Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Hashkafa Q & A

 Hashkafa With Rav Gershon Ribner Shlita

Developing appreciation for the bnei Torah you come in contact with Settling marital strife regarding perfect care for a first baby Some aveilim abandon major zechusim and obsess over the Save your marriage by taking the initiative The great opportunity Purim presents is often mismanaged


  1. As a harryish guy who can’t carry a tune who is in the middle of the year of avelus I WISH someone would give me corrective feedback on the way I sound at the amud.

    1. The Mogan Avraham paskens that a tzibur can not prevent a Aval from saying Kaddish but can prevent him from taking the amud if they don't like the way he sounds so if no one said anything it must be you aren't doing such a bad job.


  2. What for? Will you change anything if someone did?

  3. Here goes. You are a harry and can’t carry a tune. For everyone’s sanity and your own kavod habriyos please leave the amud for someone else.
    Thank you.

  4. Anything is better than the tuna bagels that daven from the amud at Satmar Forest, they sound more like auctioneers, mumble with a lisp, sound like they just got off the boat from Budapest, bureech atoo. A bunch of garbage, give me a break

  5. Go to klausenberg or Satmar on cross. Much better

  6. Could be, Satmar Forest is fake Satmar, like tuna bagels who send there kids to Bais Rochel

  7. Lots of hate over here.
    Seems like some people are overindulging on Adar.
