Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Wednesday June 9 News Updates Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Cloudy skies this morning followed by thunderstorms during the afternoon. High near 91F
- Food distributions see post HERE

- Update:  Superior Court Judge Joseph Paone has agreed to postpone resentencing in order to first hold a hearing on the Motion For Retrial that Rabbi Eisemann's attorneys filed yesterday. Judge Paone will hear oral arguments on the Motion for Retrial on August 24. The Tzibur is asked to continue to be mispalel for Osher ben Chana Frimet.(LNN)

- BDE: - The noted Dr. Reb Eli Yosef Schussheim, z”l, President of the Efrat Association, was niftar on Wednesday at the age of 70 in yerushalayim. Dr. Schussheim was a physician to many Gedolei Yisrael, including Harav Aryeh Levin, Harav Yisrael Moshe Dushinsky, the Mekubal Harav Yitzchak Kadouri, the Pnei Menachem, and others, zecher tzaddikim livrachah. 

- Murphy lists Lakewood as one of the 10 cities with population  over 10k that still have 50% or fewer residents vaccinated. Lakewood is at 42% The list is Pemberton (41%), Lakewood (42%), Irvington (42%), New Brunswick (43%), East Orange (44%), Camden (48%), Glassboro (49%) and Wallington (49%).
- Heavy traffic backup on Cedarbridge ave due to construction of the left turning lane at Clover ave going east.

 -Turnout in Lakewood for the 2021 primary was a 6.8%, with just 3,891 voters out of 56,407 registered voters casting a ballot. In the Republican gubernatorial race, 1,765 voted for Ciattarelli, 486 for Singh, 365 for Rizzo, and 63 for Levine. (reporter S. Schorr on twitter)
- Jersey Shore school districts quick to dump mask mandates after Murphy changes rules allowing students to remove masks in school during “extreme” heat. School districts include jackson, Toms River and Point pleasant.  Lakewood also relaxed it somewhat For the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year, masks will be optional for students and staff outdoors and on school buses during periods of extreme heat. Masks are mandatory in all school buildings for students and staff,  with the exception of Piner Elementary. On days of extreme heat, Piner Elementary School students and staff will be permitted to relax the mask requirements indoors
-The Knesset Arrangements Committee voted  to set the procedures for Sunday’s vote of confidence in a new government that is set to replace Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

- Shiur by Rabbi Michoel Sorotzkin today 10:00 PM Israel time 3:00 PM - NY Time Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 869 8028 2099 Passcode: 1234


  1. major chilul hashem that richter didn't get 1,000s of voted from Lakewood. Now don't be shocked when kean votes for more lgbt.

    1. I never heard of him until I saw a flyer in my shul literally THE DAY OF THE ELECTION. I'm going to guess that the vast majority of voters never heard of him at all.

    2. Even the minimal that he received however Should send on a shoestring budget some sort of message

  2. There was such a small turnout because the vast didn't want a big turnout!!! By every other election where they need ur vote you hear from them non stop.

  3. Lakewood has the lowest vaccine rate ??
    That’s a lie !!
    Lakewood has the highest percentage of children per adult in the entire NJ !!
    Children are NOT eligible for the vaccine!
    Lakewood adults have A HIGHER vaccination rate than many other towns !

  4. New Spectacular Shiur about the Torah Perspective on the Partition Plan of Erefz Yisroel

    By Horav Michoel Sorotzkin
    29th Sivan 5781
    Anniversary of Shiluach haMeraglim
    Said for Edgeware Adath Yisroel Congregation
    A must see
