Thursday, September 26, 2024

Roshei Yeshiva Gedolei Yisrael Call Atzeres Tefilah On Gezeiras Giyus in Lakewood

                      עצרת תפילה זעקת הגולה 
The Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva issue a letter calling on everyone to attend the atzeres Tefillah zaakas Hagola on Gezeiras Giyus as the IDF ramps up the attempt to draft Yeshiva Bochurim. Several media outlets reported that this is about the hostages although the letters from the gedolim say the gathering is mainly about the gezeiras giyus that is threatening the kiyum of klal yisroel by trying to close down the yeshivos and it is taking place during the yemeni harachamim when there is sinas yisrael rampant across the world and acheinu bnei yissroel in E"Y are in a physical and spiritual danger

The Atzeres will take place this Sunday first day of selichos 1:30pm at Clifton Ave 9th street by the municipal lot and surrounding area.

A conference call took place last night  for menahlim and roshei yeshiva of the yeshivos in the tri state area joined with  the Lakewood roshei yeshiva and Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel who spoke strongly about the threat facing the olam Hatorah ibn Eretz Yisroel and specifically as the army is already targeting the weaker boys from the tichonim yeshivos who are not as strong to stand up to the threats of jail by the IDF for ignoring the draft notice. Rav Elya Ber said everyone must attend the atzeres. The Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yisroel Neumen addressed those who cliam that it will be Bitul Torah saying besides that it will be bein Hasdorim this Atzeres is Kiyum HaTorah. Many local and out of town yeshivos will be attending including South Fallsburg and Baltimore

A robo call with a audio message from Rav Asher Ariel shlita  was sent to Lakewood residents to attend the atzeres where he speaks about the current threat to the yeshivos in EY and he personally knows of a yeshiva were 17 bochurim got draft notices for this coming week to hear his message dial 732-289-6441


  1. Who is the trending source? Don't buy that this is legit

  2. If rather sing dance & fress in Uman

  3. What's the story behind the rebranding of the event (at least in the media)?

  4. What's the story behind the rebranding of the event in the media? YWN and Matzav are using the same script. There must be something behind it. Especially considering the fact that Matzav didn't have a problem reporting about it in the past as an atzeres about giyus.

    1. Those sites cater to the Modern Orthodox crowd there is no rebranding, it is powerful baalei batim that are uncomfortable with the daas Torah when it does not fit their agenda. They are weak people and insecure about fighting the army so they are saying its about the hostages.

    2. Right now on Matzav and YWN it's written very clearly that it is about giyus. Did they change it?

    3. Yes they spun it with a fake press release that did not come from the organizers and made it mainly about 100 hostages and also a small mention about giyus.

      There's a deep state eiruv rav among us that is trying to undermine yiddishkeit

  5. The charedi sewage media is trying to distort the message by saying it's about the hostages which is an outright lie. This is fake news. And some websites or newspapers have yet to mention a word about it.
    These same media were screaming from the rooftops to vote for Avi Schnall because of daas Torah yet now they ignore it because it doesn't fit with their Daas balei batim Zionist agenda

  6. What's the downside in going and davening? Who cares what the media says?

  7. Have these balei batim cut down their gashmiyus out of concern for the hostages??
    Dov they think that they care more about the hostages than the rosei yeshiva?
    Do they think that going with Shai Grau her to Gaza and signing a misleading means they care more about the hostages than bnei Torah who sacrifice their life and say tehillim daily?
    Shame on the woke leftists among us who are trying to destroy the yeshivaleit from within they are not representing the Yeshiva world
    צאו טמא

    1. Have YOU cut down YOUR gashmiyus out of concern for the Yeshiva Bochurim and Avreichim in EY? Tell me what you did. Can you tell me a little more about the concern the rosei yeshiva have shown for the hostages that makes it so clear they care more than these balei batim? How do bnei Torah sacrifice their lives daily ? etc.

    2. Anon 10:22 am
      You missed the point
      The balei batim are using the hostage card to deflect from the seriousness of the threat to the yeshivos and bochurim with the draft.
      They are whistle blowing the hostages narrative as an excuse to hind behind their attacks on the roshei yeshiva including Rav Dov Landau Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsh Rav Moshe Sternbuch Rav Asher Arieli who all live in Eretz Yisroel and are dealing first hand with the fallout of giyus.
      Yet these eiruv rav are looking to undermine the atzeres by pretending that nothing is done about the hostages in a way to bashmutz the Roshei Yeshiva and Rav Elya Ber shlita
      הזהרו בגחלתן

    3. “Sacrifice their life and say tehilim” it’s one thing being against Giyus it’s another to imagine your sacrificing your life

  8. So should dati-leumi yeshiva students also not serve in the army? Who will defend the country?

    1. Satmar promised a full brigade

    2. Disband the perverse IDF with it's agenda entirely. Then re-constitute again without the unnecessary gals & the rest of the garbage.This isn't new , it's decades old contentions.& THEN perhaps alot of our boys will be sent to serve.Easy.
      BUT wouldn't that defeat their ( & your crowd's?) purpose ?

  9. Maybe if there would have been a even the tiniest lip service paid to sympathy for the soldiers, citizens and hostages in EY in the promotional material, people wouldn't be accusing you of not caring. Just a thought. Don't spit on us and tell us it's raining.

    1. What are you talking about? Everyone was immensely pained and horrified. There was a huge Yom Tefillah in all of BMGs botei medrashim during the week after the attacks. The intensity and feeling of the tefilos is like nothing I have ever experienced. I am sure that had more of an effect where it counts than anything else that could have been done....

  10. Feh. Where was the grand atzeres for the hostages? For our brothers at war? Only once an imaginary draft happens (not a single learning in Chareidi yeshiva boy has been drafted yet) do we see a huge atzeres.

    Also if Torah protects, shouldn't it protect against the imaginary gezeiras hagiyus?

    1. Rav Asher Arieli said he knows of a Yeshiva where 17 Bachurim got draft notices, but you know better. Feh!

    2. Feh to you
      We have gedolei hador who are calling this a gzeiras hashmad who are you to argue
      Take your daas balabayis and smoke it with your hooka
      Anyone who thinks that this is not a gzeiras hashmad do not understand the mentality of the secular Israelis. They look at the Chareidim and their birthrate as an existential threat to a Secular Israel. Their solution is to either turn Chareidim into chilonim or to drive them off to Chu"l
      This is exactly what is going on. They'll start with quotas of only working bochurim and eventually get to everyone.
      This is what the gedolim of the 50s saw in giyus banos and that is what the gedolim of today see in giyus bnei hayeshivos

    3. JB, there is a third option. Israel allows frum married men, who get married before they get their draft order, to avoid the draft.

    4. But it costs them in their job options & pretty much everything else

  11. Breaking ....the left frum websites caved after they were called out and published the truth about the atzeres the attempt to spin and distort failed

  12. There are three options:

    1) The frum people should leave the country
    2) The frum Americans are willing to give the Israeli government enough money to hire a mercenary force (I don't think the frum Americans are interested in cutting back).
    3) The Yeshivas come to some sort of compromise. For example, the Yeshivas can offer half of their talmidim to work in weapons factories three days a week wherein only frum men are employed. (Unfortunately, I don't see any attempt from the Yeshivas to come to any sort of compromise at this point).

  13. Shameful to see balei batim ripping down signs near yeshiva because it dosent fit their agenda and hashkafos that they get from the Modoc media #MKY YWN VIN and Sparks of a nation, despite all the gedolei hador encouraging everyone to go. Then these same balei batim tell us who to vote for using the Dass Torah card

    1. I don't believe any balei batim went around ripping down signs near yeshiva. If any did they are certainly NOT the same balei batim who tell us who to vote for using the Daas Torah card

    2. Telling people what to do and what to think using the Daas Torah card is the type of thing that those who are in Yeshiva tell Baaley Batim. Not the other way around

    3. B’mechilas kovodcha, you are wrong. They are not Modox. Not Balei Batim. They are following the well known shita of the Satmar Ruv Reb Yoilish Ztzvl ZYA.
      During. A. War. No. Demonstrations. Period.
      The goyesh world has to know that Yidden are brothers. Between ourselves, we can debate and argue.
      What do you think this will look like to the goyeshe world?
      They don’t understand this dakasdige nuance about the draft.
      Ask older Satmar chevra וואס וואלט די רבי געזאקט? What would the Rebbe say?
      Before you bash, get educated.
      Now let’s connect the dots.
      Point 1
      לית מן דפליג Israel is in a War
      Point 2 If my understanding that I heard from the אלטע guard at Satmar is correct, that during a war, the Rebbe held that there should not be demonstrations.
      Should there be a Protest/ Yom Tefilla
      Was the Rebbe ch’v daas baal habayis?
      Just pointing this out to you respectfully. Please don’t call someone you disagree with דעת בעל הבית when so many gedolim held that way

    4. ילמדנו רבינו if Limud Hatoire is megin the yishuv of EY in time of war , wouldn’t our limud hatoire megin the yeshiveleit in EY ? Why make a whole atzeres תורה היא וללמוד אני צוריך or is it a papal bull

  14. Haha the pro zionist balei batim who dance with Shai Goucher signing the missiles are suddenly following the shita of the satmar Rav about not holding rallies during war time.
    Did they not go to the Washington rally also because of the Satmar shita?
    And BTW both Satmar rebbes singed on to go to the atzeres so they would know a bit more about the shita than the hooka smoking restaurant fressing Orlando flying toameha partying baal habos

  15. Satmar is NOT MAKING AN ATZERES rather, they are "adding Yom Revi'i " in Tehillin to Sunday Selichos, as a form of YOM TEFILLAH against the gezeirus giyus.
    Therefore, the SATMAR askonim who initiated this whole (failed) Atzeres came crying to "Lakewood" to do something that their own SATMAR is not doing
    Shame on us for falling so low, even Satmar doesnt do what we are.
    Reminds us of the posuk in the Tochacha, that we are despised by our own when we try to Outdo Satmar

  16. Reb Shai is a tzadik who bh is filling a tremendous need. The fact that you can bismirth a yid who is busy yomimo velayla with almonos and yisoimim from 10/7 is a big avla on your part. Get a grip before you put down a fellow yid. A big busha on you

  17. It seems to me that the underlying resentment towards this gathering is a feeling - which many residents of America and of Lakewood in particular have - that those involved in organizing things like this have never done a thing to help Yidden closer to home with the many problems we have and make no attempt to do so, preferring to downplay or completely ignore important issues like the complete, systematic destruction of Lakewood as an Ihr Hatorah for the financial gain of a few, while simultaneously expressing much concern for the charedim of Eretz Yisroel. Thus, the antagonism is not against the attempts to help charedim in Eretz Yisroel per se as it is a knee=jerk reaction to a perceived lack of sincerity of those in positions of authority who are behind it yet who fail to take responsibility for things that they really should care about.
    On the other side, you have people who seem to be trying to express their frumkeit by supporting this movement. Since it is too hard to show their frumkeit by standing up against the inroads made against the "Ihr Hatorah" model in Lakewood, and they would stand to lose a lot personally if they were mocheh against the importing of foreign lifestyles to Lakewood and those who profit from it, they prefer to do so by focusing on issues in Eretz yisroel, which they stand to lose nothing by protesting against. Again, it is not so much about the actual issue as it is about showing how "charedi" they are without taking any personal risk.
    I guess you can choose which side you'd like to be on or you can sit this one out, just like most people in Lakewood do for almost everything else.

  18. Yes I cut down on my gashmiyus, I only buy cowboy steaks at NPGS, I am the only car at BMG that is older than 2020, I stopped using my food stamps to eat at the fancy restaurants in town that accept it.

  19. 2:54
    What you contend arguably shouldn't apply now,if you're of the stance that protests are presently the need of the moment
    A little background:
    By the old standard Everything on all sides stopped during a war.
    Nowadays by contrast Bagatz & stooges keep on ramping up evil shenanigans on all fronts [this draft IMO in relatively minor with the rest-where's the outcry for those] even throughout the present crisis.In such a scenario it's only therefore a fair tete à tete .

    RYoelish & the venerable Moetzes back then stopped everything during the On again- off again War of Attrition? Nituchei meisim Demonstrations were smack in the middle of that.
    iirc Though Bagatz naturally demanded everybody else must cease their operations they don't like eg attacking Likud mk Levin,BenGvir couldn't even dismiss last winter the unimportant backstabbing woman even charge of Prison Staff,
    themselves ,their media &protesting demographic on the other hand..which has been unlike any previous situation
