to make daylight saving time permanent. 

- BDE: Julian Mirman z”l, a 62 year old known Frum Dr who was hit by a car in Los Angeles on Friday night while on the way home from Shul, has sadly passed away (Belaaz)

- Tomorrow at the Lakewood Planning board meeting  there will be several applications for big projects 
A new retail center at Cedarbridge park  for a total of 3 buildings with a total of 115,236 sq feet of retail shopping space with 25 stores and 571 parking spaces.

Beth Medrash Govoha of America Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision and Site Plan for a Planned Educational Campus with 6 apartment buildings and a daycare at the new property purchased from GCU

 118 Ocean Avenue, LLC Spruce and  Vine Avenue  Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan for a daycare 

- Signature bank was planning on opening a branch in Lakewood prior to it being shut down. Many local businesses and tzedakah organizations have assets and funds deposited there.

- Biden says Biden: "Americans can have confidence that the banking system is safe, no losses will be borne by taxpayers, management of these banks will be fired, and  investors in the banks will not be protected."

- BDE: Petira of Rav Meir Weinberg ZT"L R"M in Torah Vodaas for 50 years and mispallel at the Lakewood minyan and Novominsk yeshiva in Boro Park Levaya this morning at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas  11am. He was 88.

- Lakewood zoning board meeting today Monday March 13  watch live stream Here 7pm see agenda Here  more at Faa

- Rav Avrohom Noach Paley who was injured in the terrorist attack in Ramot has gone to visit the kever of his 2 sons H"yd who were killed in the attack for the shloshim and hakomas Matzeiva.

- Yidden flocking to Lizhensk today for the yartzeit of R' Elimelech 21 Adar. Those who are staying local can go to the kever of Rav Meir Weissblum of Shenitza ztl a 7th generation descendent at Floral Park cemetery in Deans, NJ. There will be a tent set up from Monday night until Tuesday evening.

- Adirei Hatorah planning meeting took place to launch 2nd  chizuk event  Hadar Kibluha that will take place after Shavuos in Philadelphia

- Tehilim for Habachur Elozer Berger who was injured in Miron 2 years ago and is undergoing an operation that can improve his health name for tehillim is Elozer ben Reuma. Please continue to daven for Habachur Yossi Reit Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal who was also injured and needs a yeshuah. 

- New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy denies 2024 rumors, says he's '1,000% behind President Biden' despite a NYT profile pointing that he is all in to run for 2024


  1. "מנהג משפחת רבנו הגרי"ד עפ"י הגר"א היה שלא ללכת לבית הקברות על קברי אבות שלא יהא נראה ח"ו כדורש אל המתים."

  2. Who cares if s tent iss set up in Dean's, will there be food in the tent? After all that's the main point of these ridiculous leave home and fress out yartziets

    1. Perhaps.

      Vacation A: A location somewhere in Florida.

      Vacation B: Kever of Rebbe in Eastern Europe.

      Each has dangers and pitfalls, as well as being beneficial for someone who needs a vacation. Which one is spiritually safer and healthier? Will the kever vacation likely lower a person's spirituality? What about the vacation to Florida?

      It is a problem though when a person makes it more than it is.

    2. Until I started reading the comments on Hefkervelt, I thought I was the biggest misnagged out there. I was thinking that I had to really work on my ahavas yisroel and learn to be more tolerant of all Yidden. But since I started reading these comments, I see that I'm really not too bad and I don't really have to work on myself that much.

    3. What does Ahavas Yisroel have to do with anything?
      Nonsense doesn't stop being nonsense, just because we love the person who plapells the nonsense.


  3. No need to panic the government is backing up all the money.

  4. They advertise to go to Riechberg kever today in deal because he was a big organizer of trips to Lezensk. How dumb can u get. Who makes these things up?

  5. What a dumb hanhaga to quote, Reb Elimelechs kever is not kivrey avos unless u are related to him!


  7. Does anybody have any clue what this Agudah Maamad Shabbos is all about?

    No names. No endorsements. No speakers announced.

    Is there some kind of rifyon in Kedushas Shabbos that they are addressing? And if there is by some people, are those the people they think will attend the event?!?

    I understand its a fund raising event, but how is this even being justified? What are they saying?

  8. Please daven for Shimon ben Rivka Yenta (boy who was hit by a bus last week).

  9. Between the 8 years of siyum hashas the agudah in USA is bored has nothing to do

  10. You’re suggesting being a misnaged shows a lack of ahavas Yisroel? You either don’t know what a misnaged is, what ahavas Yisroel is or both.

  11. Why do the new style Hungarian shtriemels have a spiked hairdue on top? To keep birds out from laying eggs in the middle😆
