Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Election Primary Day In NJ

Election results: Live NJ results HERE

In Lakewood locals win running unopposed.

Jack Ciattarelli is the projected winner of the GOP gubernatorial primary in New Jersey.  Will challenge incumbent Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy in November

 Toms River results 
In Ward 1, with 15 of 15 districts reporting, Lamb had 1,207 votes and Maruca had 1,023.
In Ward 2, with 18 of 18 districts reporting, Rodrick had 1,488 votes and Crispin had 1,075.
In Ward 3, with 14 of 14 districts reporting, Quinlisk had 1,258 and Piscopo had 649. The Ward 3 seat currently is held by Democrat Laurie Huryk, who is not seeking re-election.
In Ward 4, with 16 of 16 districts reporting, Ciccozzi had 890 and Loiacono had 744.
The Ward 3 seat currently is held by Democrat Laurie Huryk, who is not seeking re-election.(Patch)

Today Tuesday June 8 is Primary elections in New Jersey. This year the polls are open for in person voting the state does not require masks but some counties may ask that it be worn at the voting booth. To find your voting location you can search HERE 

On the state level Phil Murphy is running for a 2nd term unchallenged on the dem ticket. There are four candidates for the Republican nomination for governor. Former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli  but faces opposition from Phil Rizzo, Hirsh Singh and former Franklin mayor and Somerset County freeholder Brian Levine

On the ballot locally Lakewood township committemen Miller and Lichtenstein are running unopposed. In Toms River the republicans are split.

And in the 30th Legislative District that includes Lakewood, incumbent Assemblyman Sean Kean and Ned Thomson are facing a primary challenge by Alter Eliezer Richter, running on a platform of “Remove the Masks, Let Us Breathe.”(APP)

The Lakewood vaad made no public statement on the election.


  1. https://youtu.be/QV91zU4LS_4

  2. Notice the silence of Agudah and the vaad about getting the vote out campaign they only preach it when it benefits them but now they are protecting Murphy the tyrant and dint want any opposition in lakewood

    1. It’s the Sherer doctrine. Don’t interrupt the flow of money.
      As opposed to the Rav Avigdor Miller doctrine. As Frum Yidden, oppose any candidate who supports immortality.

    2. Sherer Doctrine had limits
      today there are no limits they took his errant
      Doctrine now to the nth degree

      Sherer could be somewhat excused because he was dealing with a more beleaguered smaller less influential Community back then in that era

    3. I hear that צד, but R’ Miller held what he held nonetheless.

    4. These posts are most disrespectful to the Moetzes.
      The Sherer doctrine should be called the Feinstein doctrine. Reb Moshe and the Moetzes were consulted every step of the way, regarding the negotiations and dealings with the Catholics and atheists (yes, there is no real difference between them, unlike the pro-Christian Miller doctrine would have you believe) and he paskened what was permitted and what wasn't. Rabbi Miller is (perhaps) entitled to his opinion, but only until Reb Moshe spoke. After that, everyone at his time knew that there is nothing any more to talk about.
      Sadly, we have allowed a single voice into our community, ignoring our giants of yester year. But the Zionists during the war accused Reb Aaron Kotler of the same aveira, and he was not impressed with them.

    5. Anon 8:42 - if you have a candidate that supports immortality, tell us. I for one am desperate for it. Imagine reversing the חטא עץ הדעת, how cool would that be?

    6. R moshe wrote a letter to do anything in your power to stop the gay rights bill, obviously voting against pro lgbt politicians is included

  3. What does the lgbt nursing home bill do?

    Richter: The the list is very long and disturbing

    1. allows men with male bodies who claim to be women to demand to have a woman as a roommate, even if the woman strongly opposes sharing a room with a man (and vice versa).

    2. forces people in the nursing home to call a man a “she”, and a woman a “he”

    3. it forces the facility to allow for homosexual relations to take place in the nursing homes

    4. It forces every worker who works for the nursing home to take a class on lgbt every six months. Before that Dec vote at the recent agudah convention, Rav Ahron Feldman was asked what should nursing home owners due now that lgbt is pushing their agenda there. His response was sell the nursing homes. We can thank spineless politicians for us being unable to protect our elderly. In addition, this bill will make it impossible for Torah Jews to stay in nursing home business. While the Jewish Community can stop owning nursing homes, this bill will make it impossible to stay in nursing home, with all the deadly effect that this can lead to.

  4. Richter:

    1. When there is a bill of great evil we can’t be silent. We know that Chazal say Iyov was punished for not speaking up against a great evil. The fact that the Ihr hatorah (by proxy) doesn’t oppose this a great chillul Hashem.

    2. There are only few basic reasons to abstain on a bill, there is good and bad mixed in the bill, you are unsure if it is good or bad, the bill can be good but voting for it would send a message that is bad or other similar types of thing. Kean abstaining means that the Ihr hatorah (by proxy) might think there is good in this bill, or we are only against this for technicalities but we support the spirit of the bill. Anything but unequivocal opposition to this law is dangerous and can have a devastating effect on the entire Jewish Community out of Lakewood (akin to speaking lashon Harah in kovno and being michalel shabbos in paris). Just look at what is happening in Yeshiva University now.

    3. Many other legislators look to Kean as a barometer, they think if the Assemblyman from Lakewood Ir Hatorah only abstains we can vote for it (only 1 person voted no).

    4. Even his abstaining was only under the direct duress of numerous calls from Lakewood’s Torah Community, I have no doubt based on his (past record) reluctance to even commit to abstaining that if we would not have put in numerous phone calls, he would have voted for this bill . We need to trust who elect to represent us, to protect us. We can’t elect someone and then have to stand as a shomer every time there is a vote. Kean has to vote the right way on these bills without us telling him to do so. Most normal people in the Torah Community don’t even realize what become law until years later when we see the results of a law, then we ask how did this happen, without even realizing we helped make it happen

    1. This interview is ignorant. We have no arvus for Goyim, none at all. A YID who speaks Lashon Hara in Kovno affects the world, not a goy. See Nefesh Hachaim how he explains that sometimes we are worse than Titus himself, because his actions have no cosmic effect.

      Let us internalize this one point - we have no arvus for Goyim, their morality and their lives are nothing to do with us. We need to stop looking into their lives and beliefs, and keep away from them, in the ghetto of our own minds.

    2. False

      In the days of Noach Not everyone In the generation sinned Or acted Immoral personally ,
      those other people were smug, tolerant, hosted them as politicians, couldn’t care less what others did – and for that they were destroyed with everybody else!
      Noach did care And tried to protest
      somewhat and that’s why he was saved
      but less than enough and for that he was castigated
      Cf. Tanchuma Re’eh

      Do you have a clue what Rosh Hashana tefilos are about. Doubt it.

      And even those who hold there isn’t a direct obligation when it’s not pragmatic, everyone agrees that’s our ideal role in this world
      So abandon our role as descendants of Avraham Avinu

      When R’ Boruch Ber came to New York in 1929 he was greeted by Mayor Walker. The mayor asked him “what can I do for you Rabbi?”

      His prompt response [in Yiddish] was ‘Separate the males and females at the beaches.’
      He did not ask him for favors for the Jewish community eg “religious liberty” for Jews ..

      R Shimon Schwab was explicit and emphatic about Our obligation to the outside world told people therefore to vote Republican in ’92 ,over the “pro Israel’ Clinton

      . The reason chazal are such against stadiums as can be see clearly from the gemaras in avodah zarah is ritzicha. Stadiums were used for gladiator matches FOR goyim

      “The world is full of avodah zarah, immorality, abortion, and murder, and the fundamental sheva mitzvos bnei Noach, the seven Noahide laws, aren’t being observed in society. We are not doing our job and living up to our responsibilities.

      Rav Schachter observed that we should all be thankful that G-d took an oath after the flood in the time of Noach never to destroy the entire world again. “The whole world is rebelling,” he noted. “If I were G-d, I would be very angry right now. We need to work harder and do our jobs better so that we can be an ohr lagoyim.”

      על כבוד עצמך חס ,כבוד קונו אינו חס

      מי שחושבים ככה עוברים על מצוות ‘ואהבת’ בכל יום ויום
      ‘ספר המצוות מצווה ג

    3. R Yaakov Kamenetsky was pained and troubled when after Roe v Wade, an abortion clinic was opened near Monsey. He overheard some yidden in shul making a little gelechte over the current events. He exclaimed How could we treat this so lightly? We're talking about human life. Any human life.
      His brother-in-law, in Kovno Ghetto, the greatest thing perturbing him was the Nazis were ruining their OWN tzelem Elokim

    4. Arvus as terminology is mistaken a tad but irrelevant that is
      the concepts are On Target, As expounded fully and surely

    5. You are not quoting actual pessakim from Gedolei Yisroel on what to do. You are saying this was pained, the other one expressed himself, a third one observed. Reb Baruch Ber saw what Yidden were doing at the beach, so he asked the Mayor to take care of it, nothing to do with Goyim's spirituality.

      The actual psak of the Moetzes was to look out for own interests, not the spiritual interests of the outside world. Moshe Sherer and the Lakewood Va'ad did not make that up. This was the opinion of the Moetzes under Reb Moshe Feinstein.

      Reb Eliyahu Levin told many people in Lakewood when this shaala came up, that Reb Chaim Kaniyevsky told him that we don't look at these things, only our own interests.

    6. 1. Arvus and responsibility is not the same thing. Livni iver applies to non jews
      2. Last I checked numerous jews are affected by these laws, and he said entire jewish community

    7. Didn't know yeshiva university were goyim?

    8. False Again
      The 1984 public letter which we have to protest with our bodies against New York City Council And Every possible means of influence

      Rav Moshe said we have to show the entire world that the nation of God hates the abominations

      Letter from Rav Lazer Shach zatzal printed in שמושה של תורה - משלחנו של רבינו a sefer every liberal law passed in America will find its way to eretz Yisrael

      HE similarly instructed Mr.Loebenstein
      Councillor of Hackney,London as well that it is incumbent there for on all those who are involved to fight at the source

    9. It was too mild if anything for one member of the senior

      Sherer Organization kind of foot-dragged subsequently but so what?
      Just as they did for other things such as for Netuchei Meisim

      ? So sure he had ended up in the 2K may seem to I'm cut

  5. https://jnews.us/you-are-being-lied-to/

    someone is leading the public astray

  6. Will they now allow building shuls in WG?

    1. Probably not, or if they do it will probably be with such tight takanos that you won’t be able to breathe either way.

  7. Did Richter win?
