A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Friday, March 31, 2023
Lakewood Zmanim ערב שבת קודש פרשת צו שבת הגדול לייקווד תשפ"ג
Lakewood Poskim Medicine guidance for Pesach
Friday March 31 Shabbos Hagadol News Updates
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Grand Jury Votes To Indict Trump
According to sources, the New York Police Dept. has ordered every cop in the city of every rank to show up in uniform tomorrow in the city of NY. "
Update: Media sources say that Trump is indicted on 34 counts of falsification of business records, which is probably a lot of charges involving each document.
Grand Jury Votes to Indict Donald Trump in New York. Mr. Trump is the first former president to face criminal charges. The precise charges are not yet known, but the case is focused on a hush-money payments during his 2016 campaign. Trump Lawyer Joe Tacopina said in a statement: “He did not commit any crime. We will vigorously fight this political prosecution in court.”
Once the charges are unsealed Trump will be arraigned in court.
Trump's statement on his indictment: "This is Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history." "I believe this Witch-Hunt will backfire massively on Joe Biden." The Democrats have lied, cheated and stolen in their obsession with trying to ‘Get Trump, “Now they’ve done the unthinkable - indicting a completely innocent person in an act of blatant Election Interference. Never before in our Nation's history has this been done.”
New Haggados for Pesach 5783
Thursday March 30 News Updates Lakewood
Song of Nazir
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Senate Votes To End Covid Emergency
“The pandemic is over,”
The Senate adopted a resolution to end the national emergency declaration related to COVID-19 on Wednesday, sending it to President Joe Biden who is expected to sign it.
In a 68-23 roll call vote, several Democrats crossed the aisle to support the measure, H.J. Res.7, which was adopted by the House in February. The resolution’s approval in the Senate highlights bipartisan agreement that the U.S. has emerged from the emergency phase of the coronavirus pandemic – though some disagreement remains over when to make the move official.
“The pandemic is over,” the measure’s sponsor
Hashkafa Q&A
Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner shlita
Is plagiarizing ever permissible Must the elite exhibit- We are holier than thou Don't miss the wedding on the night of Pesach 10 Steps how a known predator inflitrates back into society
Wednesday March 29 News Updates Lakewood
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Tuesday March 28 News Updates Lakewood
Monday, March 27, 2023
Hechsherim Release statements to Quash Rumors
Monday March 27 News Updates
Weather: 57° cloudy skies and rain during the afternoon. High 57F. Chance of rain 100%.
- Kollel chazu will begin tomorrow Pesach bein hazmanim at 36 locations throughout Lakewood and Jackson daily breakfast and hot supper is serves
- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill on Monday to establish a statewide voucher program in which every child will be eligible to receive nearly $8,000 towards schooling, tutoring or other educational-related expenses.
- Israel Update: Netanyahu calls for suspension of judicial reform, histadrut labor union cancels planned strike, flights to resume.
- Serendipity has reopened at the current location ahead of the busy pesach season
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Sunday March 26 News Updates Lakewood
Weather: 62° Sunny. High 62F
- Histadrut labor union calling for a general strike across Israel tomorrow in protest of the government attempt at judicial reforms. This can effect flights at Ben Gurion airport.
- White House concerned about events in Israel: "We are deeply concerned by today’s developments out of Israel, which further underscore the urgent need for compromise," National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said. "Democratic values have always been, and must remain, a hallmark of the U.S.-Israel relationship."
- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired Defense Minister Yoav Gallant following his opposition to the judicial reform, and going behind the govt"s back.
Gallant made a dramatic declaration on Saturday evening calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt the judicial overhaul long enough to more deeply engage in negotiations with others to reach a compromise.
- Hachnosas Sefer Torah at B"M Satmar on E. Kennedy blvd procession leaving from Harvard st at 4pm
- Moadim Lsimcha Pesach distribution today at blue claws stadium by appointment
- Pesach Kashrus alert: Confirmed with the OU. Kirkland water cannot be used for Pesach. Unflavored, purified water generally does not require certification for Pesach. However, when containing citric acid, such as Kirkland brand does (listed as “calcium citrate”) the water should NOT be used without reliable Pesach certification. Most water sources is fron pure spring water.
- DWD pre yom tov clothing sales for girls open to the public today in Lakewood from 11:00am - 1:00pm at the Toras Aaron gym 500 Summer Ave. There will also be shabbos shoes, men's shirts and boys shabbos sets.
- Pre y"t Shoe sale at Esther Gerber hall for boys and girls $30 a pair
- Mir Yerushalayim Dinner tonight at Bellworks
- שבר על שבר BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Chaya Dina Brus a”h (nee Spector) of Bensinhurst following an illness. She was 49. Her husband R’ Yeshaya z”l was niftar a little over a month ago they leave over 7 yesomim. The Levaya will be in Brooklyn this morning at 10:00 AM, with a levaya and kevurah in Lakewood at 12:00 pm. Please donate to the Brus family fund HERE
- Trump In Texas last night "We will defeat the cult of gender ideology to reassert that God created two genders, male and female.""I will immediately sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Motzei Shabbos Vayikra 5783 News Updates
Weather: Rain Thunder, tomorrow sunny hi 63
-Bingo open until 1 am
- BDE: Peturah of Rebbetzin Rochel Kviat (Schwartz) Levaya tomorrow in Lakewood 11:30 am at the chapel off 7th street.
- Listen Live Rabbi Moshe Elephant of the OU answers questions about losher for Pesach products and information on talkline Here
- Melava Malka Yartzeit Seuda at B"M Daas kedoshim Strulowitz tonight 10:15 marking the 3rd year since the passing of Rav Chaim Moshe Strulowicz ztl. The shul is also planning a expansion campaign.
- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Doris Rothchild a"h from Washington Heights wife of Reb Yehonosson ZL mother of reb Yossi shlita ,and Rav Zeev Rothchild z"tl. They ran the bikur cholim of Washington heights helping anyone during their hospital stay. Levaya in Lakewood tomorrow morning 10:30 am
-FAA newsVIDEO: In body camera footage which can only be described as "shocking," Lakewood Police Detective Sergeant shamelessly violated a Lakewood resident's constitutional rights numerous times - at 2am! See Here
- Moadim L'Simcha pesach distribution will take place tomorrow at the Blue claws stadium.
- President Trump opens his first 2024 rally in Texas with the Star Spangled Banner sung by the J6 prisoners
Oif Simchas Tomech Torah Reb Rubin Scrohn shlita engaged to almana of Rav Label Katz ztl
Friday, March 24, 2023
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת ויקרא תשפ''ג
Friday March 24 News Updates Lakewood
Thursday, March 23, 2023
How to Clean Properly for Pesach Without Making Yourself Insane
Pesach – Z'man Cherusainu – is quickly approaching. We are all anxiously and impatiently awaiting its arrival. After all – the Seder nights in all their glory. The entire family – father, mother and children – sitting around the lavishly laden table – discussing in depth the very foundation of our emunah – יציאת מצרים. Our anticipation grows stronger with every passing day. Its unbearable – we can no longer wait!!! Or can we?? I must sadly admit that I've heard people say, “Pesach is unbearable”, “It's too hard”, “Not worth the work”.
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Sreifas Chometz 5775 |
If my previous description of the Seder doesn't seem to match yours – perhaps you're doing something wrong. I must elaborate a bit and I will occasionally quote and draw from the writings of HaRav HaGaon Rav Chaim Pinchaos Scheinberg zatzal Obviously, the primary problem is the pre-Pesach cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. Unfortunately, the average housewife does 75% more cleaning than is required according to the halacha. Spring cleaning should be done after Pesach.
The following items need not be washed for Pesach; Windows, walls, carpets,ceilings, doors and doorknobs. Linens, bedspreads, curtain, towels, fresh dish towels. For those who sell their chometz – all pots, pans, dishes, flatware, appliances (e.g. mixer, grinder, toaster, microwave etc.) and toys which are being stored away for Pesach.
The closet / room where chometz and / or chometz utensils are being locked up does not need to be cleaned for Pesach. Rather, merely take a quick assessment of the approximate amount of chometz present there so that is may be properly listed among items being sold as chometz.
Thursday March 23 Rosh Chodesh Nissan Lakewood
"בניסן נגאלו, ובניסן עתידין להיגאל''
Weather: 67° Overcast with rain showers at times. High 67F. Winds at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
- ADL audit on antisemitic attacks: deeply troubling percentage increases in attacks on Orthodox Jews (69% increase to 59 Incidents) and bomb threats toward Jewish institutions (an increase from eight to 91 incidents).
- Serious accident in Lakewood at Rt 70 Intersection with Massachusetts Ave rollover and medivac requested.
- Bnei Brak residents greet leftist protectors with cholent drinks and handing out flowers. The protectors held a big sign "Rav Shach is ashamed of you"
- Last day of the zman for Bais Medrash boys today. BMG Bein hazmanim begins next week.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Videos: Prepairing For Pesach in Lakewood
Food and clothing Local Realtor Efraim Feder tours a tour at POPPERS PLUS kitchen. delicious food at wholesale prices. And see below for Igud bnei Torah clothing sale.
Minyanim for Mincha Yom Kippur Koton Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5783 Lakewood
Wednesday March 22 News Update Lakewood
Weather: 62° Cloudy skies. High 62F. Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5783
- Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg struggling to get votes for Trump indictment as jurors doubting case.
- Pedestrian struck on Madison and Courtney by Bais Faiga transported to hospital and alert
- The Federal Reserve raised the interest rate by a quarter point to curb inflation despite the banking turmoil. The New 5% rate will be the highest since September 2007.
- Shatnez Alert notice by Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez Olami Nisson 5783: Garments sold in Jewish-owned stores require shatnez testing. A brand label of a woolen men's suit purchased at Emporio, Shatnez was discovered in the handkerchief pocket after being thoroughly tested at a professional shatnez laboratory. One cannot rely on salesmen regarding shatnez.
- A Seudas Rosh Chodesh will take place in Lakewood tomight for donors of TTFY to support the Adirei Hatorah, the kollel youhgeleit of BMG.
- Trump indictment expected today or tomorrow
- Bris took place today in Yerushalayim for Yonassan Refoel Palei with singing and dancing following the loss of 2 sons r"l in a terror attack.
- Verizon is continuing to fight in Superior Court against a lawsuit which seeks to overturn their Lakewood Zoning Board approval of a cell tower facility on Clifton Avenue. The lawsuit was filed by neighbors on the block. FAAnews
- Kashrus alert: Grapefruits from Israel are being sold in Costco they have kedushas Shviis and should not be purchased.
- Following a tense hearing on Friday, Ocean County Assignment Judge rules that Lake Terrace may continue to hold weddings pending approval of the Lakewood Zoning Board. However, their existing court ordered restraints will remain in place as Judge Hodgson denied a motion to reconsider and lift the court orders. More on Faanews
- COVID update: Effective April 1, 2023, please be advised that the Ocean County Health Department will no longer distribute and post the weekly COVID case updates on the OCHD website and our social media outlets. The Ocean County Health Department concluded that the key factors are the changing state of the pandemic evidenced by a consistent decline in overall COVID cases and deaths. In addition, the Ocean County region experienced a significant drop in pandemic status from moderate to low according to the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) weekly surveillance report.
- A letter, signed by Rav Gershon Edelstein, and Rav Dov Landau, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka calls for tefillos for Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita in need of a refuah shleima name is Moshe Illel ben Mindel.
- Prosecutors in the special counsel's office have presented compelling preliminary evidence that former President Donald Trump knowingly and deliberately misled his own attorneys about his retention of classified materials per ABC News.
- Flight attendants pushing to not allow lap children under 2 to fly in parents arms due to safety concerns they are pushing airlines to require babies to have their own seats,
Rep. Matt Gaetz If I were Governor of Florida, I would not allow any Floridian to be hauled before a Soros-backed prosecutor in a blue city over politics. I wouldn’t make an exception to not protect the President of the United States.
Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi In B"M Lutzk
Video: משנכנס אדר משנכנס ניסן
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Tuesday March 21 News Updates Lakewood
Monday, March 20, 2023
Monday March 20 News Updates
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Sunday March 18 News Updates Lakewood
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Motzei Shabbos Vayakhel Pikudei 5783
Friday, March 17, 2023
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת ויקהל-פקודי-החודש מברכים ניסן חזק
Friday March 17 News Updates Lakewood
Friday, March 17, 2023 / כ״ד אדר תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת ויקהל-פקודי פר' החודש מברכים חודש ניסן
Candle lighting 6:45 pm
shkiah/sunset 7:05 pm
weather 61° cloudy skies this afternoon. Slight chance of an afternoon shower. tonight 40° Chance of rain 50%. shabbos day hi of 53
Rosh chodesh Nissan in Thursday
- Heinz Ketchup is Kosher L' pesach this year with no חשש קטניות. It has a Tartikov Hechsher and from Badatz of London KF. The bottle says special Passover edition.
- Shuls resume schedules of early shabbos minyanim as the long Fridays begin with day light savings time
- Tehillim for Slabodka Rosh Yeshivah Hagaon Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsh Shlita has been hospitalized again with pneumonia name is Moshe Hillel Ben Mindel.
-Talmidim of Rav Elya Svei zatzal will gather this shabbos to commemorate his yahrzeit a a shalosh seudos at Central court shul in Lakewood
- There will be Controled Burns present in Ocean County, in the area of Route 571 in Jackson Township today. per the OC Sheriff
- El Al has added a washing cup for netilas yadayim in the lavatory on the NY=Tel Aviv route
- Kollel Network Ateres Shlomo in EY denied rumors it had money in the banks that were shut down. The delay in kollel checks is technical and will be distributed Sunday to the avreichim.
- YouTube restores Trump's channel — Axios
- Chinese President Xi Jinping will travel to Russia next week to hold talks with President Vladimir Putin,in an attempt to bring an end to the war with Ukraine
- Turkey will ratify Finland's NATO bid, Erdogan says.
- Lakewood, NJ was selected as the biggest boomtown of New Jersey. Boomtowns are considered the fastest-growing cities in America due to rapid business and population growth. Change in population:1 year: 21.28% Change in occupied housing units: 1 year: 21.99% see more on Yahoo
- A tiny Catskills resort town is playing host to a federal probe over voter fraud accusations — even as locals head to the polls next week, The Post has learned.
- US probing voter fraud accusations after Residents of Fleischmann's, NY in the catskills claim that a pair of deep-pocketed property moguls have recruited seasonal renters to stuff the ballot box so they can get favorable treatment for their development plans. NYP
Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler returned home after going to England to partake in the chasuna of Rav Frand from the kehilas Chasam sofer in the Ridge area.
Video: מרבין בשמחה
Heinz Ketchup kosher for a pesach without kitniyos
Township Ignores Public Criticism at Meeting
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Bingo/Mesamchei Lev Affordable Pesach Shopping List
Mesamchei Lev Helping make Yom Tov affordable for Klal Yisroel pesach product lists at Bingo locations sale date from March 15 - 21 No pre-orders necessary. Pesach 5783 Product list below
Thursday March 16 News Updates Lakewood
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
A Belated Thank You to The Lang Court Victory for Lakewood
Reb Aaron Lang fought a 8 year battle single handedly on behalf of Lakewood children to get state funding and fix the formula. Erev Purim he got a victory as the court acknowledged his argument and agreed to his points. Throughout the court proceedings he received no support from anyone in positions of leadership or from the Lakewood Vaad Igud, Agudah, BOE, Township l etc nor was it covered in some media outlets. He was even fought against and demoted in his job at the public school and no one stepped up to help him.
In a surprising statement the Lakewood Vaad has for the first time publicly thanked him for his efforts. See statement below posted on LNN
“The Lakewood Vaad is pleased to offer a huge Yosher Koach to our dear Chaver Aaron Lang for his recent resounding win in his long-standing lawsuit against the New Jersey State Education Department in the NJ Appeals Court,” The letter reads. “By winning this case, he has finally established - by law - that Lakewood has been cheated by the state funding formula for years in the amounts of state aid they allocated to the Lakewood Board of Education.
“In brief, Aaron, in collaboration with a distinguished Rutgers law professor, succeeded in establishing that the State drastically underfunded Lakewood by tens of millions of dollars in the funding formula by refusing to count the 50,000 Talmidim/os in our hundreds of Mosdos. It was clearly proven that while the State and district have the legal responsibility for transportation and special education services for the entire Lakewood community, they refused to count our students in their calculations for State aid. Hopefully we expect that this huge win will fund the Lakewood School District properly and permanently, so that they can provide full and robust services to all of Lakewood’s children as required by law.
“On behalf of the entire Kehilla, we offer our deep Hakoras Hatov and Bracha that Aaron and his mishpacha should be gebenched with bracha and hatzlacha.”
Hashkafa Q&A
Wednesday March 15 News Updates Lakewood
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Understanding The Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank
Tuesday March 14 News Updates Lakewood
Weather:39° Occasional snow showers. Quite windy. Temps nearly steady in the mid to upper 30s. Winds at 25 to 35 mph. Chance of snow 70%. Winds could occasionally gust over 50 mph.
Faanews reports The Board also approved the internal roadways at 26 feet wide after Traffic Expert Scott Kennel assured the Board that school buses would have no issues traversing the campus. No new traffic signals or road widening was mentioned, however they did agree to make one intersection into an all-way stop. Full story at FAANEWS
- FAA: Lakewood Planning Board tonight approves mega shopping center at Cederbridge Corporate campus. The proposal is for 28 stores, 116,000 sq feet of retail space, with 571 parking spaces. Unlike when Beth Medrash Govoha proposed it, no members of the public commented on this application. Full story at Faa news
- Aaron Lang: Wednesday's lakewood BOE agenda announces a request for a $73 million loan bringing the amount WE ALL owe to $200 million. All of you will just keep following marching orders to vote for those who tried to stop me from winning and keep me at the bottom of the organization w/o any say.
- Today at seasons half off the entire deli showcase
- Jackson: Tonight, the Township Council is set to introduce an Ordinance to amend the previously approved land swap to include an additional lot neighbors will have an additional opportunity to voice support or opposition to the land swap. faa news reports
- LPD update on machete wielding man: A male later identified as 22 year old Max Sanchez of Lakewood, had approached five pedestrians along Forest Avenue while brandishing a machete. Although no specific threats were made to any of the victims, his menacing behavior caused fear of eminent injury or harm to each of them. All of the victims fled from Sanchez and contacted the police, he was quickly located and taken into custody without incident. The machete was also recovered. He was subsequently transported to the Ocean County Jail.
- BDE: Petirah of Harav Dovid Zev Ben Moshe Menachem Wicentowsky ZTL of Monsey, Levaya today at Bais Medrash L"Torah Rav Feivelsohns yeshiva 10:45am in Monsey. Kevura in Lakewood approx 2 pm. There will be a call in number for the levaya 848 220 3300 conference ID 835-508
-Former President Donald Trump attacked his potential 2024 opponent and current rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, during a Monday night speech in Iowa comparing him to Sen. Mitt Romney.
-Theres has been an influx of cleaning ladies in the Lakewood area ahead of the busy Pesach season due to the lax border policies. In previous years it was hard to find cleaning help with people accusing others of stealing away their workers.
- At a meeting a few weeks ago took place in Lakewood among senior roshei yeshiva in the US about the shidduch crisis. A possible plan was discussed to eliminate a grade in either Mesivta or Bais Medrash to lower the age of bochurin returning from Eretz Yisrael to start shidduchim earlier. The elimination of 12th grade seemed to be gaining support, although not everyone is on board with this. Balei batim involved said there would be a fund set up in case some rebbeim lose their jobs.
- BDE: Petirah of Rav Moshe Ivgi ZT"L of Bnei Brak at the age of 92, he was mechaber of the seforim 'חכמת המצפון' a work of 17 volumes on chumash, He was a talmid of Novardik and learned in France under his rebbe Rav Gershon Liebman Zatzal. He built mosdod Ohr Yisrael in bnei Brak. Levaya this afternoon from his home in Bnei Brak.
- Moody’s Investors Service on Monday cut its view on the entire US banking system to negative from stable.
- In Boro Park yesterday at the signature bank there were no long lines reported of customers taking money out. Some did so already over the weekend others are counting on the FDIC to keep it secure and not rushing to pull money out.
- On Monday evening, Lakewood Shomrim received multiple calls concerning a person using a machete who chased and threatened people in the area of the Satmar Shul on Forest Avenue. Multiple Shomrim members responded swiftly to the scene and secured the area while maintaining visual surveillance of the suspect as he attempted to flee. The suspect was subsequently arrested by police at gunpoint and his knife recovered by law enforcement and taken in as evidence. (Hamodia)