A for apple or epel (the ayin)
M for Mehl, or Flour (the mem)
L for lukshen or noodles (the lamed)
K for kartofel(potatoes) the kuf.
In Europe and in other places Chassidim serve these four kugels on the Shabbos when Parshas Zachor is read and then they eat them thereby symbolically annihilating Amalek by eating him all up.
Cancel Kidush Club This Shabbos http://torasaba.blogspot.com/2019/03/kiddush-club-canceled-for-this-shabbos.html
ReplyDelete"By eating thrm all up"?
ReplyDeleteIsnt canabalism assur according to everyone, even chassidim?
Didn't u read "symbolically annihlating". I like it. It's actually a mitzva to annihlate Amalek. We cannot do it lmaaseh now, so we do it by suggestion.
DeleteI never heard of this "minhag". Sounds like a hoax
ReplyDeleteAnd I did hear of it.
DeleteSo I guess it's not a hoax.
My great grandparents and grandparents did. Please be sensitive when speaking about people's minhagim. If you never heard of something ask and research, don't just flippently disregard. Your knowledge isn't the end all! Yes, it's a chassidish mintage, yes, food is used as part of our minhagim as well.
DeleteWell, maybe you're a hoax too!
DeleteI am from Europe and I never heard of this
ReplyDeleteyea it means from the old europe and not eu now
DeleteIngerishe maase
ReplyDeleteThere are some who do Amaleky and add yerushalmi kugel!!
Always another excuse to eat. Where in the world do you hear about these things?!
ReplyDeleteAnother way to be mekayem Mechiyas amalek
DeleteImpeach Kamala
Did you ever learn the Sefer Taamei Haminhaagim?
DeleteCan we get a new picture? That kugel expired in 2018
ReplyDeleteבעזהשי"ת עש"ק פרשת זכור תשפ"ג
ReplyDeleteLIVE AGAIN!
Special Feature Shiur
בשורה משמחת לשוחרי התורה ולומדיה
שיעור מיוחד באגדה ובהלכה בענין:
הגר העמלקי שהרג דוד
We are excited to announce that this week's shuir
given by
Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a
will be given on:
Motzaei Shabbos Parshasתצוה- זכור , 5783
March 4,2023 at 9:00- 9:45 PM.
in Kollel Ner Avrhom
104 Arbutus Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701
הציבור מוזמן!
The organizers