Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sunday Shiva Asar B'Tamuz June 27 News Updates

 ושבעה עשר בתמוז הפך לנו ליום ישועה ונחמה
Fast is over at 9:11 pm
Weather: Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. Hot. High 87F. 

- Members of Jewish community and family members of the missing gathered at the Bal Harbour shul and recited Avinu Malkainu today

- Boruch Sandhouse, the CEO of 
Hatzalah South Fl has been on scene of the Surfside collapse since 1:15 Thursday am. He describes a desperate search for survivors that continues 24 hours a day. The rumor that officials are slow walking rescue operations has taken hold and is putting even the families on edge. But Sandhouse says there's no truth to it - teams are working round the clock and are barely going home to sleep. "I brought Rabbi Lipskar to the scene at 2am Shabbos morning. He stayed there for 5 hours, and he's no youngster."Rabbi Lipskar has 13 congregants missing and feels the pressure from the families.( reporter Yochonon Donn on Twitter)

- Parlor meeting today for Yeshiva Chayei Olam Monsey Harav Yaakov Yankelowitz shlita Rosh Hayeshiva, at Tiferes Hall 613 Oak st Lakewood Shiur 8:35 pm Maariv 9:10 pm divrei Bracha Harav Dovid Schustal shlita 9:50 pm

- Badatz Eida Hacharedis of Yerushalayim planing large hafgana at kikar shabbos this Tuesday to defend the honor of the Gaavad Rav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss shlita after Israeli police threw stun grenades at his car while protesting the digging up of Jewish graves

- Camp shopping Bingo sale on summer and camp items

- A prayer event will take place in the shul of Bal Harbour for the Champlain tower tragedy watch live at 3:00 pm on  Zoom
account: 770 770 9540
Passcode: 9540

- Family with missing father, sister and brother-in-law from Lakewood urges Florida authorities to ‘let us go in’ “If it was your father, your sister and your brother-in-law, would you send four firemen under a tunnel,” Shuly Rosenberg, one of Harold Rosenberg’s sons, says in an interview with CBS. Read more here

- Program for women and girls high school age & above at Bais Faiga hall Lakewood Doors open 1:45 pm program begins 2:15 pm $12 admission students $8 divrei chizuk by Mrs. E. Kestenbaum Menaheles Meon Bnos Melech

- 37% of Adults 18 and above in Lakewood are fully vaccinated against covid19

- Window smashed last week at Jewish home in Jackson was accidental by nearby landscaping work that caused rock to fly and shatter it. Officials first thought it was a bias attack and intentional.
- Six engineering experts interviewed by the Miami Herald said that based on the publicly available evidence  including building plans, recent inspection reports, photos of debris, an eyewitness, and a surveillance video of the collapse  a structural column or concrete slab beneath the pool deck likely gave way first, causing the deck to collapse into the garage below, forming a crater beneath the bulky midsection of the tower, which then caved in on itself.

- 4 more bodies pulled from rubble im Miami building as death toll climbs to 9
- Family of missing Lakewood couple Benny and Malky Weiss talk to CBS news that authorities are not doing enough to dig through the rubble and find people. The couple was staying with her father Mr. Harry Rosenberg who is also missing.

- BDE: Petira of Rav Shlomo Lankry Zt"l Rabbi of the Moroccan community in Flatbush he was 82. Sons are R' Moshe of Lakewood R' Aaron of Monsey. Levaya in Flatbush
- BDE: Petira of Rav Chaim Baruch Hakohen Schreibman ZTL a  talmid chochom and chashuvei yeshivas Bais Hatalmud Levaya will be at the yeshiva 2127 82nd street in Bensonhurst 4:;00 pm with kevura in EY. His sons R' Shabsi of Lakewood and R' Shlomo will start sitting shiva on Tuesday

- Shiur from Rev Gamliel Rabinowitz shlita today at Lutzk BM 520 New Egypt via hookup 2:30 pm or call in (425)436-6357 code# 589104 Mincha before at 1:45pm
- Shiur today by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin shlita 3:00 pm on Zoom Meeting ID:81790422045 Password:168485 One tap mobile +16465588656  ID: 81790422045 PASSWORD:168485



  2. Fast is over 911????? exactly who's zeman is that? rabbi forcheimer told me 50 min

    1. He is not the only Rov my Riv said 901

    2. If you wear lace top you can end your fast earlier.

    3. If you wear a lace top you don't need to fast

    4. You sound like a jerk

  3. The statement from the Hatzolo CEO seems to be missing something.
    How many people are working? Why haven't they been doubled and tripled? Why won't they allow the family to bring other experts? Why are there no volunteers?

    1. If every family brought their "experts" and loaded the site with volunteers, there would be total chaos and additional lives lost. Yes it's frustrating, but there IS a system. That being said, the local fire department is no expert in this type of rescue and should be reaching out to countries and organizations that have dealt with this before.
      It seems that's for the first few days the same few crews walked around the devastation without getting anywhere below the top layer.

  4. One of Trump's many accomplishments, as touted by his supporters, is his support of deregulating businesses. The belief seems to be that regulations force companies to spend more to comply, and that harms their profitability.

    When the building collapse in Miami is investigated, the experts and engineers will be looking at the various causes, and suggesting future regulations to ensure this doesn't happen again.
    Does anyone think that is a bad idea? Do any Trump voters want people to die in building collapses?
    I don't think so.
    Well, all regulations are based on the same premise. The purpose of regulations is to protect the consumer from things that he cannot protect himself. The idea that regulations are evil is a myth promoted by big business through their political arm.
    We should be smarter than to buy it.

    1. What a twisted mind and poor attempt to knock Trump.
      No one is against safety regulations that save lives.

      Regulation is a problem when it is caused by self interest red tape and environmental driven agenda or poor trade practices.

    2. Your are confusing business regulations with building codes, those are two different things, but as always your Trump hatred has completely destroyed your ability to think. Refuah sheleimah.

    3. A regulation is one that requires that in order to import glass frames you have a retail store. That is not safety, it is protecting dealers.
      How is a rule about water usage standards for showerheads with multiple nozzles a safety issue?
      A rule outlining the definition and rules for electric bicycles in national parks is a safety issue?
      A rule requiring HUD-funded homeless shelters to provide transgender persons with access to programs, benefits, services, and accommodations in accordance with their gender identity. Is that a safety issue?

      It pays to be educated before you make statements. But like most anti-Trump sentiment, it comes from hatred and not facts.

  5. Environmental driven agenda is code for 'idea that save lives in the long run'. There is nothing wrong with protecting the environment, we all live in the environment.

  6. the gaveds kavod is at stake everyone has to come to the hafgana on tue at 6 at kikar shabbos gevalt raboiseinu einom hefker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      has all the updates on this developing story

    2. The Gaavad will have no more kavod from this hafgana than from no hafgana.
      Additionally, it should be noted that 'the' Gaavad is the Gaavad of the Edah Charedis, one of many organizations operating in Jerusalem. Those who are members of his Kehilla should care. The rest of us, just don't

    3. he is still a big rabbi so why should we not care even if he is nor our rabbi
      and this is a big chillel hashem like if a sefer torah falls down c"v even if it not you shul it is a tragedy
      and the Nazi style behavior by Israeli police to throw stun grenades at rabbonim is unacceptable

  7. Badatz Eida Hacharedis of Yeru...
    has all the latest updates on this one
