Saturday, September 28, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Nitzavim-Vayelech News Updates Lakewood

- Selichos Motzei shabbos at BMG is 1am in Yoshon, Bais Aaron,Bais Sholom, Princeton, Forest Ave BM

- Weather for tomorrow sunday September 29 Cloudy with occasional rain showers. High 66F. Chance of rain 60%.
Forecast during Atzeres showing 50% chance of rain

- Atzeres Tefillah tomorrow in Lakewood Tens of thousands expected
The parking Lots at Clifton and 10th will be closed off after selichos Motzei shabbos 2:30 am am until after the Atzeres Sunday afternoon. Youngeleit are requested not to bring their cars Sunday to first seder but get dropped off as there will be no parking.

- Lakewood area rabbonim spoke in shul on shabbos urging everyone to participate in the tefilas Rabim tomorrow starting with Mincha 1:30pm

-watxh levaya Here 9am
 BDE: Petira of HaRav Avrohom Zucker ZTL, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Ohr Yisroel in Flatbush. Who was nifter over shabbos from complications  suffered in an accident a few weeks ago. Levaya will be at the Yeshiva tomorrow 9:00am 2899 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn
a rebbi and rosh yeshiva, Rav Zucker was deeply beloved by his talmidim. His unique ability to connect with each individual, his genuine care for their growth, and his unrelenting concern for both their spiritual and physical well-being were hallmarks of his life’s avoda, matzav reports.

- Gourmet Glatt both locations open tonight  south until 12:30am

- Death toll from Hurricane Helene at 59
Deaths across 5 states: At least 59 storm-related deaths have been reported in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia.

- Kamala Harris made her first trip to the southern border since a 2021 visit to El Paso, Texas — and comes shortly after news broke of federal data released the same day showing more than 15,000 illegal immigrants currently living in the US are convicted or accused of homicide.

-Kamala made a fake trip to the border on the same day we learn that she let in over 13,000 convicted murderers, over 15,000 rapists and lost 320,000 children.(Monica crawlie)

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