Monday, September 2, 2024

Oif Simchas Monday 30 Av Rosh Chodesh Elul

 יעלה ויבוא 
Lederrer - Berman Bais Faiga
Katz - Backenroth Ne'emas Hachaim 
Stein - Spar Cedar Palace 
Freedman - Hoberman Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Shlomowitz  - Stein Fountain Ballroom 
Zelcer Lake Terrace 

Hischadshi Rosh Chodesh teleconference shiur for women by Rav Lipa Geldwerth shlita 9:15 pm and 11:15 pm 732-645-9444 or 347-202-0666 live event no recordings 

-Rosh Chodesh Elul Musical Hallel at Khal Ohr Shefa Jackson 4 Sutter Shachris 8:30am
Babad shul Toms River shachris 9:30 am


  1. Beware , many of these tuna bagel minysnim are copying the OTD center called Mordy Shtieble by going against halachah and playing music with hallel

    1. Thanks for the reminder to go there and be uplifted by a warm davenen

    2. I have a creeping suspicion that the wannabe "yeshivermann" who use the disgusting term tuna bagel are actually children or grandchildren of tuna bagels. People with proper yichus Don't talk down others like that.

    3. ^ exactly why I made my comment about answering “Arvus”

      The commentary has nothing to do with arvus. It’s just negativity and borderline sinas chinam on a random blog. Between this, the Tuna bagel guy, and the shvimkleit girl - we have more important issues to tackle as nation, unified.

  2. Please supply a list of these minyanim.

  3. The worship of avoda zara included ecstasy and a spiritual awakening.

    There is nothing about a 'vareme' experience that makes it Jewish, acceptable, or correct.

    If the Mishna Berura writes that it is assur to have music during davening, no amount of 'uplifting' deems it correct.

    1. Please relax and take a deep breath. Let people sing and rely on whatever they’d like. It’s none of your business.

    2. We're responsible for each other. Arvus

    3. He doesn’t sound like he wants to help anyone.

    4. The comment of 4:59 was addressed to the Mishna Berura, nobody else.

    5. 12:52 - C’V my comment was to the poster not the MB.

    6. Is there a difference
