Thursday, June 17, 2021

Ami Interview With Trump

 Ami Magazine interviews Donald Trump at Mar a lago in this week's issue. Trump opened the interview asking about Rubashkin.  “Rubashkin,” he says suddenly. “You know Rubashkin? Iowa?” 


“He was so badly hurt,” Trump remarks, and he then proclaims that the percentage of Orthodox Jews who voted for him was “very high.” 

Trump expressed his disappointment with the response of American Jewry to policies he spearheaded as President, policies widely regarded as extremely beneficial to Israel.

 “I did the (Golan) Heights, I did Jerusalem (Embassy), and I did Iran—the Iran Deal was a disaster, right? And I also did many other things. Jewish people who live in the United States don’t love Israel enough. Does that make sense to you? I’m not talking about Orthodox Jews. I believe we got 25% of the Jewish vote, and it doesn’t make sense. It just seems strange to me,” he stresses before exclaiming, “But I did very well in Florida. I did great in Florida.” More


  1. Trump? Who's that? Who cares about his opinion? The guy is a bona fide moron, and we are much better off without him as president.

    1. Thanks for your opinion

    2. What have you done for klal yisroel or america lately? This man gave up his business empire and significantly helped the country, as well as the many yidden who personally benefited from his actions. It's ok to say you didn't like his rhetoric without resorting to calling him a moron.
      A moron his a stupid person, and no stupid person builds and empire and becomes president.

    3. Biden is a moron if ever there was one. AND he didn’t do anything for the Yidden. Trump went out of his way time and again to help the yidden. Where’s your hakaras ha tov?

    4. A crumbling 'empire', based on shady loans and grifter techniques, is quite easy to give up. Trump, with his 'stop the steal' nonsense, managed to bilk more than a quarter of a billion dollars from his flock. And the fine print allowed him to use that money for himself. He made more money on that than any deal he ever made. That guy gave up absolutely nothing, and gained much more than the amount people even say he lost.

      He is a moron because he does things without thinking and appeals to people's basic animalistic side. The world is much better off without him at the nuclear codes.

  2. Whether you like him or not he is the most powerful republican voice so get used to that
