Monday, March 6, 2023

A Win For Lakewood in Lang Court Case

 R' Aaron Lang tweeted "We won. Court agreed with all our arguments.  A win for Lakewood after  a New Jersey Appellate Court ruled in favor of Lakewood Public School teacher and lawyer Aaron Lang  and reversed the decision made by the state Commissioner of Education the court agrred that Lakewood Schools do not receive enough state aid.  The case goes back to the Commissioner, and fix the problem in lakewood public schools for not providing a T&E education see ruling Here 

Faa: This long awaited ruling is a massive win for Lakewood's taxpayers and students of both public and non-public schools as it orders the State Education Department to more thoroughly review the Appellants main argument that the funding structure of the SFRA was unconstitutional as applied to Lakewood's unique demographic situation.

Full news article from FAANEWS 


In a massive win for Lakewood's taxpayers and students, the New Jersey Appellate Division today granted a major win to Arthur Lang in his long running lawsuit known as Alcantra vs. Hespe, which seeks for a fairer funding formula for the Lakewood Public School District.

The 3-judge panel agreed with Mr. Lang's long time 2 arguments: 1) Lakewood's students are not receiving a constitutionally sound education, 2) the fault of this is because New Jersey's School Funding Formula is unconstitutional as applied to Lakewood's unique demographic situation.

The court held that the Commissioner of Education owes a thorough review of the most substantive argument - that the funding structure of the SFRA was unconstitutional as applied to Lakewood's unique demographic situation.

Appellants, parents of children enrolled in the Lakewood Public School District, filed a petition alleging the District was not providing its public-school students a thorough and efficient education (T&E) as required by our State's Constitution.

They contend this is due to the failure of the New Jersey Department of Education (DOE) to adequately fund the District.  To that end, they assert the School Funding Reform Act (SFRA), which sets certain standards for the DOE, is unconstitutional as applied to Lakewood.

Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Susan Scarola initially considered the case. After the development of a thorough record, she determined while the District was indeed failing to provide T&E, this failure was due to local mismanagement and other factors, and not because of a constitutional defect in the SFRA. She denied appellants' relief on this basis.

Appellants petitioned the New Jersey Commissioner of Education (Commissioner) for review. The then acting Commissioner rejected the ALJ's conclusion the District had failed to provide an adequate education to its students, and therefore, because it found the District was providing T&E, did not reach the issue of constitutionality of the SFRA. She denied relief.

The Appellants then moved their case to the Appellate Division.

Judges Whipple, Mawla, and Smith heard oral arguments in January 2023 from Mr. Lang and renowned education lawyer Professor Trachtenberg.

They released their decision minutes ago:

The record demonstrates Lakewood's school district is in a unique and precarious position. Due, in large part, to demographic trends in the area. Lakewood Township has seen a population rise in recent decades, primarily resulting from a thriving Orthodox Jewish community. As a result of this demographic shift, the township has approximately 37,000 school-aged children, however, only about 6,000 are enrolled in the secular public schools.  The majority—eighty-four percent—are enrolled in private religious schools.  Testimony before the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) established this demographic trend is likely to continue and accelerate.

Like other districts, Lakewood's state-issued school aid is calculated based upon its 6,000 enrolled public-school students. The total budget for the most recent school year at the time of that decision was $143.45 million. Of that, over half—$78 million—went to transportation and special education tuition for non-public students. This is an abnormal and unsustainable imbalance.

Faced with this picture, the ALJ found the District was failing its students to a degree that offended the basic guarantees of our State Constitution. 

The Commissioner, however, rejected this finding. She reasoned that "[w]hile Lakewood's standardized test scores [and other metrics] are below the [s]tate average, they have shown consistent improvement" and therefore lacked constitutional defect.

In finding the District's students were not receiving T&E, the ALJ focused on credible evidence in the record that Lakewood's test scores were well below state averages, and students fared poorly on performance in English and math. She also observed low rates of graduation and college enrollment, as well as high rates of chronic absenteeism. Moreover, while the District offered courses in AP English and Spanish, as well as art and technology, the ALJ noted the programs in industrial arts and auto mechanics had been recently cut. Finally, she noted the only foreign language study offered in-district was Spanish, despite a high rate of Spanish literacy within the student body to begin with. 

However, when the Commissioner interpreted this same evidence, she saw a glass half full. In determining Lakewood's students were receiving a constitutionally adequate education, the Commissioner made essentially three arguments. First, she asserted there was a positive trend of improvement in the school's testing averages. Second, while acknowledging cuts to various educational programs at the district, she observed the District still offered "all the courses required for graduation[,]" as well as five AP classes, music programs, and research skills courses. Third, while she acknowledged a "high rate of teacher turnover" and a high student-teacher ratio, she claimed Lakewood met various federal targets under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (with exceptions).

As legal support for her conclusion, she compared the above observations with the conditions described in Abbott II, a case concerning stark physical deficiencies in school facilities—students being taught in coal bins, eating lunch in the corridor, and using bathrooms without hot water. In the Commissioner's estimation, because Lakewood lacked these desperate conditions, the quality of education it provided remained constitutionally sound. 

The Commissioner's reliance on this aspect of Abbott II does not address the problem in Lakewood. Abbott II does not hold that all a school district must do to remain constitutionally compliant is provide adequate physical facilities. Instead, Abbott II observed "a thorough and efficient education requires a certain level of educational opportunity, a minimum level [which] . . . should[] be defined in terms of substantive educational content."

Furthermore, "a thorough and efficient education requires such level of education as will enable all students to function as citizens and workers in the same society . . . ." 

The question is not whether Lakewood's public schools are direct physical analogues of the unacceptable conditions observed in a school over thirty-three years ago. Instead, it is whether, substantively, the District is failing to provide its students with a minimum level of educational content and opportunity as required by our Constitution today.

The court reviewed the record generated before the ALJ which showed that Lakewood's test scores and graduation rates are below State average. The court also noted that it is irrelevant that the Lakewood School District does meet the ESSA as that is Federal legislation, which has no direct bearing as to whether Lakewood is performing to the standard required by our State's Constitution.

Based on the above, the Appellate Division concluded that the record generated before the ALJ cannot fairly be said to support a finding Lakewood's students are receiving a constitutionally sound education.

The court therefore held that the Commissioner utilized an incorrect standard in rejecting the ALJ's finding, and further held the Commissioner owed appellants a thorough review of their substantive argument:  the funding structure of the SFRA was unconstitutional as applied to Lakewood's unique demographic situation.

The court reversed and remanded for the agency to consider the substantive arguments pertaining to SFRA in light of our Supreme Court's previous directive in Abbott ex rel. Abbott v. Buke:  the State has a continuing obligation to "keep SFRA operating at its optimal level" and "[t]here should be no doubt that we would require remediation of any deficiencies of a constitutional dimension, if such problems do emerge."

This long awaited ruling is a massive win for Lakewood's taxpayers and students of both public and non-public schools as it orders the State Education Department to more thoroughly review the Appellants main argument that the funding structure of the SFRA was unconstitutional as applied to Lakewood's unique demographic situation.

"We won. Court agreed with all our arguments," tweeted Arthur Lang.


  1. Bh. Kudos Mr lang 👏🙌!

  2. ככה יעשה לאיש אשר המלך חפץ
    Reb Aaron Lang should be paraded around Lakewood on a white 🐎 pulled by those who faught against him

  3. It's not a win yet. It just forces the commissioner to revisit it. The commissioner can again derive arguments against it. It's not a win until the Lakewood BOE debt gets erased, and future funding is revised.
    And how is Avi Schnall going to claim victory when all the surrounding towns are getting massive BOE cuts while being forced to pay for private school bussing. This will ricochet against our community in unpleasant ways.
    The only solution is to fund bussing as part of a separate formula, and that will solve the problems for the surrounding neighborhoods as well.

    1. It is a win. There has not been a favorable ruling on school funding for over two decades. Reverse and remand is boilerplate language. The unconstitutionality of the funding is acknowledge. As for solutions, that is for the DOE to have a first shot at making a recommendation to the legislature.

      We got almost everything we asked for. We asked the Court to reverse the lower standard of T & E the Commissioner set when she said the state is providing T & E in Lakewood. We also asked the Court to reverse the Commissioner because the record was on our side.

      We asked the Court to give the DOE the first shot at coming up with a solution. The only thing we asked for and the Court did not grant was forgiving the debt but we did not expect that. It would take the Supreme Court to do that. As for the bussing, we suggested the state take on itself to pay nonpublic bussing outside the formula, as it did with pensions. Or an extra term in the formula for nonpublic students.

      A Lang

  4. Why is it not on the scoop?

    1. I believe the board is not happy with the "inadequate" education claim

    2. Scoop is controlled by MI and the BOE this does not make them look good.

    3. That is nonsense. It is the State's responsibility and not local. That has been clear since the Robinson case in 1973,

      Note the strength of the language. "We reverse and remand. . . the State has a continuing obligation to 'keep SFRA operating at its optimal level . . . ' and '[t]here should be no doubt that we would require remediation of any deficiencies of a constitutional dimension. . . .'" The Court is saying that if the state does not fix this, they will impose their own remedy.

      The COurt language is very strong that

    4. I emailed the Scoop the link. They replied, "We generally don’t post things sent out all over." That is because I sent the link to the decision to the APP and and local outlets.

    5. Haha that's a purim joke coming from a website that sensationalized the stupidest things and claims exclusive first report on public news stories.
      They ignored the Lang case all along. As they take orders from the powers to be who were not happy with Lang who made them look like fools.
      Oh and why no reporting about Adirei Hatorah,is that also sent out to everyone

  5. Aron - Mazal Tov! We are all SO appreciative for your efforts. The children of Lakewood owe you BIG TIME for the positive impact you will have on their futures. Shkoiach!

  6. Now let's save Another $1,000,000 plus and get rid of the Babbling,Over Billing Atty on Bd of Ed, A first year law student could do his work

  7. The Scoop is unbelievable.
    The point of frumme sites is to prevent the need from going to Goyishe sites. If this news, that affects every single one of us, is not reported on, מה הועילו בתקנתם? This is mamesh earth-shattering, if the State changes the formula, our taxes drop considerably.

    1. What is frum about promoting gun shooting and making politicians look good.
      What is frum about fake letters
      What is frum about scanner news

    2. Nope. Nope. Nope. Try again.
      The point of the "frumme" sites is to make their owners money at your expense. You get to read some worthless drivel, some ads that are dressed up to look like news, some useless chatter, and they laugh all the way to the bank. Don't be a sheep and visit those sites. Their not frum nor news. I gave those sites up years ago and have never looked back.

  8. Seems like a win today but won't when the state decides we're giving you money so we can have a say in what your teaching...

  9. What impact will this have on us personally? Asking as a serious question because I don’t know, not cynically. Will it save us money or does it just mean more money in the schools pockets?

    1. Yes if there is more money in the public schools pocket then you will pay less real estate taxes. The money to the public schools pocket comes either from your local real-estate tax dollars or from the state of NJ
