Sunday, September 29, 2024

Atzeres Tefillah on Gzeiras Giyus Today in Lakewood

Updates and information 
Listen live hook up # : 605-417-0300 

Watch video replay of livestream HERE

- Some Media reports of close to 50,000 attended between all of the crowds including ladies and children. No official number has been given yet

BMG Youngeleit head right back for second seder thousands of mesivta bochurim heading back to yeshivos 
Rav Don Segal did not attend 

3:45 Atzeres concludes with an additional mincha with a Hoiche kedusha

3:35 Rav Dovid Schustal Kabolas only Malchus shamayim concluding with Acheinu kol bais Yisroel 

3:22 Rv Yotzchok Sorotzkin addresses the crowd quoting the Rambam that in a time of Tzara we scream out to Hashem. The gezeiros come because we throw off the ohl  HaTorah specifically about the distraction of cellphones to the ohl HaTorah, or the sparse learning over being hazmanim he called on everyone to be mechazek. 

3:20 Novominsk Rebbe recites Shma Koleinu

2:58 Rav Yeruchom Olshin addressing the crowd followed by reciting selichos of Yisroel Nosha B' Hashen and yud gimmel middos

2:48 pm Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel addressing the crowd. This was a year full of tzaros with almanos yesomim,shidduchim and now gezeiras Giyus. There are those who say now is not the time to talk about it because of the war, but we must know what Dovid Hamelech says about Achas Shaalti ..I'm takom alay milchama they are trying for 80 years to uproot the Torah. If we don't stop it now they will continue ans will not be rectified. Even those not cut out for learning have no place in the army,they are looking to uproot the neshama of klal yisroel. We davwn to Hashem now before Rosh Hashana that this terrible general is uprooted

2:25 pm Rav Malkiel Kotler addressing the crowd mentioning the severely of the gezirah calling it a makkah on the neshama of klal yisroel. This is tantamount to shikchas hatorah. It's the unsettling for even those learning in yeshiva as they don't know when the next move will be to draft them

1:55 Kapitlach tehilim 121 20 13 79 83 130 142 MNdisplayed on the screens recited by different people,  wordsincluding sefardi Havaara, Satmar Dayan of Lakewood, Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yisroel Neuman Skulen rebbe of Lakewood ,Rav  Sholom Ber Sorotzkin.

Roshei Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler and Rav Elya Ber arrive surrounded by heavy security
See video below
Loudspeakers going around lakewood announcing the Atzeres
1:35 Mincha begins with quiet shemona esrei led by Rav Ganz shlita 
1:25 Audio of Rav Aaher Arieli playing on the speakers as crowds trickle in

1:35 Mincha begins with quiet shemona esrei led by Rav Ganz shlita 
1:25 Audio of Rav Aaher Arieli playing on the speakers as crowds trickle in

1:30 - Mincha 
1:50 - Tehilim and Acheinu 
2:00 - Reb Malkiel Kotler 
2:15 - Reb Elya Ber Wachtfogel
2:30 - Selichos / Avinu Malkeinu - Reb Yitzchok Sorotzkin 
2:50 - Kabolas Ol - Reb Don Segal 
3:00 - Mincha for those that didn’t daven.

- Lunch served earlier than usual in yeshiva 

- Event will start at 1:30 pm and conclude at 3pm. at Municipal parking lot bet 10th st and 9th st On Lexington and Clifton Ave. There will be minyanim for Mincha in BMG botei Medrashim Nd there will be minyanin after the event.

- Weather forecast during atzeres shows small chance of rain 24% chance but will be cloudy

- The dais will be on the Lexington side.

All local mesivtos will be joining and chadorim grades 7th & 8th. Look out for bochurim hitching offer them a ride

-Women section on 11th street between Lexington and Clifton 

- Tens of thousands expected, yeshivos from out of town will be joining including Baltimore, South Fallsburg, Chaim Berlin,Torah Bodaas,Mir etc..

- Some local media outlets are not reporting on the atzeres at all and made no mention of it.

Phone lines are being set up so people can listen remotely.
Israel: 077-272-3200
UK: 03-333-661-039
US: 605-417-0300


  1. Its not being reported for security reasons.

    1. Baloney just like they never reported about adirei hatorah
      But have no problem violating privacy by showing car crashes all day with injured

    2. I doubt it's baloney. It's hard to imagine every website has the same shitah of being against the event.

      HOWEVER, at this point, when the event is essentially over, they could start reporting about it. I am not sure why they aren't.

  2. Good idea to bring along a tehillim or siddur

  3. Usa phone number is not working

  4. No mention of it in Yeshiva Rabbinu Chaim Berlin

  5. Interesting how a machah become a atzeris teffilah.

    1. We don't protest Israel during a war.

  6. this should also have been for the hostages, who are languishing in gehinnom r"l; and for the soldiers being mosser nefesh

  7. Bottom line..... We need רחמי שמים מרובים all should be מחזק themselves in לימוד התורה & davening.

  8. I hope nobody gets cancer CV from breathing ing the gasoline fumes from that generator that was set up close to the dias with the flumes blowing over everyone's heads for hours. Who is the genius that set that up??

  9. We could go just fine w/o all the mishtarah. Who needs them???

  10. A bizayon that local balei batim were no show

    1. The shul Rabbanim did not promote it for some unknown reason. Don't blame and be speak ill of אחינו בני ישראל

    2. Maybe those organizing and promoting the event should consider what they could have done differently to get the encouragement of their rabbonim and their attendance.

    3. Very hard to promote a agenda without a goal , purpose. How do you explain what will be accomplished by gathering. It's really good to daven but you and I know that's not why.... Frankly this gathering will not be reported in any publication of consequence, will not move bagatz or the left pushing for the draft and the right is on board already.

  11. A bigger bizayon is how many missed 2nd seder today. They could've done it in bmg with hookups in various bathing medrashim and yeshivos.

    1. I was surprised how few people were there. Besides bochurim who were forced to be there by their yeshivas, and BMG yungeleit who were attending as part of the BMG program (which included a shortened first seder), I don't think that there was anyone else in attendance. This was a Sunday afternoon. The temperature was perfect, albeit with a slight mist.

      Why were Modern Orthodox Rabbanim successful at convincing tens of thousands of its laymen to all travel on busses, during a WORKDAY, six hours each way, and spend hours in D.C., but we weren't successful in getting anyone to attend this local and convenient event (other than those who required to attend by their Yeshiva's schedules)?

      The obvious answer is that the balebatim aren't convinced that Yeshiva boys going to the IDF is a bad thing. We must listen to their side of the story, and respond. Some balebatim may claim that the Israeli Yeshivas should compromise: sending a percentage of bochurim to work in weapons factories, rather than in actual IDF units. Is this claim valid? That's not my decision to make.

      But the point is that we can obviously no longer assume that the balebatim will listen to the Roshei Yeshivas. They now have to be convinced. Call these balebatim frauds. Call them Modern Orthodox. Call them what you'd like. But the fact is that they will need to be convinced. Otherwise, the Yeshiva world will suffer and will look like a laughingstock. Which is exactly what happened today.

    2. Short answer is that it was a very last minute event and wasn't marketed for them. Had there been a push for them to go in sure more would have shown.

    3. Short answer is no one explained what the point of this was. Started off as machaa then became atzeres tefilla. No coherent message and no one comes.
      How does a gathering on clifton ave help giyus??

    4. It's because most sane of all stripes people realize that it's wrong and completely out of place to make a protest of this sort at a time when a hundred or more hostages are suffering unspeakable affliction and the nation is fighting a dangerous war. It demonstrates that those current tragedies is of secondary concern, which is wrong.

    5. What did Rav Elya Ber shlita mean by ".I'm takom alay milchama they are trying for 80 years to uproot the Torah. If we don't stop it now they will continue ans will not be rectified." How are they uprooting torah ? They yeshiavas and kollelim have grown trmendously in eretzt yisroel N abd the government has given lots of money. Please explain..

    6. Contrary to our friend from Teaneck, most balebatim in Lakewood are mevatel their daas to the gedolim especially when it comes to an issue as serious as giyus bnei hayeshivos
      The actual reason so few attended is probably because it was seen as a BMG event, had it been held in Blue Claws probably more would have attended. Also there was very little publicity for this event

    7. It's not so complicated.
      Bagatz and their Leftist ilk have been trying to uproot Torah and Yiddishkeit for over a century
      Netanyahu and his fellow right-wingers are more supportive of yeshivos, actually the support the government gave to yeshivos started with Begin, they deserve our hakoras hatov. Obviously this asifa wasn't to appose the current government 🙄

  12. Who was the driving force behind this gathering? The R'Y shlita seem to have gone along with it however we're not the one's who organized it.

  13. There were no signs in any shuls. An Ehrlich bal habis who is not online ,had no way of even knowing about this .

  14. Since when does R Malkiel have to go under extre security?

  15. How do you get 50,000 when the Keren Oilem Hatorah was maybe 20K ?

    1. more like 15,000 ppl attended,(10,000 yeshiva bochurim, 4,000 yungerleit ,1,000 nashim vtaf) its amazing how some people love to exaggerate!

  16. There were no signs anywhere outside of Yeshiva. So why would you expect anybody not in Yeshiva to go.

  17. Talking about Security. Right now Iran has a burn 🔥 for revenge.
    Is Ukraine giving any Gaurantee for the Safety of the large gathering in Uman for the Yomim toivim. Unless they get paid for doing so ..The answer is no.
    May the ztadik Rab Nachman ZL watch over each and everyone this year.

  18. Referring to 3:35, Who are acheinu?
    There was no mention of the hostages.


      I was there and I heard. I'm sorry but maybe you don's understand Yiddish

    2. 5:05
      Lie. A disgusting lie.

    3. They mentioned the hostages and said acheinu after the selichos

  19. If u don't believe me watch the video and you can see plumes of smoke spurting from the generator floating over everyone's head and past the speakers. That smoke is the easiest from the diesel powered generator that Everyone was breathing Google says it contains 40 different cancer causing chemicals. That's great!!

  20. Thr mishtarah is fine to arrange trAffic etc, but not to push around unzerer.

  21. This was last minute. Most people weren't sure who organized it. From the looks it seems that bmg went along(probably after receiving a nice donation) with the organizers - of which no one knows who they are. It's a very busy Sunday for working people. Not many days to take care of their tzorchei yt or help their wives who also work.

  22. If the media is refusing to report on it, how do we know there were 50,000 people?

  23. All big events today by the litvishe are mostly bochurim people simply don't go they are just too lazy or not motivated or busy or not interested or beshita won't go but bottom line it's hard to get the olam off the couch
    Not to mention the traffic a d no parking dosent help the situation

  24. Why weren't the peleg people sitting in front of traffic on Rt 9?

  25. Bottom line is that BH most Lakewood residents have a healthy sense of what it means to be be a yid. Everyone knows who was behind this and what their agenda is. You want to be anti-medina for the sake of it, fine. But don't lie to the tzibbur about it. They're smarter than you think.

  26. lol, swat guys seem lost walking down the chupa!

  27. The same people who are talking against Rabbanim somehow supported them when they said to vote for Avi Schnall and that Hatzolos Nefashos is a sakana. We either listen or we don't and admit that we just agree when it agrees with what we think.

  28. The Litvish learning in Yeshiva crowd does not consider baaley batim to be part of their kehila. Even those who don't look at baaley batim with disdain still consider them to be outsiders to Yeshiva based events. As such a Yeshivas oriented event like this is not going to attract a large crowd of those who aren't in Yeshiva

    1. And they didnt want anyone else to come.
      Proof: no one else was invited.

  29. Reading through these depressing comments it seems like some yeshiva people look down on those "balibatim", as if a frum Jew who supports his family by his own toil and not living off others is a bad thing. Gemorah says yigiyah kapav is greater than a yirei shamayim. The point is that if people spoke more favorably of other frum Jews and worked on anivus and kinah it may help toward people wanting to band together for good causes.

  30. disdain? could that be perhaps why many people don't show up?

    1. No. That rarely stops people from doing what they have an interest in. Most places you travel to and most joint endeavors you make there will also be some people who have disdain for Orthodox Jews.

    2. 8:52 am: This is not a discussion about orthodox vs non-orthodox, as the din of viahavta leriacha kamocha applies only to those who are acheicha bemitzvos. The discussion is about frum Jews who may have feelings of gaivah and disdain toward other frum Jews r"l.

  31. Why do some of the above comments assume that it's about people that listen to Daas Torah versus those that don't, when there were a number of prominent gedolim that refused to support the Atzeres?

    1. No gedolim came out against the atzeres,
      Even those who didn't sign the kol Korei stated publicly that Rav Dov Landau and Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch are the gedolei hador and they encouraged and called for the atzeres so stop with this picking and choosing gedolim when it does not fit your agenda
      By Avi shnall they said מצוה לשמוע דברי חכמים
      Now they just ignore them
      This hypocrisy is very telling

    2. This atzeras did not have anywhere near the scale of support from Rabbonim that Avi Schnall did. Not b'eichus and not b'kammas

    3. The schnall campaign sunk close to a million dollars in marketing and rabbonim were bullied into signing since there was serious pushback from Rav Elya Ber and others most of registered voters didn't pull the lever for him even though he won
      Aguda pushed itself into lakewood forcing themselves in

    4. Reb Dov Landau reportedly wrote a letter to Reb Malkiel asking him not to make the atzeres.
      The letter that was publicized did not mention any atzeres.


    5. Now you finally chap
      "Aguda pushed itself into

  32. The problem is you cant be part of the medina vote etc. and not be part of it. You cant expect to have the chilonim go to war for you while you sit and learn and get subsidies.
