Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Sept 20 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, September 20, 2024 / י״ז אלול תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת כי תבוא
Candle lighting 6:38 pm
shkiah/sunset 6:56 pm
Weather 80° Sun and clouds mixed 
shabbos day hi of 76

- Toms River schools to sue state next week, seeking more funding 

- Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo personally altered a state review that lowballed the nursing home COVID-19 death count, emails detailed in a new report show  a revelation that directly contradicts his claims he had nothing to do with it. Family members of seniors who died in nursing-homes saw the emails as proof that Cuomo not only made decisions that killed their loved ones, but also lied about it. Emails and congressional documents show. Cuomo lied before Congress,” said Tracey Alvino, director of Voices for Seniors, whose father died from COVID in a Long Island nursing home. “It’s a crime. It’s proven by the emails.

- Save jersey: Hypocricy  George Helmy the new NJ senator and  Author of N.J.’s Covid lockdown devotes first Senate floor speech to children’s mental health  while  New Jersey kids are still hurting, well behind in academic performance and continuing to suffer from mental health challenges, and the lockdowns clearly played a leading role.

- Atzeres tefilah on Gezeiras Giyus Askanim said that the police asked them to wait at least a week to find a more secure location or wait for the situation in Eretz Yisrael to calm down. They are looking at other locations and possibly in Manhattan. Originally there were plans to make it in Manhattan but due to the UN assembly it couldn't work out several locations in Brooklyn were looked into was ruled out as they were told to accommodate the yiden in Lakewood so no one has to travel too far from their locations. They are hopeful that in the next few days they can work on a secure and safe location with proper preparation. the gathering was meant to send a message to the Yidden in Eretz  Yisrael that we have their back and are supporting them. and B"H the achdus of everyone getting together already sent that message. (Kol Mevaser)

- Some frum news websites have not reported and made no mention  at all about the Atzeres Tefilah that was expected to draw 100,000 Jews.

- Chestnut shul will host a Chai Elul Farbrengen this Sunday night with Rav Mordechai Zakitunsky shlita and Joey Newcomb 

- The new bais Faiga  Jackson is elementary school is completing the construction of the temporary trailers at the location of cedarbridge on property owned by Lakewood township under the LDC
- The ziditchoiv  Veretzky rebbe will spend shabbos ibn Oak and Vine

-Rav Aaron Kohen son of the Toldos Aahron Rebbe will spend shabbos in Lakewod at Whispering pines area 

- Tax dollars: Free cdl licensing (plus free $5,000 cash) for lakewood students here 

 Yoshon updates:  from TYNI Here the first new items are starting to turn chodosh 
Barley & Oats: Still early in the season. All can be considered Yoshon until at least September 15th.
Fresh Baked Goods – May possibly be Chodosh after September 1st.
Pasta and All Other Wheat-Based Products – May be considered Yoshon until at least September 15th.
Flour – Chodosh flours may be entering the retail market soon. Consumers should begin checking dates next week (after September 1st),

- Elliot Resnick former editor of the Jewish Press newspaper: Today, I was sentenced to four months in jail for my role in the events of January 6, 2021.  I will have a lot to say in the coming weeks about that controversial day, but for now, I have just two comments:
1) The January 6 protesters are heroes.
2) The left knows no rules, it respects no boundaries.  It will do whatever it takes to win and advance its agenda.  If the right doesn’t wake up and start matching the left’s ferocity, zealotry, and deviousness, this country will go down the drain.

- Ted Cruz At the Trump event tonight against antisemitism. He promised that any university that allows Jewish students to be threatened or harassed will lose its federal funding under Title VI of our civil rights laws. Why won’t Biden-Harris DOJ do that now? Why are Dems silent?

 - Gov. Ron DeSantis says the FBI won't cooperate with Florida investigation:
"No, they are not being cooperative, and yes, I am concerned—Our investigators were rebuffed just going to the fence line outside of Trump International Golf Club."

- Elon Musk: "The Party that cries about how Donald Trump is a threat to Democracy just forced out the candidate that their voters chose and nominated, a candidate that no one voted for. The hypocrisy is immense in the Democratic Party."


  1. My Rabbeim have told me that you only protest issues which are mifurash assur.

    For example, if the government would forbid Jews from davening chazaras hashatz by mincha, we should protest to the hilt. This is a clear halacha in the Shulchan Aruch which no poskim disagree with (Rav Yaakov z"l did present a "limud zechus").

    HOWEVER, serving in the military, there is no clear halacha in the Shulchan Aruch, or in the Rambam hilchos melachim, which says that those who study in Yeshiva are absolved from that obligation (the contrary, the Chasam Sofer says that one is required to obey the draft as a fulfillment of dina dimalchusa dina).

    If something isn't a halacha mifureshes, you don't protest.

    1. When the Chazon Ish was asked where it is written (mefurash) that gius banos is assur, he said in the fifte (5th) shulchan aruch.
      That volume of shulchan aruch clearly was not part of your curriculum

    2. Did the Chazon Ish say that giyus banim is written in the fifth Shulchan Aruch? He did not.

      Giyus banos isn't debated and it isn't on the table (Rav Aharon Lichtenstien, who wrote the article saying that Yeshiva boys who don't join the military are going against halacha, freely admits that he doesn't support giyus banos).

    3. That volume of shulchan aruch clearly was not part of my curriculum either. Only people who are experts in the first four chelakim of Shulchan Aruch get to decide what it written in the fifth. You won't find any of them online. On an online boich svora machlokes about a thing like this I'm just as qualified to give my two cents as anyone else. You want to say a rav said one way. I can say a rav said another way.

    4. D.D.D. is inapplicable re: Israel as stated by most leading authorities

    5. JB,
      Worse .He made it Harog V'y.
      Actually stated that even more absolutely forbidden for irreligious girls, than for the very religious girls who might be able to resist portzei geder

    6. RAL stated that. So what? He has stated alot of weird things
      He also cast false aspersions on R'Sherman during the Geirus controversy a decade & a half ago

    7. "Most" leading authorities? I don't think so (the greatest Ashkenazi and Sefardi Poskim - Rav Ovadiah and Rav Elyashiv - both held that it does apply in Israel).

      But that wasn't my point. My point was that the Chasam Sofer held that serving in a Gentile military is not a sin. It (because of DDD) is a chiyuv.

      Remember, Israel isn't forcing people to serve in the military. They are just threatening to cut off funding to Yeshivas and draft dodgers. The American frum oilum wasn't willing to support the Yeshivas (they raised a paltry 100 million, which is nothing compared to the number of frum American tycoons).

      So now we are protesting secular Israelis because we aren't interested in supporting the kollel yungeleit in Israel. If we are willing to be honetst, our motto has for the protest should be: "Why should we support Israeli kollel yungeleit, when we could force secular Israelis could support them!"

    8. The point is that not everything that is to be protested publicly needs to be mefurash in S"A
      And its not my sevara. Many great gedolim believe that Gius Bnei Hayeshivos is a great sakana to the dor and should be fought in every manner possible, including public protest

    9. The reason why Giyus Banos is assur is because it obviously violates the Shulchan Aruch. But Giyus Banim doesn't obviously violate the Shulchan Aruch. For this very reason, great Talmidie Chachamim (of the YU world) do send their children to Hesder Yeshivos.

  2. The frum news media is trash fake news no one cares about them its in the gutter pure garbage click bate
    They're modern orthodox click bate most respectable ppl don't look at the filthy nasty frum news media

    1. And claiming that 100,000 Yidden were going to show up at this atzeras is not fake news?

    2. ‘Click bait’ - not ‘bate’

  3. In all fairness to the “from websites” some that I approve of and others…. Bottom line is they’re in business to make money, unlike this blog. They probably don’t just give free advertisement.

    1. Advertisers pay them because they report news. A omission of a significant news story is not providing the service you charge them for.

  4. When is Lakewood BOE going to sue the state for funding? Why only Reb Aaron Lang? Why are they not supporting him? Why do they support the LSTA but not Aaron Lang trying to get $$$$ from the state? Aaron Lang has been successful in court. I wish Toms River hatzlacha

  5. Can someone explain why the gathering doesn't take place in each Frum town. Gathering all in one place seems to the layperson to be unnecessarily burdensome. Is there a reason for all the towns to gather in one location?

  6. It's a bizayon that a Lakewood based forum is busy debating giyus bnei hayeshivos! Reb Aron ztl is turning over in his grave!

  7. You sound like a bunch of geirim who your knowledge of gedolei yisroel comes from your YU rebeim poshut mufka from yahadus and hashkofas hatora. You probably never heard of Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman and Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik. You definitely did not hear of Reb Chaim Volozhiner or the Shaagas Aryeh. Maybe get your diaper changed by mommy before speaking up about these issues!

    1. It seems that some guys from Teaneck or 5 Towns found this blog and are trying to promote their agenda
      Nu, makes things interesting

    2. I am not going to go into the hashkofo of machos leinei hoamim and what Rav Aron and others held . But you definitely don’t talk like a Ben toire .

    3. לא תונו אסור מה״ת ובפרט בנוגע גרים

    4. Was that the chinuch your parents worked so hard to give you, to hold other yidden in such disdain?
      Do you really believe that trash talking other yidden brings a nachas ruach to Hashem?
      There should be an atzeras tefillah to bring awareness to the oilam that HKBH loves His children.

    5. No, no. We read papers on the tables in Shul, that teach us the 'true' mesorah. Now we are all mesorah bearers, even if our grandparents went to Yankee stadium.
