Wednesday, March 15, 2023

A Belated Thank You to The Lang Court Victory for Lakewood

 Reb Aaron Lang fought a 8 year  battle single handedly on behalf of Lakewood children to get state funding and fix the formula. Erev Purim he got a victory as the court acknowledged his argument and agreed to his points. Throughout the court proceedings he received no support from anyone in positions of leadership or from the Lakewood Vaad Igud, Agudah, BOE, Township l etc nor was it covered in some media outlets. He was even fought against and demoted in his job at the public school and no one stepped up to help him.

In a surprising statement the Lakewood Vaad has for the first time publicly thanked him for his efforts. See statement below posted on LNN

“The Lakewood Vaad is pleased to offer a huge Yosher Koach to our dear Chaver Aaron Lang for his recent resounding win in his long-standing lawsuit against the New Jersey State Education Department in the NJ Appeals Court,” The letter reads. “By winning this case, he has finally established - by law - that Lakewood has been cheated by the state funding formula for years in the amounts of state aid they allocated to the Lakewood Board of Education.

 “In brief, Aaron, in collaboration with a distinguished Rutgers law professor, succeeded in establishing that the State drastically underfunded Lakewood by tens of millions of dollars in the funding formula by refusing to count the 50,000 Talmidim/os in our hundreds of Mosdos. It was clearly proven that while the State and district have the legal responsibility for transportation and special education services for the entire Lakewood community, they refused to count our students in their calculations for State aid. Hopefully we expect that this huge win will fund the Lakewood School District properly and permanently, so that they can provide full and robust services to all of Lakewood’s children as required by law.

“On behalf of the entire Kehilla, we offer our deep Hakoras Hatov and Bracha that Aaron and his mishpacha should be gebenched with bracha and hatzlacha.”


  1. Wow.
    If we wait long enough the Arabs may also thanks

  2. God forbid Weisberg should refer to Lang with the basic honorific Reb, even a plain old R would do. They're still so farbisen, they just can't ignore it any longer without looking stupid and irrelevant. Only a matter of time before they figure out a way to take credit for it.

  3. Disgusting of the vaad to not apologize for their past behavior up to this day

  4. The same lame Vaad that commands us year after year to vote the Gay,Trans , abortion agenda and empowers our local Corrupt boards to turn our town into a huge parking lot

  5. Vaad go away you've shown your true colors
    You lost all respect if you ever had any
    Just leave us alone and resign retire and shut down.
    You abused the olam for too long and now Trying to look good.
    You represent no one but yourselves
    Gay avek

  6. Will we get a cut in Tuition now...?

  7. Shameful that Agudah of NJ has yet to acknowledge or give any recognition to R Aaron Lang or to R Louie Scheiner for their efforts on tuition relief.
    They put out statements on minor stupidity but their inaction here proves that it's all about Them.

    1. Please do not pair R’ Aaron Lang and Louie Scheiner in the same context.

  8. I thank you all for writing in my favor but I must comment that Rabbi Weisberg is a good man who was on my side since the beginning. I do not know why he waited until now to issue a public statement in support of the litigation but he did put out a statement in my favor in 2019 when the district demoted me to the middle school. Also Meir Lichtenstein was on our side and listened to what I had to say at the disastrous 2014 political meeting while all other politicians and bosses were at best. Aaron Lang

    As for local support, Rav Zeev Rothchild z'tzal, was a patron. He advised me up until his tragically early p'tera during the pandemic. Finally, Rav Elyahu Levin did whatever he could to help us.

  9. The BOE gave a shout out and a round of applause for Aaron Lang at their meeting tonight. Better late than never...


  11. R' Lang for Mayor

  12. How was it the public was so unaware of how & who gave help?
    Were they too smug to allow the public to be informed?
    Were they concerned with reaction from their pc 'friends' ?

  13. As a student of R Aaron Lang from his MKT days, I can attest to his erlichkeit and passion to help the community. Ashrecha Rabbi Lang! Lakewood would be a better place if there were more like you!
