Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday September 27 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, September 27, 2024 / כ״ד אלול תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת נצבים-וילך
Candle lighting 6:26pm
Shkiah/Sunset  6:44pm

Weather 71° Cloudy with occasional showers this afternoon. 
Shabbos day 71° Steady light rain in the morning. Showers continuing in the afternoon. High Chance of rain 70%
Sunday 67° Cloudy with showers Chance of rain 50%

- The parking Lots at Clifton and 10th will be closed off after selichos Motzei shabbos 2:30 am am until after the Atzeres Sunday afternoon. Youngeleit are requested not to bring their cars Sunday to first seder but get dropped off as there will be no parking.

- A fire broke out early today at the brand new building of the new Bais Medrash in New Square.  Thousands aee expected tobgather motzei shabbos for selichos.  The fire started
In the laundry room near the mikva and filled the BM with smoke. Local askanim brought in cleaning personnel to remove smoke and the lingering odor from the shul and  have the building ready to host thousands of Skvere Chassidim for Selichos

- Selichos Motzei shabbos at BMG is 1am in Yoshon, Bais Aaron,Bais Sholom, Princeton, Forest Ave BM

- The Atzeres which will be attended by leading gedolim and Roshei Yeshiva, will start out with Mincha, 1:30pm and then Tehillim for our brethren in Eretz Yisroel and around the world, as the unprecedented threats continue to endanger Klal Yisroel. The Atzeres will also feature short speeches describing the gravity of this new law, and the threat it poses to the Olam Hatorah. The Atzeres will culminate with one of the Gedolim leading the thousands gathered with Kabolas Ol Malchus Shamayim to beseech Hashem to nullify the decrees and hasten the Geulah.
The atzeres is set to take place in the large parking lot across from Bais Aharon, bordering 9th and 10th Streets, and Clifton and Lexington Avenues. It will begin at 1:30 PM.

- Youtuber asks orthodox Jews in Lakewood who they plan on voting for in the presidential election Trump or Harris view Here

- Ossie's Fish Store Now Open in Lakewood for the first time at Gourmet Glatt South

- Lakewood mayor is asked about homeless in the downtown says they have people working with them 24 hours a day trying to see how they can get the out of there 

-Lakewood Residents complained about garbage truck overnight pick up at the Seagull square shopping mall the mayor said they reached out to all the private companies they are not to do any pick ups from 10pm -7 am

- Trump meets Ukraine's Zelensky in New York.

- The Howell Township Planning Board unanimously denied an application proposing to construct over 200,000 square feet of warehousing and offices on Victory Road, with one board member citing traffic worries as a reason to reject 
The Sanz Dayan will spend shabbos in Lakewood amongst the chasidim and travel back to Boro Park for Selichos early Sunday morning 

- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is at the UN this morning and warned Iran “If you strike us, we will strike you There is no place in Iran where the long arm of Israel can not reach “Far from being lambs led to the slaughter, Israel will fight back,” Netanyahu said, "We will not be silent until all the abductees return home"

- Hurricane Helene slammed into Florida’s Gulf Coast as a Category 4 storm with winds of 140 miles an hour. It swallowed parts of Florida in a nine-foot storm surge, lashed the region with heavy rain and has cut power for millions of people. It is now in Georgia, where it is weakening to a tropical storm. 

- After hearing objection from numerous residents on the proposal, Lakewood’s Township Committee tabled a scheduled vote on an ordinance that would permit for more dormitories and mid-rise residential apartment buildings to be constructed in the Township Faa


  1. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION. The prosperity of Lakewood hereon depends on YOU.

    No boss, no political broker, no CEO, no one in America can oppose the clearly expressed will of the people.

    It is the difference between the legislature putting the burden of our failing public school district on Lakewood taxpayers or upon the State. Either way the district is going to be fully financed like an urban district in a large city. We are talking hundreds of million dollars a year and a quarter billion dollar debt.

    It is the reality.

    Last year we should have used our political capital to send a Democrat to Trenton to get the governor on board to settle with the state for $80 million a year (the amount we need less the repayment of debt) and waiver of the loans. It is not too late.

    Pay close attention to the following excerpt from the Senate leadership in April 2023 after our victory in Court to make Lakewood an Abbott district. Note how ignorant the commissioner acts. She just lost the biggest case of the century so far and she acts like she even has no clue of who is going to represent her.

    (I have been dealing with the apathetic DOE and its attorneys in the AG office since 2014. Every executive public entity in NJ, including our own local BOE, just throws up their hands to Lakewood’s problems, and as Glenn Forney, the boss of the monitors, testified in court, “We are taking it year by year.” That means loans.):

  2. Yet, we dropped the ball. True, no one in Lakewood had easy access to the Senate leadership at the time, but that was the time to consolidate our support. And the Vaad did have access to the governor. (In fact, I was told that they make seven requests a year and usually get about four.)

    Instead we chased after a voucher dream that had no chance to materialize in this state even if the governor would have supported it.

    As if ignorant of our major victory in court, the APP reported that:

    "Schnall, a powerful leader in the township’s Orthodox community, jumped into the race for the 30th Assembly District just weeks ago, a move observers saw as a way to boost the Jewish community’s voice in Trenton."

    Rabbi Weisberg and I knew from the beginning it was a hopeless to get vouchers in NJ but his hands were tied. Like I have been saying on this blog, and will continue saying, no one can stand in opposition to the will of the people in America, However, that will has never been expressed in Lakewood. It is fragmented by a cowardly press and little bosses trying to maintain control of their own little fiefdoms, so that no one has the courage to rise above the system unite in something great to the extent that the town will thrive for decades.

    Look at this nonsense written months after I already had the attention of the governor, Senate leadership, and soon, the Supreme Court, all three branches of NJ government. As if it was not happening.

    NOVEMBER 14, 2023

    Avi Schnall won, but the ultimate victor was the Ihr HaTorah’s obedience to daas Torah

    That is journalism?

    There are 200,000 teachers in this state that will vehemently oppose vouchers, (except for some yeshiva ladies in the public high school). NJ and Massachusetts have the best public schools in the nation. The purpose of public schools is to preserve the republic. (

    Is has been said that we can attribute "success in New Jersey to cases such as Robinson and Abbott. The litigation “illustrates how smart, focused use of resources in high-need communities can make a major difference in student achievement in a relatively short period of time for students who have been furthest behind.” (

    BTW Prof. T. was the architect of Abbott, and as amicus in Robinson, he was the first to plead that education is a right under the state constitution, not under the 14th amendment. Ultimately, both the State Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court ruled that there is no right under due process and equal protection of the law. He was amicus in my case and now he is co-counsel and writing all the briefs.

    The most incredulous idiocy of the little bosses is, as already said, that the NJ Constitution REQUIRES the public schools to be fully funded.


    (Technically there are no Abbotts, but it is just the same because we got the T & E ruling that forces the legislature to act.)

    So it is in the cusp of our hands to fix our public finances, yet the naysayers asked you to give up your vote when we don't even know if the NJ COURT will hold vouchers repugnant to the State Constitution.


    The Court will not allow vouchers in Lakewood BEFORE the district is fixed.

    Why would the State take a substantial cut in revenue when we already owe $250 million and need $80 million a year just to keep the district operating, a constitutional responsibility of the State since the 1880s. Just think and learn what is happening. AL

  3. Mr. AL, thank you for being the lone sane voice in Lakewood while all the askanim, and school owners in Lakewood have no clue what's really going on and only care about their friends, not the little guys like you and me.

    You remind me of the American leaders, such as Rudy Guliani and the like.

    What would we do without you!

    1. Thank you. Giuliani when he was US Attorney and when he was mayor, not when he was the President's attorney.

    2. Likely the original comment was facetious trolling

  4. Today 24 of Elul is the 91st yortzeit of the Chofetz Chaim.
    An emotional story about him which is very much nogea to many of us and had an impact many decades afterwards was told by a gathering of bnai torah in Eretz Yisroel by Reb Michoel Sorotzkin.

  5. I just got what Senator Ruiz at the end of the clip meant by "Lean on Us."
    My new school, starting next month, is "Lean on Me." AL
