Saturday, September 14, 2024

Israel At War Sunday Sep 15

 Israel at war day 345 

-Hamas is recovering in Gaza at a greater pace than the IDF is dismantling its military capabilities, particularly in the northern Strip, the Kan public broadcaster reports.
The unsourced report says Israel hasn’t entered parts of northern Gaza for months, and the Palestinian terror group has been using this time to regroup and prepare for the “next phase of the war.”

- More than nine months after their bodies were recovered, the Israel Defense Forces said Sunday that an investigation has found that former hostages Sgt. Ron Sherman, Cpl. Nik Beizer and civilian Elia Toledano were killed as a result of a “byproduct” of an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip, although the exact cause of death was still unknon.

-Houthis say Tel Aviv targeted with hypersonic missile; IDF says projectile disintegrated in air, interceptors launched; shrapnel lands in Ben Shemen forest, nearby train station

-A ground to ground missle was fired into Israel from the direction of Yemen. It landed in a open area in Central Israel.

-Channel 14: The IDF tracked the missile for many minutes and launched an Arrow interceptor towards it. It is not clear why the interception attempt was carried out over the heart of Israel and not far from its borders, the results of which are also defined as 'under investigation' at this stage.

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  1. ברוך דיין האמת
    בצער רב ויגון קודר מודיעין אנו על פטירתה של
    האשה החשובה
    מרת קרינדל יכט ע''ה
    אשת חברינו היקר ר' בנימין פינקאוויטש שליט''א
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