Friday, June 11, 2021

Audio: Shiur on Lace Cap Shaitel

Shiur by Harav Binyomin Cohen shlita Rosh Mesifta Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin.The shiur was delivered to avreichim in Lakewood at Yeshiva Bais Medrash Govoha Thursday Rosh Chodesh Tamuz תשפ''א. Recordings of the Asifa on Chayeinu Hotline: 732-301-4043 Press 1 then 2 then for Rabbi Forchheimer 374, Rabbi Binyamin Cohen 373, HaRav Malkiel Kotler 372


  1. It is quite interesting that Reb Moshe Feinstein wasn't quoted at all

  2. Reb Moshe’s Yeshivas we’re not נוגע at all to this shiur.

    1. Is that so? Doesn't RM clearly imply there is no daas yehudis problem?

  3. But why weren't they nogea? Was there a boycott?

  4. Yes always omitting reb Moshe’s kilos is common among some unfortunately

    1. It's not a kilo. It's halacha..... There's absolutely nothing wrong with lace or any other sheital

  5. Why isn't anyone addressing Reb Moshe? Reb Moshe has an explicit teshuvah on sheitlich that appear to be a woman's hair.

  6. He doesn’t mention the fact that some of them are see through which lchora would definitely make it assur

    1. That is a fair point.

      However the Lakewood poiskim are saying that even if it is not see through it is assur. Now that appears to be something that Reb Reb Moshe is disagreeing with. That's fine as well but let's be honest about it.

  7. Question.
    Are you allowed to wear a lace top sheitel in the Westgate shul where fathers don't have seats for their children? Or since you're not allowed to daven there אין אסור חל על אסור

    1. Maybe just put on a lace top sheitel and daven in the Ezras Noshim

  8. Because this doesn’t “appear” to be the woman’s hair, this IS HER HAIR!

    1. Ummm, her hair is covered. No lady makes a sheitel out of her own hair. It doesn't make any sense.
      This is a kosher sheitel, each person has to measure her own levels of tznius and yiras shamayim to know how much to be machmir. But saying this lady who wears a lacecap/top is an avaryanis is just wrong.

    "ובדרכי משה סי' ש"ג כתב מורנו הרמ"א בהדיא, דמותר לאשה נשואה לגלות פאה נכרית שלה, לא
    שנא עשויה משערותיה, או משיער חברתה", והפמ"ג שם, שכתב "פאה נכרית אפי' משערותיה התלושים אין הרהור, ויוצאה לרשות הרבים כך אפי' בשבת, ועיין עטרת זקנים (ס"ק ג').. במדינות שיוצאין בפאה נכרית מגולה, יש להם לסמוך על השו"ע"

    And of course you won't publish it, or Rebb Moshe feinsteins clear halacha. Because you don't like the clear halacha that contradict your opinion... Shame on you

  10. First of all , if someone can explain to me WHAT IS A LACE SHETIL? Not all men are so araingeton to know ....

    1. Shaitel that makes it look as if hair is growing out of scalp

    2. Halachickly, it doesn't matter according to the רמ"א and Rebb Moshe feinstein

  11. Wow we have a lot of poskim on hv! The type of poskim that post comments.

    1. just like the headlines show had a posek whom they said was from the bigger poskim since he answered so many shaylos on whatapp!

  12. R Moshe tshuva doesn't address the place shaitel issue. Having the hair look as if it's real, is not the same as having it look like it's growing from your scalp. R' Moshe's heter is because it still looks like a shaitel to other women, but with lace tops that is no longer true. Stop using R' Moshe for every leniency you want but ignore his chumros.

    1. R moshes says there is no halacha of maris ayin at all by shaitlach your skipping the whole first part of the teshuva

    2. Stop making up your own toiros.
      R' Moshe says מראת עין is not an issue for many reasons. R' Felder needed to find a tshuva from R' Falk in order to answer R' Moshe. R' Forscheimer and R' Cohen didn't even mention R' Moshe.
      What's going on now, with all these issurim, shiurim and asifos is about yeshivaleit having a higher darga of tznius. It's not about halacha.
      For halacha go to your local OR

  13. Why go to your local OR if we have you the posek on HV?
