Friday, June 25, 2021

A Record Simcha Season

The busy simcha wedding season known as June in the catering industry was a record breaker in the amount of weddings that took place in Lakewood. Starting rom Shavuos until yesterday many weddings were celebrated. Not counting the many that took place from Lag Baomer through the 2nd half of sefira. Lakewood has become a popular wedding destination  for out of towners due to pricing and family considerations, which makes it difficult for locals to book halls. There are currently  4 - 5 more wedding halls going up in Lakewood that will be ready within the next few years. Oif simchas   עוד ישמע בערי יהודה ובחוצות ירושלים


  1. As you stated alot of the halls are being used by out of towners. Something needs to be done immediately to make sure the locals don't have to wait 4 months to get married. Lots of local girls are marrying boys learning in BMG or boys whose families reside in Lakewood. This is not a healthy situation. These couples need to be able to get married sooner. Wedding halls being built and available in a few years isn't helping today. A takana needs to be made regarding out of towners getting a wedding date. Especially if both sides are not from Lakewood.

  2. מה ראה דדמה דדך סומקי טפי

  3. @ Anon june 25
    do you believe in the free market?
