Sunday, September 8, 2024

At the Levaya of Admor M'Skulen

Levayos of Rav Yeshaya Yaakov Portugal ZTL took place in Boro Park and continued on to Monsey for another Levaya with Kevurah at the vizhnitz Bais Hachaim next to his father who was niftar 5 years ago Rav Yisroel Avrohom Portugal zt”l,and grandfather the previous Skulener Rebbe, Rav Eliezer Zusia Portugal,ZTL
Videos by JDN media


Hakafos with the mittah

1 comment:

  1. Today I stood among the thousands of Jews in Borough Park on 14th Ave. and 54th Street, thousands of Jews came to mourn the saint and pay their last respects to the deceased, Borough Park was placarded with exact Levi' instructions and plans, and all kinds of organizational symbols decorated the instructions.

    Anyone who stood there, and waited there, and participated in the whole situation, it pains me to say, but Skulen'er rabbi has not yet had a Levi', Jews on the 14th are probably still waiting for the Mith to arrive. I, understood that our big corps heads are certainly going to try to play out, I kept a close eye on the developments while having the opportunity to accompany the team for 4 steps.

    It pains me to announce, but at the moment people are still waiting for the Levi', there was no one! All in one! There was no one who could accompany the team properly, the brothers Hadmorim's Schlita moved with 4 streets! When in between there are fire trucks, ambulances, just cars, and who not, the streets were not blocked off, and dozens of Jews who were driving in their cars on the designated "not" blocked off streets met in the center of a Levi' where People, women, etc. accompanied on the sidewalk, an arbobi like no other!

    When the brother's admorim arrived on the 11th and 54th, the crowd was at 60 with barely a few Jews around, all the attendants were successfully played - including the admorim and the rabbis, and of the few Jews who did arrive. Most of the 11 were a few streets away.

    When coming back, you meet Jews on 53 who ask where is the headquarters? Hundreds of cups of water on 14th Ave. which were prepared for the thousands of escorts by Jewish children with a good heart are still waiting now, all those who parked their cars in the area where they expected to finish escorting the Mtt happened to play, elderly Jews with walkers who at least wanted to "see "The funeral pyres remained empty, parents with children on their shoulders who wanted to show the burial to their children remained empty, thousands of Jews who wanted to accompany the deceased remained empty, and even I and the couple who accompanied Instead of filling the righteous with a tear, I found myself in a panic like the first day in the fight between whistles, screams, sirens, and basses.

    I want to tell you one thing, you really played Borough Park, you played Clal Israel, you played the thousands of followers and fans, you played fathers, you played grandfathers, you played children, you played boys, everyone played , and above all, you played the tzaddik, he didn't have any levi at the time!

    This is not the honor of death, this is not the honor of the living, this is not the meaning of a levy, it is high time to learn how to make a levy "with" the attendants! You have a problem with the guys who are going to push each other? You had them anyway!!! You can't play them! They climb over and under all the barricades! You can only play the thousands of Jews who came to pay their last respects.

    I don't know which color vests with which inscriptions led here, it doesn't interest me, no complaints, I'm asking for one thing! Make it a Levi'! I want to be happy! Not only me, but thousands of Jews! If the only move you can make is to cheat the public and thereby cancel the levy, please don't take the dishab!

    And to all those who are going to ask what "yes" could have done, I can tell you my thoughts, but why be dragged into endless debates? One thing you can all admit, that repeating the same mistakes from the previous time, once and again, "this" is certainly not effective, and is a recipe for disaster!

    You can bring evidence from all the other funerals where the public was played, at least there was a public that could have been a funeral, at least there was a Leviia today there was no Leviia
