Thursday, September 26, 2024

Lakewood Schools Open Registration for Next Year

 While there are still some girls not yet accepted into school for this year, several Boys and girls elementary schools already opened applications for next year and one school is closing registration tomorrow Sept 27. Traditionally the elementary schools would open registration right after Sukkos which was also early to start. For some reason a few boys schools advertised they are already accepting applications now before Rosh Hashana and the Lakewood cheder is closing registration tomorrow Friday September 27.

This early start by the schools prompted a panic among couples sending to Primary, which forced other schools to jointly put out an ad that they will not open registration until after Sulkos 26 Tishrei.

The mesivtos and girls high schools don't start taking applications until after chanukah, for some reason playgroups and elementary school start a year in advance before knowing much how the child will develop over the year. There's  been a push over the years to have the application start date pushed off to at least Chanuka but now it's just the opposite and  starting even earlier than usual.


  1. The same schools and morahs that are supposed to be training our kids to have emuna and bitachon, and that whatever hashem decides you will get, actually get, are the ones trying to beat a system. Ironic.

    1. I would think that all schools teach that, including the schools that did not try to beat the system.

  2. Please let us know which schools so potential parents won’t miss out even though it’s ridiculous

  3. As long as parents won't internalize that they don't need a specific school. Their children will do well marry nice and be successful. In essence be in touch with reality!They will continue to be taken advantage of.

    1. How fortunate are you that you never had to find out the difference between schools.
      Schools and Yeshivos often don't do much to develop a child or bochur. But they have the ability to do serious damage.

  4. No one should apply until after sukkos. This is not fair and not right
    We need leadership to keep the schools in check and fight for the parents. This is causing unnecessary pain to young parents and kids.
