Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Kol Kore from US Gedolei Roshei Yeshiva and Admorim for Atzeres on Gezeiras Giyus

  The letter calls for a public gathering of tefillah and machaah as our forefathers did to call out and daven to Hashem in light of the draft law in Eretz Yisrael as the wicked ones of our nation are attempting to close down the yeshivos by drafting avreichim and Bochurim forcing them to serve in the IDF which destroys The Torah religion and yiddishkeit on its foundation. The time and place TBA. The letter was signed by both Satmar rebbes, 4 Lakewood Roshei Yeahiva, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, Rav Shlomo Haliwa, Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Rav Yaakov Horowitz, Rav Osher Kalmanowitz, Bobov 45 rebbe, Vizhnitz rebbes Monsey and Boro Park and other Admorim and rabonim.


  1. Anyone who recognizes that Hashem loves him, and seeks to reciprocate that love will seek to attend this rally if they can, or will support others attending this rally. They will recognize that the nations are simply scheming for destruction.

    For example: Anyone paying attention over the past 16 years recognizes Hussain obamas desires and intentions. Yet, lapid went to publicly visit ovama to scheme with him "to save...".

    The chofetz chaim firmly declared the Yevsektsiya "'jewish' section of the communist party" to be amaleikim. They schemed and destroyed. And then stalin murdered them all. How the lapids and galants are so ignorant of this - especially since simchas torah - is simply mind-boggling.

    Anyone who acknowledges Hashem's great love for His nation will come out to pressure those who speak in our name to stop trying to pull us away from His service.

  2. No venue yet, no English, Lebanon about to kick off and good luck getting people to turn out when that happens - I predict very low attendance, and I wouldn't be surprised if they end up cancelling this outright.

  3. In previous recent generations, referring to the secular Zionists who worked against the frum olam, as "wicked" may have been correct. Most came from frum homes and knew about Yiddishkeit. Although I do not want lomdei Torah to leave learning to serve in the IDF, I can't refer to today's Zionists as "wicked." They do not have any understanding of Torah being just as important, or even more important, for the safety of E"Y, as the army is. They can't understand such a concept, especially when they see soldiers dying and getting injured, while it seems to them that bnei Torah, are safe in their botei medrash. Of course we need Tefillah to beg Hashem to keep the lomdei Torah in the botei medrash. But I can't share the animosity people have toward the secular. Most of them have no clue about the power of Limud Hatorah and doing mitzvos. We have to teach them, not fight them and call them names.

  4. I am happy to see achdus in fighting the Zionists shmad, the biggest kitrug on klal yisroel today. We must devote ALL of our energies and even monies to fight the shmad. we must say clearly that we will never serve in the tuma and treyfa Zionist shmad army, they can threaten us with jail or whatever and we will never join. We have the kosley beis medrash protecting us. these are modern day Amalekim bent on closing yeshivas just like the Communists. we need a kinna on tisha bav on the Zionists, how can anyone daven in a shul that says a brachs for the medina or hallel lehavdil on their "independence day".

    1. Another strawman troll

    2. Would it make sense to let the Israeli people deal with their own problems. They are capable resourceful but will have to make some painful adjustments..So that way we can focus on our own for example the amount of divorce is in our community which is horrifying the hundreds of girls and boys unmarried... The OTD problem are just a few of the issues with our totally ignored by the establishment. Foreign affairs are always a lot of fun but there are some serious issues we cannot ignore right here.

    3. Daas Torah said to daven for yeshuos but the shmad requires ACTION

  5. Yeshiva world fake news not reporting about it

  6. The Agudah or it's Robbonim would never agree, as they ARE zionists!!

    1. You must have either forgotten to read the letter and the signatures, or you simply forgot who the members of the moetzes are.

      Either way, you're slandering due to your ignorance. Or worse, you're lying.

  7. לכל זמן ועת.This is NOT the time.
