Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday Sept 22 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 74° Partly cloudy

- Atzeres tefilah Zaakas HaGolah organizers are looking into possibly getting a stadium in New Jersey

-Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn are upset at the city Sanitation Department over its stricter evening curbside garbage drop-offs, saying they are getting slapped with fines for adhering to their religion of keeping shabbos. As NYC rules don't allow the garbage to be placed on the curb prior to a certain  time to minimize rats eating the trash. But for 6 months of the year shabbos statts before 6pm before the allowes tine to lut it out. Brooklyn state Sen. Simcha Felder has urged sanitation officials to stop issuing summons ahead or during the sabbath.

- Grand opening today of Hoisery place 3rd location in Toms River.

- Old Picnic market plaza on Squankum Rd will be replaced by multiple housing units as construction  begins

- Harris calls on Trump to accept proposal for another presidential debate

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Jackson to B"M Shaarei Ish at 518 E. Veterans procession at 5:00pm

- Bde: The levayah for rebbitzen chayah Zimmerman A"H from bensohurst will be at 6pm at the lakewood chapel.

-Pre Yom Tov warehouse Modest women's clothing sale prices up to 70% off at American Dream mall Orange Mezzanine today and Tomorrow sep 22-23 10am -10pm

- CBS news poll: Harris has just the slightest of edges across the battlegrounds (it was 50-50 in Aug) and is now up 4 pts nationally over Trump.
% saying economy is good has ticked up. That, along w/ a debate voters say was net positive for her, has helped Harris. It remains a contest either candidate can win.

- Atzeres Tefilah on Gezeiras Giyus: Organizers are planning simultaneous events for this Tuesday in Lakewood,Monsey,Brooklyn.
Tav Aaron Feldman shlita R"Y Ner Yisroel Baltimore signed a letter to gather for a atzeres against the drafting of yeshiva Bochurim.

- Yeshiva and mesivta of Long Beach even Hapina event this afternoon in Lakewood at Lake Terrace hall

- Gas prices in Lakewood $2.99 at some locations ahead of elections

-Pre YT sale at GG case of 100 9x13 $16.99, 9inch round pans $9.99,  Neironim 4hr $5.99, 2lb. Hasasim Honey $3.79

Chestnut shul will host a Chai Elul Farbrengen tonight Sunday with Rav Mordechai Zakitunsky shlita and Joey Newcomb 7:30pm

- Trump: Kamala and her “handlers” are trying to make it sound like I am the Incumbent President, so that they can blame me for the failure of the past four years. No, it was their failure! It is one of the worst Presidencies in History, and she is definitely the Worst Vice President.

- Food prices in N.J. continue to rise, but latest data shows some signs of hope (

The mashpia Rav Yossef Sheinberger shlita will deliver divrei chizuk today at B"M Shvilei Dovid 74 Broadway Oak n Vine 12:00pm

- Jewish Swing State Democrat in Pennsylvania announces his support for President Trump: 
“If you’re a Jew, if you’re pro-Israel, there’s only one candidate here: Donald J. Trump.”
“There is no prize for being on the last train to Auschwitz!”(Foxnews)


  1. I wonder if frum maga is repulsed by Trump's bowing and scraping today to the heads of Qatar on Truth social.

  2. The levayah for rebitzen chayah Zimmerman from bensohurst will be at 6pm at the lakewood chapel.

  3. According to Israeli law, any frum person, whether he learns in Yeshiva or not, who gets married before receiving his draft notice, can be absolved from the draft.

    This means that even if the Yeshiva-bochur-exemption is cancelled, Frum people can still be exempted if they get married young. I am not holding my breath, however, that the Yeshivas will advise their bochurim to get married early in order to have an easy way to exempt the draft.

  4. Why is Long Beach making a hanochas even hapina in Lake Terrace? They aren't building anything in Lake Terrace

    1. Probably most of their donor base is in Lakewood. A even hapina usually winds up being a fundraiser.

    2. Officially, the construction site is too hazardous for a large event.

  5. Any truth to the rumors that some of unzere were involved in preventing permits for the giyus rally

    1. Nice - That was my idea

    2. Are you trying to dig up dirt on someone?!

    3. If yes, they have a wonderful zechus of thousands of hours of learning Torah that took place thanks to the canceling of the rally.
      אשרי חלקם

    4. I sure hope so. Preventing a chilul hashem is a massive mitzvah. As massive as the atzeres.

    5. If you think Jews protesting against the Zionist regime from forcing talmidim to stop learning Torah and join the shmad army is a chillul Hashem, then you do not know what a c’H is.

  6. The rally last fall in Washington was all that & worse.Somehow they same crowd with pious objections dropped their objections then

    1. The rally in Washington was successful, unlike this failed attempt which can't even get off the ground.

    2. You can just as easily say the oppisite. Those who were screaming against the rally in Washington for reasons that apply to this rally as well dropped their pious objections now too

    3. duh. Rallies such as that former rally are PC among the larger semi jewish community brokers .This was anti-PC. Obviously going to be made difficult
      The few, the very few, who were consistent-sure
      Where are they
