Saturday, June 26, 2021

Motzei Shabbos 17 Tamuz 5781 News Updates Lakewood

 Fast of  שבעה עשר בתמוז begins at 4:17 am and ends at 9:11 pm
Weather tomorrow high of 89 and 68% humidity 

- search continued over shabbos in Miami no survivors have yet to be found 

- Lakewood couple still missing:  Religious leaders in Lakewood say it’s a tragedy that affects everyone and that they will pray for all the victims. More here

- Israel sending a delegation of the home front command A joint IDF and Ministry of Foreign Affairs aid delegation to assist  in the search and rescue recovery efforts and to help the florida Jewish community.

-The official death toll remained at four, though that number is certain to rise.Officials said they still harbored hope that some of the 159 people still unaccounted for might be found alive but acknowledged that a fire somewhere beneath the rubble was slowing rescue teams, filling the area with smoke and frustrating firefighters’ efforts to locate the source.

- Locals in Miami have expressed frustration at the rescue efforts and say that not enough is being done to search for survivors.

- Rav Chaim Kanievsky says that the יש מחמירין who begin fasting on the night of שבעה עשר בתמוז however when it falls on motzei shabbos you dont fast since the eating of melava malka supercedes the minhag of those who fast ('ספר מבקשי ה)

1 comment:

  1. Why such slow news from Florida? It’s so hard for the families…
