Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday September 9 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 78° Sunny. High 78F

- Jackson Township’s Planning Board on Monday night unanimously approved Kehilla D'Brookwood 4's expansion project.
The shul site is located at 1231 Aldrich Road at East Concord Concourse. More at faanews 

- Mega Millions jackpot soars to an estimated $800 million next drawing is Tuesday night

- Scam Alert as scammers target Lakewood residents. The Ocean County sheriff published a scam alert after a  Lakewood man received a call from a person claiming  that he had failed to report for jury duty and would be arrested if he didn’t pay a fine of $3000. The caller instructed him to withdraw the funds from the bank and drive to the courthouse once there he told him to convert the money to a binary currency at shop rite or stop n shop. At that point he contacted jury services and was told there's no arrest warrant out, saving him the $ 3000. The scammer, spoofed the Ocean County Sheriff number.

- Kamala Harris vows to grant amnesty to migrants who illegally cross border: ‘Earned pathway to citizenship

Poll: American Jews plan to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris by a wide margin, according to a new survey by a Jewish Democratic group.
 First national poll of Jewish voters with Harris at top of ticket:  72% of Jewish voters back Kamala Harris, while only 25% support Donald Trump.

 - Agudah action alert Tuition Assistance Can Become a Reality in ALL 50 States
The first step in our community’s current struggle to obtain tuition and other educational relief for our families is scheduled for this Wednesday, September 11, when the House Ways and Means Committee will consider a multi-billion-dollar tax credit proposal entitled the “Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA)” (H.R. 9462). This bill has gained momentum in Congress and is the fastest and surest way to bring school choice to all 50 states.  We need you to urge your representatives to support the bill.

- Tragedy in Monsey:  2-year-old Henny Weingarten a'h was nifter after being struck by a vehicle on Calvert Drive in Monsey this afternoon. (KolHaolam)

- Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib posted this today Dear Americans, If you are killed by the Israeli government, our country won't care.No one will be held accountable. It doesn't matter who you are, Israel can kill Americans and get away with it

- Some high schools begin others starting Tuesday and Wednesday 

- Heavy traffic around Lakewood getting worse

- The Lakewood zoning board meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled due to lack of a quorum the next scheduled meeting is Monday October 7 which is right after Rosh Hashana. There are 2 dormitory applications on the agenda and a application for the new Satmar mikva at E Kennedy

- Lakewood township cleared trees and locked down a forested area on a lot off cedarbridge next to the Misameach building the lot will supposedly be a temporary place for a school that will be set up on trailers 

- The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rac Malkiel Kotler shlita will be going this week to South America and join the delegation of gedolim raising funds for the Keren Olam HaTorah 

- Belz girls school in Lakewood has delayed opening due to a lack of funds, Satmar Boys school under the leadership of  Rav Zalman Leib has also ben delayed 

- Hatzulas Nefashos EMS presents music video sung by singer Sruly Green composed by Heshy Weinberger watch Here 

- Elon Musk: I keep forgetting that Biden is still technically in charge of the country

-Dozen Eggs in Aldi $3.77 Dag Yam fish sticks in GG $4.59, Macabbe  pizza bagel $8.79 at GG Norman's cream cheese $2.79, Fialkoffs pizza  8 slices $8.99

- Lakewood assemblyman Avi Schnall will be speaking at the White shul in Far rockaway  in support of a local politician the headline for the event is Why Every republican should vote democrat for state assembly

- President Trump throws support behind the Cannabis industry, calling for Federal Marijuana rescheduling and banking reform.
"As I have previously stated, I believe it is time to end needless arrests and incarcerations of adults for small amounts of marijuana for personal use. We must also implement smart regulations, while providing access for adults, to safe, tested product. As a Floridian, I will be voting YES on Amendment 3 this November. As President, we will continue to focus on research to unlock the medical uses of marijuana to a Schedule 3 drug, and work with Congress to pass common sense laws, including safe banking for state authorized companies, and supporting states rights to pass marijuana laws, like in Florida, that work so well for their citizens.

- Trump: Comrade Kamala Harris “is completely hiding from the press. She’s not even taking short, quick questions at the plane. It’s not normal to have a candidate running for President who is hiding from the press. Harris is copying Biden’s self-protection strategy, duck tough interviews and limit improvisational moments(Axios).” Fox & Friends, Saturday. The last thing we need for our Nation in Decline is another President who is not smart enough to answer reporters questions. We just went through that, and we don’t want to do it again!


  1. isnt Lipa Friedman the billionaire the main donor to Reb Zalmans mosdos?

  2. that Hatzulas nefashos thing barely qualifies as a song. Fake computerized music, autotuned singing, uninspired production, low class beat and base line... probably took about 5 minutes to write and make. music industry is really, really on the decline.

  3. Please explain why every school in Lakewood has to raise money for a lot and building fund but the township goes ahead and clears a lot on Cedarbridge Avenue with heavy traffic putting a bunch of trailers for a school that will create more traffic
    Are there special privileges for the well connected
    Who approved this?

    1. what do you mean? are you implying the "well connected" are using their connections for PERSONAL gain as opposed to helping the klal?

    2. Who’s school did the Twp clear the land for?

  4. It's the new Bais Faiga school all others have to raise funds for their schools but the cheder can use taxes

    1. All the others are controlled (or even owned) by one individual. The cheder is the only school which truly belongs to the community.

    2. And I have a bridge to sell you.

    3. The cheder is selective and does not take anyone in. Even kollel guys from BMG have a hard time getting their kids in. Bais Faiga does not accept anyone.
      The Mattel Leah girls school took girls from other schools and not a automatic acceptance for Bais Faiga girls.
      Bottom line the cheder schools are like any other selective private run mossad in town.
      Stop pushing the fake narrative of a community school to shnorr money from the community while other schools are serving the community by taking in kids that the cheder Bais Faiga won't take.

      The township has no right to favor free land to one school over the others without a open bidding process or a raffle.
      Corruption chinuch

    4. Sorry but it’s still not like every other mosad which is owned by an individual.

    5. It's not free property the township is allowing a temporary use while they find a suitable location.
      Nunu so they got rid of some trees

  5. I thought the new bais faiga is in the cheser building on vasser a wing where another school had rented till now

  6. It goes without saying that every single Senator and congressman cosponsoring the tuition relief bill in Washington that Aguda is referring to is a Republican.

  7. Shame on Agudah they won't admit that it is the Republicans who are voting for school choice. Avi schnall has no shame to promote himself using the Republicans the Agudah despises.

    1. Shame on Agudah for not alienating a political party?

    2. Actually absolutely Yes
      The goyim we work with have been more confounded by our lack of concern to the spiral downward than they are to all the headline making financial scandal that we handwring about
      & furthermore,

  8. who is the cheder? Last I checked BMG takes claim to the cheder - I guess you should add bmg to your problems

    1. BMG has zero connection to the Cheder
      Any association that BMG might have thought they had with the cheder ended during the teacher's strike of 2008

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Why is schnall busy promoting democrats in Far Rockaway instead if bringing tuition relief to Lakewood

    Is this what the moetzes had in mind?

    1. Cause the way you actually get things passed as a politician is by being powerful- the way to become powerful is to go around and make yourself known…

  11. Ahhh collaboration with the enemy
    Smooth but steady Like the y"h
