Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Atzeres Tefilah on Gezeiras Giyus in Lakewood This Sunday

 The Atzeres Tefilah on the geziras Giyus and drafting of yeshiva bochurim to the IDF will take place in the Yeshiva  area on Clifton Ave with Mincha 1:30pm Tens of thousands expected  Women and children will also participate. There will be another Atzeres in New York for the chasidishe communities location and more details TBA 

Yeshivas Ner Yisrael Baltimore will be attending with their Rosh Yeshiva Rav Aaron Feldman shlita

Yeshiva South Fallsburg will be attending with the Rosh Yeshiva Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita

Robo call with message from Rav Asher Arieli shlita calling on everyone to gather and attend the Atzeres due to the gezeiras Giyus


  1. Regardless of your position on this issue, I would hope that we can all agree that doing this during a multi front war when tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters put their lives in mortal danger in defense of EY is, to put it charitably, not the best timing for it.

    1. WE protect the Zionists with our Torah learning, they have their toeiva parades, want to have mixed davening lehavdil, force kol isha, allow for tuma and unkosher food. dont serve in accordance with Daas Torah as the Torah protects

    2. We protected the Czar

  2. Does the fact that there are two different gatherings mean that the two factions could not come to an agreement on how to make this happen together?

    1. I thought it was because they couldn’t get permits to have it in a more central location so they’re having one here and one there instead

    2. No. It means they couldn't raise enough money for a regular indoors arena (or didn't want to spend their own funds, meaning they're not so committed to this) so they found a freebie place in Lakewood, and I'm sure something similar in Breukleyn

  3. Right now we do not need to pile on and create more of a kitrug for klal yisroel. We all know the soton in ellul is working overtime to create negativity for us which will effect the coming year Rachmonoh litzlon. Millions of Yiden are at risk if the war situation escalates.

    1. Love all the couch commentors who somehow think they have an angle that the daas torah didn't think about.

    2. Which daas torah? No signatures on this sign…

  4. Gee so many sentimental Zionists amongst us

  5. the Zionists dont need us in the army, they want us to serve so they can shmad us, since the days of Herzl and ben Gurion they have been fighting the Torah and want to close yeshivas and put us in jail.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi! It seems you've missed all the news about Israel from the past year. You should catch up a bit!

  8. As if I'm going to listen to the daas torah of some anonymous blog comment over the gedolim who signed the kol koreh.
    At least quote an odom godol who publicly voiced his disagreement with this asifa

    1. Anonymous KK -even with signatures they're essentially anonymous vs anonymous bloggers
      It's a tie

  9. שלחן ערוך או"ח סי' צ' סעיף ה'
    לֹא יִתְפַּלֵּל בְּמָקוֹם פָּרוּץ כְּמוֹ בְּשָׂדֶה, מִפְּנֵי שֶׁכְּשֶׁהוּא בִּמְקוֹם צְנִיעוּת חָלָה עָלָיו אֵימַת מֶלֶךְ, וְלִבּוֹ נִשְׁבָּר.

    משנה ברורה אורח חיים צ':ה'
    במקום פרוץ – והנה לחד תירוצא דתוספות אם הוא עומד בצד הדרך במקום שאין מתיירא שיפסיקוהו עוברי דרכים שרי אך בב"י ממאן בדבריהם והנה אף שהמ"א ושארי אחרונים מיישבים לדברי התוס' מ"מ כתבו שבזוהר משמע שיש להתפלל דוקא בבית. ועוברי דרכים לכ"ע מותרים להתפלל בשדה ומ"מ כשיש שם אילנות טוב יותר שיעמוד שם ביניהם ויתפלל אם אין קשה עליו איחור דרכו דמקום צנוע הוא קצת עי"ז וכשהוא בביתו אין לסמוך ע"ז:
