Wednesday, June 2, 2021

They Attacked Trump now Silence on Left Anti-Semitisim

 Jews across the USA are targeted by anti semitic attacks and the left and the democrats refuse to call out members of their own party for fueling these attacks. There is an ad campaign in the jewish media calling out Chuck Schumer for his silence. (See below)

During the Trump presidency some frum Jewish leaders and journalists joined the left and attacked President Trump for his mean tweets and for embolding the KKK at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. They wanted him to take a stronger stand against the white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups. Trump condemned the groups but it was not enough for them and they joined the left media blaming trump for anti semitism. They said things would calm down under Biden, Instead you had the Squad in congress and other senators trying to stop the USA from sending money to protect jews in Israel.   

The Anti Trumpers blamed the violence on anti Israel propaganda due to the gaza war but try to excuse that it is not really anti semitism. They tweeted  “While it’s unfortunate and illogical, some Palestinian activists seem not only prone to violence but to conflating all identifiable Jews with Israel,”. Yet frum Jews are beaten in the streets of Brooklyn and elsewhere for the very fact that they are Jews. Commentator Talk radio host Aaron Klein put it this way "Ultimately it is the purveyors of anti-Israel propaganda that feed antisemitism,they are just as responsible for the violent consequences as the hapless miscreants on the streets of America and Europe attacking Jews for the simple fact that they exist. 

   The frum anti Trumpers  wrote an open letter against Trump  "We must oppose efforts to turn support for Israel from a broad consensus into a wedge issue. Although we may rightly be concerned about trends regarding Israel in some corners, indicting an entire party as anti-Israel is not only inaccurate but has the potential of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. Nor should any party’s strong support for Israel become a justification to blindly support its politicians in every other matter. We should advocate for Israel’s security and other needs without painting ourselves into a partisan corner." they wrote.

Well now with Trump gone the weakness of the Biden administration is taken advantage of resulting in widespread semitism and attacks against Jews while the media and the politicians put out minimal tweets of condemnation but doing nothing to call out those fueling it or taking any responsibility. 


  1. Anyone have a link to Trump's statements condemning the wave of Anti Semetic attacks? As a former President, his words certainly carry a lot of weight.

    1. Isn't it sad that a google search doesn't show anything, when we know he release a statement last week. The silencing continues.

    2. By that logic where is the link to the statements from Obama, Clinton and Carter?

      Particularly when the people perpetrating these attacks are a lot more aligned with those three and their opinions carry a lot more weight with those thugs than Trump's does.

    3. What a disingenuous comment. It is not Trump Supporters perpetrating the attacks.

  2. So now Trump has to put out a statement after he was silenced on social media, guess what he led with action for four years his positions are clear
    Where is the statement from Buden Shumer Murphy Cuomo calling out AOC Ilhan and crazy Bernie

  3. Whatever your opinion of Trump and with all his many faults when it comes to to issue pertaining to Eretz Yisroel or DIRECTLY pertaining to the frum world in the US the only way you can think you are better off with Biden is if either (1) you have Trump Derangement Syndrome or (2)you are too involved with and influenced by the sordid cesspool of (particularly social) media.

    No, I don't follow right wing (social) media myself.

  4. If only Trump would have taken care of the shul issue in WG. That’s also a form of anti semitism.

  5. After that infamous letter. I started reading the regular articles of one of the signees.

    I was amazed. Week in week out he writes articles full of vague fluff with no actual content.

    I am surprized that he has that held onto that job for so long, and even more amazed that he felt his worthless regular articles somehow qualified him to write an open letter to the Jewish Community.

  6. Their attacks on Trump were not because they actually thought he supported or contributed to Jew-hatred. Like 99.9% of everything in the news media, it was all shekker.

    As a country and as a society, we are being smothered with the shekker of powerful news media organizations and their political allies. In any important area of life, a deluge of shekker floods in, squelching any mention of truth.


