Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Tuesday March 21 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 62° Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. High 62F. 

- Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi Shlita is in Lakewood and will be speaking tonight in BMG at 7:15 during Mussar seder at Beren hall.
He will speak tonight at Lutzk B"M 9:45pm

- 5:00pm: President Trump to be indicted tomorrow, expected in NY court next week

- Lakewood Police said it does not appear that the incident was motivated by race or religion. They  said that the incident took place shortly before 9:30 this morning at the store, located at 945 River Avenue.  the suspect 24 year old Christopher Borker, was delivering supplies to the store and argued with a store employee after being told that the u-boat he was taking was already in use. Suspect  announced that he was going to get a gun and shoot store employees and attempted to hit at least one Evergreen worker as he drove through the parking lot suspect was arrested by police and is expected to be charged with terroristic threats and aggravated assault.

- Price of  eggs expected to go up again for Pesach

- Delivery driver in custody at Evergreen plaza after an altercation with the manager. Media reports say a driver attempted to run over pedestrians in the parking lot. LPD put him in custody

- Pesach shopping some products that in the pesach section are not marked as kitniyosos such as green beans and other frozen vegetable mixes with beans and peas.

- Many potholes on Lakewood township roads not under the ownership of county or state

- LPD: launches safety campaign sponsored by NJ division of traffic safety. Todays tip: NJ's new safe passing law requires drivers to provide at least 4 feet when passing vulnerable road users, like scooter riders and people walking. Drive Safely Lakewood

- Lakewood proposed school budget comes with a $93 million loan request; business administrator resigns.(APP)

- FoxNews reporting source said law enforcement does not expect Trump to be arraigned until next week (assuming indictment) as the Manhattan grand jury – which has been meeting secretly to hear evidence for weeks – has another witness on Wednesday.

How local kids make a sales pitch in 90 seconds posted on social media.


  1. I actually find it offputting to see our kids schnorring en masse. More distressing are the schools and organizations that weaponize our kids with the promise of some prize. There's something crass about it, not to mention possibly teaching them that begging is an ok model for life potentially. It's a far cry from legitimate tzedakah fundraising and business investing.

    1. Yup and my kids don't see it as "helping their yeshiva". They actually call it "collecting for a prize". In my value system this is not positive chinuch.

    2. Strongly Agree with both

  2. I would be turned off if I’m giving someone a free ride and then he asks for money. I’m not the type of guy who doesn’t give rides, I always carry cash on me in case I meet someone collecting tzedoka. Even so if I’m doing you a favor and stopping to give you a ride please don’t make this ride uncomfortable by asking for more than the favor we agreed on.

    1. Maskim. Aggressively hitch, then aggressively schnorr. You dont get to double dip.

  3. why are the schools collecting if they they are making so much money from tuition? according to to my estimation they should mostly be have big surpluses..

    1. if people thinks the Rosh mosdos are pocketing money, why doesnt everyone open a mosed and become rich?

    2. Not everyone is willing to sacrifice the chinuch of our children in order to enrich themselves.

    3. Why need to enrich yourself. Just charge much less tuition and don't make money. You will have thousands of parents waiting to get in to your school that charges half the tuitions and has the same quality rrbeim and teachers .

    4. Your comment about enriching yourself makes no sense. The question was why don't you make a school without pocketing money and don't enrich yourself. According to you ,yiu can Greek even with much less tuition so why are you and many others not doing it ?

    5. here we go with the Rosh Mosed bashing...

  4. How much of our chinuch is really based on torah values? Like this collecting, it should not be on our children's agenda.

    1. collecting tzedaka is a mitzva

    2. Taking from othes is never a good thing

    3. גדול המעשה יותר מן העושה

    4. Give me a break
      That would be when going out collecting for another.
      & without benefits or going for ulterior motives

  5. Daven for Esther Gittel bas Chaya.

  6. So the Nassi and the fakewood poop found another thing to poop on besmirching our yeshivos in order to get clicks by hiding behind a letter from gedolim.
    Oh and they will give free advertising on the billboard if they follow the demands of the poop. The same gedolim said thr billborfs should be banned and taken down.

  7. The cynical 'prize' of the scoop is beyond contempt.
    They are giving absolutely nothing away, an ad campaign costs them literally nothing, and they are making 'announcements'.
    Why does a Yeshiva need a billboard campaign?
