Monday, June 14, 2021

American Torah Leadership Quiet on New Israeli Govt

 As the new Bennet- Lapid govt in Israel was sworn in, the frum parties in the knesset along with the Moetzes of UTJ Agudah and Shas called out the coalition after the agreements were exposed as a threat to Yiddishkeit by enacting laws that will be advancing chilul shabbos with public transportation, recognizing reform geirus and same gender marriages among other reforms of redifas hadaas and budget cuts to frum families. The American Torah leadership  has thus far not issued any statements pertaining to the new government perhaps waiting to see of the agendas will be carried out or jow it will treat the frum population.

Front covers of Newspapers today after the hovt was formed


  1. "has thus far not issued any statements pertaining to the new government perhaps waiting to"
    Perhaps they are confused and/or waiting to get their marching orders from their dominant constituents

    1. "Perhaps they are confused"

      If you think that way about Gedolim, which you obviously do, why insert "perhaps"?
      Just state your mind: They ARE confused...
      And if they are confused about this issue they must be confused about many other issues, as in Halacha etc.....

  2. Agudah is smart for keeping quiet now. At this point Bennet says he will represent the charedim and protect their interests. If Lapid and Lieberman give problems than Agudah can influence as a powerful orginazation from the US that represents orthodox jewry. They should not get on the bad side now.

  3. The New Government has not done anything Yet for the Agudah in America to Make any statements or "Protests"

    Who knows if this Government will last more than a few Days

    It is such a Fragmemted group of Parties and individuals what who knows if they will be able to Pass anything or do anything to Harm the Chareidim or the Status Que

    Maybe the Chareidim will be able to accomplish more from the Outside by Leveraging and Pitting one against each other from within this coalition that has nothing I'm common

    So the Wait and See approach of the Agudah in America is actually quite sensible for now

  4. Per reports one of the first bills the new government wants to pass is to permit lace front sheitels.

  5. Agudah was quick to attack president Trump right after as he took office which could have put klal yisrael in serious sakana. The anti trumpers within agudah kept on publicly attacking the best president for rhe Jewish nation and yoshvei eretz yisrael.

    But now remain silent on a ממשלת זדון

    1. Actually, they didn't attack Trump at all. And didn't say anything about him 'right after he took office'. But as long as the persecution complex is still alive, things are good. What a bunch of whining winners!

    2. Sounds like another Neteeray Kartah guy.


  7. Sorry lets not scream wolf when nothing has happened.

    In Israel things are done differently but not here. Netanyahu had leftists in his government to and it was ok. The current government has many different factions and it is unlikely that anything will be done against frummer. Chill and wait and see.

  8. Benet has done nothing yet and the headlines call him a rasha? He is a shomer shabbos and this is how he gets treated? Why paint him like this? Is it possible the frummer are upset as they dont control the $$$.??

  9. Here are the first six links that I found for Agudah statements related to Trump:







  10. American Torah leadership? Sounds cute, what is that?

    1. You must not be From Lakewood if you do not know about Torah. Oh. And Leadership.

    2. 9:47
      Quite the contrary. I'm probably in Lakewood longer than you, and this precisely why I said what I said. I'm a Talmid of bigger people who would be quite upset at today's [lack of] leadership.

    3. You should not bother being upset. 1. your to old for this 2. this generation has no idea what your talking about. 3. ...asher yiheyu ba'yamim haheim.... You gotto deal with today's (non)Leadership. 4. smile and get back to the Gemara.

  11. For those in the Torah World there Are Leaders such as Rav Shmuel Kamenetzki and many others

  12. The American Aguda has a policy of NOT saying anything about internal Israeli affairs without the prior approval of the Israeli Moetzes (when was the last time the Israeli Aguda said anything about American Jewish political issues?)

    OTOH the Aguda policy of keeping quiet in the absence of a pressing need to say to say something is in general not as strictly adhered to as they used to. (because these days if you don't comment on a thing like Gorge Floyd you will face an avalanche of criticism and accusations of shtika khoda so keeping isn't as prudent as it once was)

  13. btw are their any gedolim left in the usa to even say they are quiet
    "The American Torah leadership"???who exactly are you reffering to?
    we are unfortunatly a "dor yosom"

  14. The Agudah attacks on Trump were not approved at all by the moetzes and it did alot of damage. It came supposedly from anti trumpers within agudah who put out those lettwrs
