Sunday, June 27, 2021

News Photos and Videos

Singing Avinu Malkeinu at the Shul in Bal Harbour Surfside Miami

At the Woodbourne shul

 family members of missing Lakewood couple in Miami plead for search rescue work to expedite searching through the rubble.

Rav Chaim Kanievsky by shachris at his home today shiva asar btamuz

IDF delegation on the ground in Miami

Jewish organizations organize relief for surfside families

Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron leaves for summer vacation in New Hampshire for the next month

More at the Woodbourne shul


  1. send the Zionist pigs back to tel aviv

    1. Oh they probably just read your post and are heading back . Get a life.

    2. Did you fast today,? Do you know why we fast?

    3. They are willing to get on a plane fly over 10 hours and risk their life searching for fellow jews - what are you willing to do - did you say Tehillim for 10 hours ? Just saying

    4. What a בושה וחרפה that anyone expresses himself in such a despicable manner. If you were fasting when you wrote that, you should fast again tomorrow and do teshuvah!

    5. I, too, disagree with their Zionist views. But who are you to call them pigs. Is their תפקיד in life less important than yours? Maybe you're the pig. And maybe their תפקיד is to save 1 life, like it says in Chazal, כאילו קיים עולם מלא!

    6. What’s wrong with questioning if your mesiras nefesh matches theirs ?
      I think it’s very fair and deserves a reply
      If you can’t prove it than it’s secondary and pales to theirs

    7. stupid people who never read the empty wago are sympothizng for the natzi zionist thugs. they are zionist pigs and they should alll go on a plane back to germany and join there natzi friends back there. all they want to do is to destroy the frum community and they try to kill us at every possible oppertunity gevalt

    8. Anon 6:01 - People who have read the empty book, know about the paucity of facts and actual analysis in that book.

    9. Anon 6:01
      For most of us reading a book is not mesiras nefesh . It’s actually an enjoyable way to spend time
      But if you feel that by reading a book on this book you were somehow moiser nefesh perhaps because you are not inclined to read books or anything that requires intense concentration than by all means your reading of a book is equal to someone else trying to save a life
      I hope u are zocheh to read many more books

    10. Anon 6:01
      For most of us reading a book is not mesiras nefesh . It’s actually an enjoyable way to spend time
      But if you feel that by reading a book on this book you were somehow moiser nefesh perhaps because you are not inclined to read books or anything that requires intense concentration than by all means your reading of a book is equal to someone else trying to save a life
      I hope u are zocheh to read many more books

  2. The Israelis stick their nose in everywhere kochi veotzem yadi

    1. What an anti-Semitic comment.

      Had they been goyim instead of Yidden (most of them wearing Yarmalkas) your comment never would have been made

    2. The literal case of לפקח על הגל is כוחי ועוצם ידי?

    3. Unfortunately, they don't teach in yeshivah hashkafa ahl pi harishonim asher mipihem anu chaim, sufficing with a few yeshivishe maiselech. The Rambam is clear that when it says hakol bidie shamayim chutz miyiraas shamayim it refers to all human affairs, as all human affairs are either a mitzvah or aveira. Of course Hashem can verify any decision we make, but we usually are given the power of Bechira. That means that these IDF people coming from eretz yisroel can literally determine whether someone under the rubble will live or will be found.

  3. Or they have a Jewish soul just like you and want to save people. What about you?

  4. The IDF and the zionists wants to prove to the world how great and mighty they are this is what they come for.
    Read ben Hecht and see how many Jews were murdered because of the zionists

    1. Either you are a troll or you are brainwashed but I'll respond anyway.

      I don't know why the kanoim treat a Zionist Mechalal Shabbos B'Farhesia like Ben Hecht with such respect and trust but either way the people he wrote about are long dead. The strand of Zionism they represented barely exists anymore if at all. Even accepting Ben Hecht's version of events it was a few people operating privately rather than a collective Zionist decision.

      As the Chazon Ish said acting today based on the situation of years ago is the wrong battle.

    2. So Ben Hecht is our new Bible? He only accuses the left wing Zionist of killing people, so right wing Zionists are fine?

      And most of all, what does all of that have to do with 2021 in Miami?

    3. Hard to notice the irony of this comment. Perfidy criticizes Zionists for not saving Jews. This comment criticizes Zionists because they ARE trying to save Jews.

    4. you cant accuse current day zionists as being murderous because of zionists decades ago

  5. IDF team was invited/brought in through efforts of local Lubavitcher shliach Lipskar there.

  6. They need chassidim down there. We could easily have hundreds of volunteers there in no time.

  7. And what about the people who show off their wealth to show the world how wealthy they are - do you have the same contempt for them. Let's not make that כחי ועוצם ידי is reserved by the zionists.

  8. so one guy just read a book about the Rambam for the first time and wants everyone to know it and one guy just read Perfidy for the first time and wants everyone to know it.

  9. 1 FEMA not allowing building damage experts IDF and Zaka (and Zaka Mexico) in.
    Since when does FEMA have expertise in this? They consistently mess up simple bureaucratic aid.
    What are they hiding?
    They allow them to walk around outside, but not in the rescue areas.
    No I'm thinking they're hiding that this was a terrorist attack. There have been Muslim attacks on Jews in this area over the past few years, but givernment always covering up, individual incident, etc.
    Now we have all kinds of theories just not terrorism. And the nearby building which is an engineering duplicate is "completely safe"?
    2 Where was the Mayor of Miami Dade the day before the explosion? Meeting with President Biden.
    Since when does a president meet with quasi Mayor of medium sized town?

    3 For those kabbalistically inclined, ast week's Parashah starts Bi-laam Bi-den. Ben Tzipor, Biden's middle name and mother's family name is Robinette Tzipor.

    1. Also his son is Hunter, as in eisav was a hunter.
      And his first wife was Neila, as in Neila on Yom Kippur. Or neilas hachag.

    2. Biden's first name is Joseph, like the Joseph HaTzadik. So there you have it.

    3. Also, Kamala is m'loshon Gamal, as in the Asara Gemalim. And her husband is a yid. So that explains how its all connected to Avraham Avinu.
