Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday September 25 News Updates Lakewood

weather: 69° Showers early, then cloudy in the afternoon.
Some beneficial periods of rain are expected in New Jersey over the next three days, though none of the days will be a washout as forecasters continue to track the path of Tropical Storm Helene.

- NYC Mayor Eric L. Adams has been indicted on federal criminal charges, according to people with knowledge of the matter, and will be the first mayor in New York City history to be charged while in office.
The indictment is sealed, and it was unclear what charge or charges Mr. Adams will face or when he will surrender to the authorities. Federal prosecutors are expected to announce the details of the indictment on Thursday Reports say it has to do with getting money for the Turkish govt.

- A potential strike involving 45,000 port workers at major East and Gulf Coast ports could begin as early as October 1, potentially disrupting the flow of goods into the U.S. Nationwide impacts could include delays and price increases on items like groceries and electronics.

- Hurricane Helene is now projected to intensify into a devastating Category 4 storm by the time it hits Florida, with storm surge levels potentially reaching up to 20 feet.

- Serious accident this afternoon at W County Line and Laurelwood in Lakewood 

- 3 weeks into school year there's still some girls waiting to get into elementary school to a  Primary class, with Rosh Hashana a week away.

-Atzeres Tefillah on Gezeiras Giyus will take place this Sunday in Lakewood first day of Selichos in the heart of Lakewood at 1:30pm.There will be another atzeres in New York ,location tba.

- Rav Don Segal shlita will deliver a sichas mussar today at BMG at the end of 3nd seder in the Beren hall 7:00 pm with call in number  857-347-0100 pin 125005

- Admor Toldos Tzvi Spink will be in Lakewood for kabolas Kahal before Yemei Hadin  6:00 pm -1- pm at 424  15th street 

- The Admor M'Kosov shlita will be in Lakewood today for Kabolas Kahal ahead of the yemei Hadin 19 Isabella  5;00pm - 10:00 pm

- Rav Chaim Elozer Rabinowitz shlita R"Y od Munkatch and oldest son of the rebbe will be in Lakewood today to deliver divrei chizuk and Halacha binyana DYoma with Toras Munkatch 730 W. Kennedy Drive  9:30 pm

- Armor M" Vienn shlita will be in Lakewood tonight for kabolas Kahal before yomim Noraim

- Mordys shtiebel will have the selichos motzei shabbos across the street at the Burger Bar gall 2080 W county line

- Migrants Homeless  in Lakewood  taking over the streets in downtown sleeping on the sidewalks and parking lots video on you tunwe has over 33k views with the title Migrants taking over Jewish City ! Lakewood NJ, On the videos those interviewed in spanish say there are bus loads coming to Lakeood daily from New York and elsewhere of migrants seeking work. There is an influx of cleaning ladies though that has kept the prices down a bit.

- President Trump confirms assassination teams story from Iran, appears to reveal there was a 3rd assassination attempt that was unsuccessful
"Big threats on my life by Iran. The entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again. Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before. Thank you to Congress for unanimously approving far more money to Secret Service - Zero “NO” Votes, strictly bipartisan. Nice to see Republicans and Democrats get together on something. An attack on a former President is a Death Wish for the attacker!

- Revealed, Secret Service was informed of Crooks 27 minutes before shots were fired in Butler, PA, never told Trump to get off stage (Jack Posobiec)
- Neighbors attain attorney to oppose application for 76 lots off massachusetts and Prospect street behind the High Point Development  last night at the planning board meeting  Seeing the substantial opposition, the Board  adjourned the application to a future hearing seee more on faanews  

- Neighbor threatens to file federal lawsuit against Lakewood planning board regarding  application of  homes off 14th street  if they withdraw their appeal faa 

- Local resident files major lawsuit against planning board and attorney in Chestnut street application The suit demands judgment voiding the Board's approval of Application SD 2553; vacating the July 9, 2024 Resolution of Approval; for costs of suit; and for any further relief as set forth by the court.
 see full story here 

- A 3 way stop sign coming to the intersection of Ridge Ave and Shemen

- Town to Approve the issuance of a $39 million bond for Beth Medrahs Govoha for the construction of 600 apts at the property acquired from GCU off Forest Avenue 

- Lakewood Township to vote on ordinance of first and second reading  in the same meeting usually there's a 2 week  or a months time for the public between the readings,b ut the draft for tomorrow's meeting shows the Newport  joint venture on Newport avenue in Lakewood has the same ordnance for first and second reading to be voted on. The ordnance is meant for any future developer who wants to develop land will have to pay for the improvements that will be done in the area to the joint venture that plans on doing improvements now.
the ordnance 2024-049 for first reading and 2024-035 for second reading  reads "An Ordnance of the township of Lakewood county of ocean state of new Jersey recognizing The Newport Improvement District And Providing A Means To Recapture The Cost Of Various Local Improvements By The Developer And The Township In Accordance With N.J.S.A 40:56-1 Et seq.

- More from Mishpacha article about the Tuition  relief that was promised to Lakewood voters.

Myth-busting — The Lakewood Tuition Bill
New Jersey Assemblyman Avi Schnall was swept into office by voters desperate for tuition relief. He cosponsored a scholarship bill called the New Jersey Student Support Act, but it was pulled before being put up for a vote.

Myth: The tuition bill is dead; Lakewood parents will never get a break.
Reality: Hope springs eternal.
The short story: “We knew there was a real possibility this wouldn’t happen on first attempt,” Mr. Schnall says. In fact, most ambitious legislative goals take multiple sessions to make it through. Mr. Schnall adds that they pulled the bill for tactical reasons, because the issue ballooned as public-school unions argued against the very existence of private schools.

The long story: School funding takes years to materialize, especially in a blue state like New Jersey, home to one of the most powerful teachers’ unions in the country. The New Jersey Student Support Act was crafted to counter expected criticism from the public schools, but once the unions read it, their arguments were no longer about private schools stealing public schools’ resources, but about not wanting parents to have an alternative to public schools.

Mr. Schnall is confident that the bill will pass eventually, because so many Democrats were willing to support it publicly despite fierce union opposition.

“This wasn’t a Republican-only bill. We had 14 Democratic sponsors who liked the bill so much that they wanted their names attached to it,” he says, a revolutionary number because Democrats aren’t usually willing to risk political capital on conservative causes.

However, blowback was fierce, and the historic number of supporters wasn’t enough to override the detractors — yet.

“We learned that it doesn’t matter what the bill says; ultimately, we’re fighting an ideology. We know the numbers we need now. We pulled the bill to take the heat off our supporters as we work to gain enough votes behind the scenes to push it through,” he says.


  1. It's gratifying to finally see pushback against developers building more in Lakewood without any restrictions. Hoping that these lawsuits actually accomplish something and aren't just smoke & mirrors to "keep the natives from getting restless." So many times, citizens of Lakewood thought that their views against further development was heard, or thought they their side won, when the reality was just the opposite. Builders and developers got their way eventually, somehow. Let's hope these lawsuits succeed and that the township committee members realize that we're sick and tired and we're not going to just sit back and take it anymore.
    BTW, I don't blame the builders. They're just trying to make a buck. I blame the committee members, who are supposed to represent us, for allowing the builders and developers get away with all their plans.

    1. There would be no need for these lawsuits if the elected officials did their jobs but instead we have rampant corruption and Lakewood has become not livable and not affordable. The traffic is driving people crazy and has taken a serious toll on the daily quality of life . The waisted hours daily the messed up daily schedules and living, the safety hazards on the roads are the fault of the Township Committee members who are AWOL and are fully responsible
      They should all be voted out of office not only for allowing it but for continuing it and like cowards hiding from the public and putting out shameful statements about blaming the state and the county.
      Miller and Lichtenstein are up for reelection now it's time they resign

    2. What is the justification for the township of Lakewood to assume yet more debt in floating the 39 million dollar bond?? The reason they are building apartments is because it will be profitable . Tenants will not receive a break because it will be built with public money... Just like they don't receive a break in all the other apartments which bmg owns....
      First cedarbridge development is given 200 acres for free then the land is taken off the tax rolls indefinitely and now we actually go into debt......

  2. Avi Schnall promised before the elections that a deal with the Unions was already in place. He is a liar and continues to lie.

    1. Or the Unions lied to Avi, or something else changed. But go ahead, assume everyone else is evil and see where that gets you in life.

    2. After denying for months how he & his phony goons were shoddy with the gullible public, now that that collasped you're next method is to instead shift the onus onto the public?!Ahhh

    3. Send belated memo to AS & his innocent voters :

  3. The tuition system is just not feasible there's no reason why millions of tzedaka dollars flow out of Lakewood for other tzedakos yet there's no central system to support the schools and chinuch in Lakewood. Parents are at the limits just to cover the month
    No one cares that taxes in Lakewood went up while the politicians spend money like drunken sailors
    No one cares that rentals have gone up on young couples
    No one cared about the gashmiyus that has been pushed onto lakewood causing norms to go up like $35 haircuts
    There's got to be a serious reset and start again from scratch

    1. "There has got to be...."!? Stress and difficulty is affecting many people, nobody enjoys that. It's called life and we all are going through it just like you. There is a Borei Olam running everything. Individuals' decisions are for better or for worse. Societal changes are a build up of many many such decisions that in most cases cannot be pinpointed on any individual. Daven hard, learn bitachon, take actions that you can affect if possible, and leave the rest all up to The One Running The Show. Then try to notice the endless good things out there and thank Him for those. I know, I know - "that's a cop-out answer from a developer who is also a filthy tzioyni who probably even supports Keren Olam Hatorah".... You choose the story and you choose how to enjoy your life or be miserable in it.

    2. It is your attitude that caused the injustice. Your attitude to vote for whom you are told. To say everything is not in my hands. Wrong! It is in your hands to learn the issues and to exercise your duties as citizens responsibly. We don't need English. we don't need to learn the issues. We vote as a block because it makes us powerful. No, it makes you evil because your government is evil and in this nation, we have government of the people. Biggest mistake was to build a house in Lakewood and stay here the last 25 years. A wasted life.

    3. Your wasted life is your own choice and that is truly sad. I am sorry for you.

    4. Sicko.
      The guy gave up 1000s of hours for the klal and that is how you respond

    5. If he views it as a wasted life, yes.

    6. It was not for the klal. It was for the stockholders of my company, the taxpayers of Lakewood. And I don't want money. Never cared for it. But I did want an executive position, just like my father, and brothers, and everyone I grew up with. Here, it's just A and B serve C. The least educated with the least amount if insight are put in positions of leadership.

    7. It is a wasted life because I worked for 21 years, was the most senior teacher in the high school, possibly saved the future of this town, get the Abbott ruling, have more degrees and licenses than anyone in the district, and here I am with no parnasa, no pension, no corporate position, no legacy, nothing. All y'all can go on vacation or do whatever, and I have to sit quiet when your elected leaders sinned against me? And most bothersome, I can kick their butts, in the courtroom, in the boxing ring, on the corporate board, in the financials. It would be something else to be challenge by grownups but by junior leagers is insulting. I wish I left in 2001 and returned to Houston to become an executive at Shell, or some other corporation, rather than the Lakewood BOE where the people don't even pay attention to financial matter. And even after all my complaints and exposure of their evil doings against the public interest, and the mismanagement, THAT I HAD TO DEFEND, you all still re-elected them last year.

  4. This is so ridiculous. You will never get vouchers, at least, any amount that will put a dent in tuition.

    If there was a physical connection between you vouchers and me, then justice will require that you don't get it.

    I was a Lakewood public employee for 21. I told your bosses that I will get them a billion dollars. Since then, I got won a decision that Lakewood is an Abbott district. That alone is worth a billion.

    However, I was fired because of this. For seven years I told all of you, and the people that you sheepishly vote for, that I wanted a promotion. I put in 10,000 hours of work JUST SO I could move up the corporate ladder. Instead, YOUR BOE that you voted for, and MUST take responsibility, keep me at the bottom and demoted. I finally resigned rather than getting tenure charges.

    Shame on all of you. LIke the Piped Piper you should have to pay. It is your government and you did NOTHING. I hate Lakewood and can't wait till I am out.

    Still talking about voucher garbage. How about talking about what you ALL owe me. And I don't even want money. All I wanted was an administrative position. Shame of YOU>

    1. I thought all you wanted was to help? Now you are admitting everyone owes you? Doesn't sound altruistic to me.

    2. Not help. I did it all to because I worked for the district. Mover up the ladder. Sure, you have people taking in a million dollars a year, but I would have been happy in some kind of administrative position at 100,000. I got my masters of education and law degree for that purpose, to move up the company ladder. Nothing altruis. Just superhuman, like Robert Moses. It was a big mistake not to return to Houston in 2002 to work for Shell, Exxon or some other organization that cares about its bottom line and its board cares about its stockholders. Lakewood is a terrible place.

    3. Feel free to leave. Lakewood is the fastest growing terrible place by far.

    4. I want to leave but I am not giving up. I was just offered work in Paterson Eastside High School (Lean on Me) for $30,000 more and will be spending my summers in the real city, Houston, IY"H practicing oil and gas law. (Dumb of me to tell everyone where I will be teaching. Newark offered a position in March and rescinded it after I announced it here. I was out of work for almost a year). I need three years of six digits and I will then have a $45,000 pension. I will only get $30,000 now because my Lakewood salary was so low. Amazing, when I am done, everyone in the district will probably get a $30,000 pay increase (like the Abbott districts) and I can never again work for the district. I was banned (and consented to the ban, On the bright side, no one will be able to influence me, I don't work for the BOE, and Igud by extension, anymore). So whatever I do will be free from self interest. They can't any longer offer me an administrative job.

      I never was meant to be a teacher anyway and only did it (in mosdos) because I was in BMG for 16 years and only had to miss two hours. I was meant to lead, innovate, and solve problems. Either to become an executive or high powered lawyer in Houston. (The famous scholar and talmid of Frankfurter, Wallace Mendelson at UT, said that the two students that got an A in his class will be a "top lawyer in Houston). But you are right, when it comes to parnasa, Lakewood is not the place for me. I still am here and often go back to yeshiva in the summer but I can't stand the attitude towards parnasa. It is like, why put in the years. I will skip climbing the ladder and just start at the top with my own business and hire people that know the business. It is not the American way.

      Not my fault. Yes, I could just sit back and keep my mouth shut but that is not in my nature. And I know in the end I will prevail. You all knew how terrible the superintendent was, everyone in the organization hated the administration (just look at the report the state came out with last year: )

      and last year, the Vaad stabbed me in the back meeting with the governor in secret and hiding it from me. I was also promised a meeting with the full Vaad. As it turns out, Rabbi Blech does not have a clue, Dr. Cohen also, they never have meetings, it is just a confused mess. So they just roll along and cannot change their ways even in a case like this. The BOE is not their domain. "So make it your domain!" We are talking about saving the town. The people who come here, thinking it is so wonderful, are going to continue to vote for whom they are told, not knowing how not salutary the system is, so it will only get worse.

  5. You will never get tuition relief.

    I started working for the people of Lakewood in 2003 as an employee of tur district. I saw inefficiencies in management, but at the same time, potential to bring free education to the yeshiva kids. So I went and got my supervisor license, principal license, and superintendent license. The district did not promote me.

    I saw that an attorney was the true boss. I did not give up on become an executive. so I could build an infrastructure of opportunity and an engine of growth for all of Lakewood. I went to law school hoping that the district would make me assistant superintendent thereby eliminated all of its legal expenses. I would have only drawn a salary.

    That did not work. Then I figured if I can fix the funding formula, I would get a promotion.

    So here we are. $250 million in debt and needing to borrow $100 million every year. ANd I am out of a job. Shame on Lakewood. A bunch of sheep. AL

  6. Lakewood deserves its traffic, tuition and everything else that comes with corrupt government. Good riddance.

    1. Wow, as if every problem is Lakewood government's fault. As if Brooklyn, Monsey, etc. don't have traffic and tuition issues

    2. Anon 12:59 - correct. Urbanization creates a higher cost of living, grows the local economy, strains infrastructure. There may be some room to plan better and relieve some of these stresses, and there may be corruption on some levels, but ultimately the larger forces of demographic, economic and political change far exceed the ability of individuals to affect them. Many similarities can be seen in Monsey.

    3. Yes they too have the problems because I assume they too, at least in the younger generation, only have a 6th grade education, and are told for whom to vote. You will never have a Robert Moses, DeWitt Clinton, Theodore Roosevelt, or any man of exceptional ability, because you are told for whom to vote. There will be no innovation, few improvements, and less efficiency.

    4. There are even more kids without schools in Monsey than in Lakewood. I know people in Monsey who pay over $35.000 a year in real estate tax, they also sit in Monsey traffic forever every day. So not only Lakewood has these issues.

    5. Your arguments are not cogent. The men of exceptional ability were unique individuals who blazed their own trails, not products of a system. Systems produce an average and that average creates the living conditions which are the norm for most people. Much of the system in Lakewood does not revolve around placing importance on education for its own sake (secularly speaking of course). Those who need to work do what is needed to get to that point, and skip the preliminary (mostly unnecessary) education; there are vocational and post-graduate programs that quickly bring people to the level needed for their entry to the workforce. A focus on learning Torah and raising families with that ideal is still the prevalent goal even for those who are not kollel families, and the political/economic/infrastructural issues that have swept in along with the population are mostly unavoidable.

    6. My gosh. This is what I mean. Do I need to go down the list. OK 2014 a group of 100 roshei mosdos, BOE and TOwnship met. Rabbi Y. Sanders shouted me down for wanting to file. Then they all pledged $40,000 to hire a lawyer to do what I would have done as an employee. I asked Rabbi Levin to speak to the BOE president. He said, "I don't trust him." I even asked his rav to speak to him. Nothing helped. The BIE went with the ELC, relied upon me to make the connection, and the case was dismissed in early 2015. I told them not to do it since it was a revivavl of the Bacon case and we had a TERRIBLE record in that case. Then I got reprimanded when NJ Monthly came to do a photoshoot in the high school for "my own purposes." They were going to do a cover story on the Lakewood funding problem. That is "My purposes." It was never "our purposes." Then in 2017 their lawyer, Inzelbuch, put obstacle after obstacle before me. Then at the trial in 2018, the superintendent refused to testify (she claims she had to babysit). I had to go to Judge Jacobson in Trenton to get a subpoena. This was about a month after she and the lawyer were on television for over an hour talking about the funding. And they also bussed kids to Trenton to protest. Yet no one wanted to cooperate.

      I asked Coles, Singer, almost every politician to intervend and get the cooperation of the BOE. I worked with the Vaad. But it was always the same. We only control township matters. The Igud controls BOE matters. "But this is too important. The whole future of Lakewood depends on our cooperation." There simply is no boss in this town you can go to.

      Then in 2019 I was demoted to the middle school. I was also dismissed from the summer school job I had every year. This was the same month that the state presented its case in court. I had 2,000 pages of discovery concerning the mismanagement in the district (the state again made that claim last April in their report for the court). Yet, I had to defend it claiming it was all irrelevant.

      Then in 2020 the BOE sent papers to the Court saying that there is no problem with education in Lakewood and by extension, there is no reason for the court to order the billions of dollars.

      It goes on and one. Inzelbuch, Schnall and Balsam made it clear to Rabbi Weisberg that they opposed me. They felt that I was hurting their chances of getting a legislative solution. LOL I can go on but I have complain about last November. The governor told the Vaad in no uncertain terms that he opposes me. They had to have their stinkin vouchers which will never happen in NJ. They hid it all from me. If I would have known that they met with the governor (and they promised to meet with me anyway before the election), I would have told them to settle for $80 million a year and forgiving the debt. To make matter worse, 3/4 of the sheepish population believed in their call for achdus so that we can have a "seat at the table." I already owned the table. You sent a junior nobody to Trenton while I already had the Senate leadership (Ruiz, Sarlo) discussing, "How much for Lakewood." I am dealing with all three branches and yet, it was more important to get a junior legislator that opposes me elected (truth be told, you could have had both).

      At this point, yes, we will for sure get another $80 million a year in funding for the organization, MY former organization, but alas, it might come from Lakewood taxpayers. Yet all you can do is debate over political systems in Monsey.

      You have the biggest issue that has ever faced a township in NJ, at the same time that your political leaders not only dropped the ball, but actually cozied up to the other side, ostensibly for a couple of favors here and there. And that is what voting as a block is all about. Not the public good because the people themselves can decide their own good. It is all about favors.

    7. AL, I used to think you are altruistic, but it's hard to believe that Sanders, Inselbuch, Schnall, Balsam, Weisberg, Coles, Singer want nothing but to screw Lakewood, while AL only wants the best for the public.

    8. Mr Lang, How can I contact you?

    9. 4:38,
      We've been there. For those of us who've been around the block it isn't very " hard to believe" they "want nothing but to screw" naturally to themselves,family, & friends, the terminology is dramatically different.Almost convincing.
      But indeed AL is the altruist.There are a few others out there.& We've all been burnt in some fashion.

    10. I am all over the internet. Just google "Arthur Lang Lakewood." You can also see my email address on my law website.

      As for altruism, I always said that I did what I did to save my corporation, and in turn, move up the company ladder. If I got free English education for Lakewood kids, evening courses for young adults, built roads using obscure school laws (like Robert Moses did as Parks Commissioner), got the debt forgiven, and fixed the formula, it is only because I worked for the district. As for these other people, I cannot speak for them, but one thing is sure, there is NO LEADERSHIP. There is no mayor, no political boss, nothing. It is just a bunch of little bosses with their own little fiefdoms.

      As for the 2014 political meeting, there were over 100 people there. They all saw this person malbain p'ani chavaor b'rabbin. They all got an email from me telling them not to go with the ELC and Bacon case. The most prominent among them knew I was only getting paid $60,000 a year and knew I needed a promotion to accomplish my goals for the organization and to put food on the table. Weisberg tried five times to convince Inzelbuch to give me a promotion.

      Yet, as I said, my masters of educational administration, my two distinct teaching licenses (history, math), the fact that I taught every subject (in yeshivas) and could go into any classroom and know the content as a supervisor (not like these others that can only evaluate teachers on whether a student is sleeping or not but do not understand the content), my juris doctorate so that I could do half the legal work and save the district a half million as a paid employee, and my leadership in tackling the ABSOLUTELY biggest problem, the school formula, NONE of it was good enough. I was the first frum teacher yet all the rest after me were promoted. I was the second most senior teacher in the high school last year when I resigned. The principal recommended me for assistant principal which also would have been over $100,000 a year, but the superintendent overruled her. This list goes.

      As for the well-being of Lakewood, what's the difference to them? They know I am not going to give up, and if I do, we already got the major ruling from the court, so of course Lakewood is not going to be harmed. I would say that their opposition was weak, they probably know I would win. I just don't know. All I know is that the people of Lakewood screwed me by constantly re-electing the same BOE and I still am fighting for them. You cannot turn back the years. I would say the reason they opposed me is the same as their voucher fantasy. They do not understand NJ politics and think that by cozying up to the governor the legislature will do their bidding. Delivering a Democrat. Stupid people. No one in NJ has the power to grant vouchers. No one in NJ is going to single out Lakewood for funding. It is a dream for fools. They should have used that political capital to get a settlement in the school funding case in which the state pays. The organization is going to get the money anyway. The only question is who is going to pay, the state or the people of Lakewood.

      And BTW if you don't believe that they would go against the public interest, just check out their papers submitted after our MAJOR victory that the state is not providing T & E in Lakewood (Abbott ruling):

      "Both the New Jersey Department of Education (“NJDOE”), and, the Lakewood Board of Education (“LBOE”) agree that a Legislative solution is required."

      I was fighting the state and the BOE. Thank goodness the BOE is gone. They are not part of the appeal. They would cheer if the judge ruled against me on any particular issue. But they never came out in expressed opposition until after we won in the administrative court.

      And look at the discrediting certification that the superintendent wrote about me and my efforts:,%20Superintendent.pdf

    11. As a former Belmar student of Rabbi Lang, I can attest that he's a good man with good ideas and only the best intentions to try to help the klal. A shame that he wasn't listened to...

  7. AL - the best way for you to get back at the "attorney" is to actually win your case. We're all rooting for you.

  8. There are boys not in cheder
    There are buchorim not in yeshivas
    There are girls not in school
    May the eiberhster have rachmunis on this town as the rabunim and peopel are just quiet

  9. 2:41
    Those men all pushed against headwinds & accomplished at most half .They however lay groundwork so that lesser men (& women?) within the system could finish up what they strove for

  10. BTW Just to show you the evil self-interested position of the so-called leaders, check this out:

    Twenty years ago the bosses (The Township, BOE and Vaad) did exactly what I accomplished, make Lakewood into an Abbott district, and lost. Not only lost, but gave up like a bunch of wusses.

    "In actuality, the Court did not render its decision until the fall of 2002, and the
    decision was highly unfavorable to Lakewood. At a Task Force meeting held last fall, the
    District's Assistant Superintendent, Ed Luick, and its General Counsel, Michael Inzlebuch,
    Esq., made a presentation regarding the Court's adverse decision, and the reason the Board elected not to appeal. In brief, the Court's standard for a district obtaining special state funding included an element that measured the amount of a school district's property wealth per pupil. The Court set this property wealth per pupil threshold at a very low level, so low, in fact, that several current Abbott districts would not meet this criterion if they were being evaluated for eligibility today. Since the Court was within its discretion to set these low standards, and since the Court did not make any obvious errors of law in making its ruling, Lakewood did not have a solid basis for appealing the decision. In sum, Lakewood's hopes of being designated as an Abbott or a quasi-Abbott district had been eliminated."

    So how is it that the people of Lakewood allowed the BOE to take a contrary position in 2020?

    "Both the New Jersey Department of Education (“NJDOE”), and, the Lakewood Board of Education (“LBOE”) agree that a Legislative solution is required. Thus, respectfully, before reading this submission (and numerous others) as the Department has acknowledged the above let us go together to the Legislative branch to “fix” a “broken” funding formula as it specifically applies to Lakewood."

    The legislature will not fix the formula without a court order and they know it. It is incredulous that elected officials can get away with this and the people just re-elect them year after year. Just go ahead and let others determine your vote. That is what an "idiot" does.

  11. TO SUM IT UP- My second co-counsel, DG, said this about Lakewood:

    1) It does not matter what Lakewood leaders do.
    2) It does not matter what the press says about Lakewood.

    This is common knowledge among lawyers and politicians in NJ.

    Case closed. The chickens come home to roost. And only a chicken, coward lets other people tell them who to vote for.

    (Whether it is conceivable or not to have a successful system of bloc voting, which I will always oppose because it is anti-American and undermines our system of accountability, is irrelevant, because what we have here has failed in Lakewood. It has produced a vacuum of power in which every puny, little, punk, boss has his own domain but no big boss that you can go to and say, here is the future of your town. We gotta do this to ensure our vitality for 100 years, or we will have an economic collapse. All the little bosses say, "Sure you are right, but I don't have the power." In fact, it is hard to even know who making the decisions at all).

  12. Actually, what Mr. DG, Esq., said was, I think, "1) Public opinion in Lakewood doesn't matter, and 2) what the (goyish) press writes doesn't matter in Lakewood."

    I disagreed at the time, in 2015, thinking that if the people knew the truth, it would matter. I still believe that. AL
