Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday Sept 19 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 82° Mostly sunny

11:00pm Atzeres postponed!
 Atzeres Tefillah update: NY and NJ Police say that due to the security situation with Eretz Yisrael they can't provide the correct  security arrangements needed for this time. Therefore the atzeres will be postponed for a later datw until property security will be available 

- Trump: "My promise to Jewish Americans is this: With your vote, I will be your defender, your protector, and I will be the best friend Jewish Americans have ever had in the White House."

- Trump Unveils His Plan To Tackle Antisemitism
Speaking out forcefully against the wave of antisemitism in Kamala's America, Trump unveiled his plan against antisemitism starting day one.
Cut off funding for antisemitic universities
Prosecuting civil rights violations

- Signs all over BMG with letter from Roshei Yeshiva calling on bnei hayeshiva to go to the Atzeres. 

- Hisachdus Harabanim signs on calling on everyone to attend the atzeres. Gur,Skver,Vizhnitz,Rachmastrivka rabbonim sign in the names of the rebbes, calling on the chasidim to go to the Atzeres.

- Update: 6:30 pm Organizers are hopeful that permits will arrive asap and the atzeres will take place as scheduled on Sunday

- Update: Atzeres Tefilah Gzeiras giyus: While organizers are working on permits, a few more gedolim signed on including Rav Hillel David shlita and Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita R"Y Torah Vodaas.

- A new Sienna College poll shows that Jewish New York voters favor Trump over Harris by 8 points 54 to 46. This marks a major shift in the historically Democratic Jewish vote.

- Delta airlines has confirmed with DansDeals they will be canceling all flights to Israel through at least the end of the year to 12/31/24.

- The Jackson library Branch of Ocean county will be open on Sundays , effective January 5, 2025. from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. each Sunday.

-Update: Atzeres tefilah on gezeiras giyus:  As of now It will not take place this Sunday after the state of NJ did not approve permits for the event. No word on when or where the event will be. The organizers are still working on getting them.

- Asifa tonight in Boro Park following the petirah 3 Tzadikim, the Kosover Rebbe, Skulener Rebbe Rav Moshe Wolfson Zatzal. The Asia will tale place at Ateres Chaya with the participation of Rav Don Segal shlita.

- With LSTA bus delays and complaints from parents  schools send out notifications that everyone wait until after Yom Tov for issues to be looked into as it takes time for the system to work itself out. Lakewood mayor was asked if the township can hold LSTA accountable since they received a $2.7 million loan from the town. The mayor said he's in touch with LSTA and the loan came from the LDC with UEZ funds.

- Jackson township officials walk away from previous commitment to make it easier for shuls to obtain approvals  full story on Faanews 

-Lakewood township budget approved with 8 million tax increase more 

-There's been some accidents at the new traffic pattern on County Line and Laurelwood after the county merged two lanes into one to create a turning lane. County officials say thry are aware of the issues and are tweaking it to fix them 

- Bingo Yom Tov special edition sales with Misamchei Lev valid 9?15 - 9?28 see sale list Here

- Americans can now renew their passports online, bypassing a cumbersome mail-in paper application process that often caused delays. The State Department announced Wednesday that its online passport renewal system is now fully operational.

- Secret service reviews tweet from Elon Musk: Following the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Musk tweeted a provocative comment about the lack of threats against President Biden and Vice President Harris. After facing backlash, he deleted the tweet and claimed it was a joke. However, the post had already garnered significant attention, including from the Secret Service.

Bingo Yom Tov special edition sales with Misamchei Lev valid 9?15 - 9?28 see dale list Here

- Freehold Raceway to cease operations at end of year; no word on future plans for siteofficials
cite unprofitable operations that "cannot continue under existing conditions."

- Former Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke testifies before Congress that he was ordered by the Biden-Harris admin to cover up the number of terrorists arrested at the border.
"I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIAs or mention any of the arrests. The administration was trying convince the public there was no threat at the border."

- Toms River based OceanFirst Bank has agreed to pay over $15 million to settle federal allegations of redlining in predominately minority neighborhoods in three New Jersey counties, federal officials announced Wednesday.Federal prosecutors accused the bank of a “pattern and practice” of lending discrimination Wednesday that adversely impacted Black, Hispanic and Asian neighborhoods in Middlesex, Monmouth and Ocean counties. The illegal practice of redlining avoids providing credit services to people living in communities of color based on race, color or national origin.

- NC Lt Gov Mark Robinson under pressure to withdraw from gubernatorial race as word spreads about a damning news story looming regarding Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson. 


  1. Laurelwood traffic pattern is plain stupid.

    1. Absolutely agree. No need for it in any way.

  2. It used to be the BOE took care of transportation of ALL students. Maybe it is time to go back to the way it was as the LSTA is not doing the job for the students/parents

    1. You aren't comparing apples to oranges - there were much fewer students and schools back then

    2. There were plenty of schools then and the BOE should run the transportation. There is no reason to have an outsider organization charge the taxpayers for this service that every year gets worse and worse.

  3. If you have HUD you will not be impacted by increased taxes I have confirmed as the voucher amount will increase and cover the difference

    1. Huh? Not in my world

    2. Anon 1:34,

      You are incorrect. The landlord is already receiving the max allotment, so the committee’s tax hike will force the rent amount to go above the FMR which will be shifted and added to the tenant’s portion.

      So, let’s all give a big shkoyach the Meir, Menashe, and Isaac for once again forsaking the yungeleit.

    3. What about Coles and the new lady committee member? They are not responsible for this? Vote for the VAAD endorsed candidate and all is good. :)

  4. LSTA have high salaries plus getting paid as consultant to the BOE another 150k.
    The busses are coming late to school daily with kids missing class and are arriving home an hour late past dismissal
    The 630 shachris bus is a waste and not a normal route it is empty buses driving around eating up tax money for routes that are not practical for 8 am shachris
    There is no oversight
    The BOE is inept and not doing their job of holding LSTA feet to the fire
    Time to sue

    1. sue and then we lose LSTA and then we wont get courtesy busing.

    2. LSTA has nothing to do with us qualifying for courtesy bussing. The state mandates all students receive courtesy bussing. Give the bussing back to the BOE control.

    3. It may be time to abolish courtesy bussing so that there should be enough busses for the kids who live more than 2 miles from school. Pretty backwards to prioritize the kids who live closer.

    4. Your courtesy bussing doesn't justify my kids sitting for 95 minutes on a bus, for a stop a mile from home.

    5. DNC jewish brokers were in need of somebody to reinforce Aguda elite & askunim to themselves that their savviness in political strategy is above the mainstream experienced fellow jew -who happened to as was likely far ahead of those elite back in class
      The author of left- leaning "Tablets Shattered" has accomplished his mission down pat-in short.

    6. I will go after LSTA but now might not be the time. AL As long as the BOE provided courtesy bussing, the state blamed our budgetary shortfalls on it. The LSTA is authorized by statute to do courtesy bussing if it has a surplus.

      The state has not put up the courtesy bussing smokescreen since the BOE transferred it to the LSTA. Still, there is no semblance of due process or accountability.

      We should be getting the high court decision on whether the budgetary shortfalls and poor education are due mostly to the mismatch between the SFRA funding formula and Lakewood, or due to the alleged mismanagement of the BOE and superintendent. After we win will be the right time to make the LSTA accountable.

  5. LSTA has become another self service quasi gov't entity that generates big salaries for a few connected individuals. Somehow the chasidish schools figured it out. And what LSTA did to Jackson and Toms River parents is nothing short of theft.


  6. אבל הא ודאי שהשתתפות בבחירות וגם ההשתתפות בממשלה אין בהן משום העברה על השבועה ואינן גורמות סכנה, "שהרי אם תהיה חלילה מלחמה חדשה בעל כרחינו נהיה מוכרחים לקחת בה חלק ואפילו מדעתינו, ומשום חובה שהבא להרגך השכם להרגו."
    ר' ראובן גרוזובסקי בעיות הזמן עמ' 34

    1. Put that back in his context. Rather contrary to your aim

    2. Not at all contrary to my aim. My point is that even Reb Reuvein held that it's poshut that it's incumbent upon us to help fight Israel's wars (gotcha, only when neccessary). Of course that is not always so simple due to the way things currently are in the IDF. But in principle there is no problem and even a chiyuv. BTW, In the past there was much more participation in the army by the chareidim than there currently is.

    3. Out of context.Again

  7. Rav Aharon Lichtenstein zatzal said that every ben torah is required, al pi halacha, to join the military.

    How can we PROTEST against something which, at the very least, is a legitimate debate?


  9. Huh, Gur & Vishnitz, makes no sense they are Agudists and go to the army!!

  10. Is Ger and Vishnitz going to protest against themselves! Lol

  11. I called that they would cancel the atzeres, just a reminder to all the eitzniks here that real world conditions matter more than your bizarre hatred for Adirei.
