Friday, June 11, 2021

Friday Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5781 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Generally cloudy. High 68F

ערב שבת פרשת קרח ראש חודש תמוז 
Candle lighting 8:08 pm Shkia/sunset 8:26 pm

- Attorney General Merrick Garland announces that the Justice Department will scrutinize any post-election audits for evidence of voting law violations.

- A asifa on tznius took place last night at B"M Bais Aron of BMG speakers were Rav Binyomin Cohen  Rosh Kollel of Mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin  who discussed the lace shaitel that it is against ratzon hatorah and violates the idea of daas yehudis and should be assur.  Rav Yaakov Forcheimer spoke as well.Recordings of the Asifa on Chayeinu Hotline: 732-301-4043
Press 1 then 2 then for Rabbi Forchheimer 374, Rabbi Binyamin Cohen 373, HaRav Malkiel Kotler 372

-  Close to 3000 children from Jackson have applied for non public transportation for the coming school year, officials point out the urgent need to fix the funding formula which only counts the public school students or Jackson will eventually have the same budget woes as lakewood. (Yated)
- Calling an emergency meeting (a week late, mind you) on heart inflammation issues in college age kids isn’t going to bode well for mandatory vaccines, no matter what the outcome. It’s on its last leg, imo.(Murphy critic Woke Zombie)

- The free Ocean County Residential Document Shredding Program is in Lakewood today Friday June 11, at the  Public Works Yard Lot, 1 America Avenue from 9:00am to 12:00pm.



  2. So R Forcheimer is "Yehuda v'oid " l R' Felder?

  3. I heard the kids in WG will have seats in shul this shabbos.

  4. Could someone post the shiur with video ?
