Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday Sept 12 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 79° Sunny. High 79F

- Trump: "Because we've done two debates and because they were successful, there will be no third debate."

- Bde: Petirah of   האברך רפאל חיים ישעיה שטיינברג ז"ל  from Yerushalayim who was injured in a car accident 2 weeks ago in Kerestir. He leaves behind an almana with 3 children.

- Tonight at the township meeting several Vizznitz and other chasidim from Oak and Vine strongly opposed the ordnance to change a street name from Argyle to Gorlitz. In emails sent to the township meeting they said that it represents a specific dynasty and the rest of the community wasn't consulted. As a result of the opposition mayor Coles let the motion die and keep the current street names.

- ABC whistleblower allegedly will release an affidavit claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that were “essentially the same questions that were given during the debate,” as well as assurances that Trump would be “fact-checked” and she would not.

- A massiva atzeres Tefillah for gezeiras Giyus will take place Sunday 19 Elul September 22  in the New York area with the participation of the olam hatorah and the chasidishe communities with the backing of gedolei Roshei yeshiva Adfmorim and the badatz eidah hacharedis. Rav Tzvi meir Zilberberg shlita will grace the maamad, tens of thousands anticipated to attend. the location has yet to be announced rumors say it will be in Metlife stadium.

-A 12 year Lakewood girl  בת שבע אסתר בת דינה זהבה who was injured 4 month ago in a accident was released from hospital B"H and back home the family asks everyone to continue davening and they will make a large seudas Hodaah in the near future 

- The new BMG minyan Avreichim building on 10th st and Clifton Ave had been named Bais Moshe. It is across the street from Bais Aaron and Bais Sholom

- 3 girls were accepted into high school yesterday there's still a few waiting

-Hespedim tonight for Rav Avrohom Ausband Zatzal  at the Kodshim Kollel located in Coventry Sq shul in Lakewood 6:30 pm to 7:15 talmidim will deliver divrei Zikaron 

-On Tuesday night, Lakewood Township’s Planning Board announced that application for a major child care center on Spruce Street between Washington and Vine Avenue has been adjourned  "until further notice."
- The all new "Fishing Line" in Howell, NJ,  dips on sale for $3.69 see video here 

- New at Gourmet Glatt Lakewood now available Uncle Edik’s Pickles

- Lakewood township committee meeting today 5:30PM watch livestream Here see agenda Here 
On the agenda adopting the 2024-25 budget with a $8 million tax increase. Changing a street name in Oak and Vine to Gorlitz
Vacating some streets, swimming pool ordnance,  interest free loan of $2.7 million to LSTA.

- SpaceX's private crew of four astronauts performed the world's first commercial spacewalk while soaring high above Earth on Thursday (Sept. 12) during the third day of a five-day trip to Earth orbit. 

- Trump: People are just starting to give me credit for having a GREAT DEBATE. The Voters and Voter Polls showed it, but the Fake News Media wasn’t giving the credit that was due. Now they are seeing the results with independent Voters, Evangelicals, and more - and saying, WOW! Remember, I wasn’t debating one person, I was debating three. They should fire everybody at ABC Fake News, whose two lightweight “anchors” have brought disgrace onto the company!

- BDE: petirah of Faigie Gilbert, A'H of Lakewood she was 51. survived by her parents  Arthur and Elaine Gilbert. The levaya will be held today at 3:30 PM at the Lakewood Chapel off 7th st Shiva is at 43 Goldcrest Dr. Alley 3, in Pine River Village.

- Submitted: Lsta doesn't need a pat on the back for the routes they set up. Boys too early. Afternoon routes kids getting picked up from school at least 30 -45 min after dismissal. 1st and 2nd grade of Bais Faiga in the grater building have a dismissal of 3:10 because that's when lsta can give them bussing. You can't change dismissal time when parents make arrangements and appointments far in advance. On central ave the busses are only stopping in the Ave for the HS girls causing crazy traffic. This isn't called filling the routes.


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  2. We must fight the Zionists shmad

  3. PSA The Elul concert in MSG is a mixed event there's a secular crowd in the audience dressed inappropriately
    Last year there was mixed dancing in the crowd and ladies dancing and shaking their bodies in front of men with kol Isha.

  4. Does anyone know if R Olshen's weekly Shiur tonight in BMG is in English?

  5. Shiur is in Yiddish

  6. I think a non-political atzeres tefilla before the Yomim Noroim is wonderful and inspiring. But why drag in the debate of giyus? You can daven that there won't be a need for mandatory conscription because H-shem will vanquish our enemies. You can daven for the hostages and because of the tzaros Yidden are undergoing in EY and the world over. But don't add fuel to the myriads of detractors of Israel by creating a spectacle and accusing the government of shmad. Please. Why isn't this an basic understanding of jews living in Golus? Just as you won't and don't excoriate your OTD children by making public protest, don't make a shmad-giyus protest that won't gain a thing but more fodder for the soinei Yisroel.

    1. The zionists shmad is a crisis. The zionists want to shut down yeshiva and put bochurim into jail we will not let them succeed

    2. Actually, the protest will be protective of Yidden in Galus. It will show the American people that frum yidden refuse to serve in the IDF. This way, all the antisemites in the US who hate Jews because they think the IDF is committing genocide, (even though we know its not true) will now be able to separate in their minds between the IDF and the frum yidden in NY who refuse to join the IDF.
      This protest is the best thing Yidden in Golus can do, to say that we are good loyal Americans and we are not part of a foreign army.

    3. AnonymousSeptember 13, 2024 at 7:37 AMTo paraphrase what the frum world used to tell American secular Jews who used your logic. (In the opposite direction of course.) By you and in your Shtiebal coffee room you’re an anti-Zionist. The state of Israel has nothing to do with you. To an anti-semite you’re a IDF soldier committing genocide

    4. Even if that is so - dubious- it is because there happens to be a State that claims to be sole representative of our people.So abolish the State.

    5. If you would abolish every group claiming to speak for Jews you would need to get rid of Satmar too. Can you provide a link for when and where the State of Israel claimed to be the sole representative of our people? It's opponents claim that. Like many other things they say about it that don't stand up to scrutiny.

    6. Go back & Start with Every UN address

    7. Reparation Negotiation with Germany

  7. Giusto is not a political debate as you call it. . It is shmad. You can debate whether its a good idea to protest ,but don't call it a political debate .

    1. Claiming that the motives behind wanting to draft Chareidim is shmad is also just political rhetorical. In halacha anytime a law is passed across board affecting all citizens of a country (like the draft in Israel) it is not consider a gezaros shmad. Even if it curtails the practice of Judaism. You can say that the "Zionists" are different, their only motive is shmad blah, blah, blah. That is a just a political belief and rhetoric like those who say Trump will do away with democracy if he wins another term. To be clear I vehemently oppose drafting Yeshiva Bochurim

    2. Except the dominating clique ain't sending their own kids anywhere near Gaza

    3. No one is suggesting forcing any Chareidim to go anywhere near Gaza either. The Israeli army does not force anyone to become an active combat soldier

    4. But somehow their whole present claim is they need boots there on the ground?

    5. Their present claim is they need more soldiers. Period. The majority of them would not be serving in Gaza

    6. How about the boss clique grant exclusive
      R&D ,IAF,Mossad,Shabak,Attachè, to charedim,while offering to have their own families occupy bare grunt jobs
