Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Unbearable Traffic

 "The traffic in Lakewood has become unbearable and continues to get worse, causing real issues for so many people. It's time to push for change in the way Lakewood Township operates. Right now, it's being run by a small group of longtime residents, many of whom live in the same area and rarely visit the places they're overdeveloping. We need a ward system, where every part of town has proper representation. If you try developing in the 14th Street area, it's treated differently, but we need a government structure where all areas are treated the same and represented fairly. Change is overdue" (submitted)

But untill that happens it will keep on getting worse. There's no where to park near the yeshiva area, more cars and less parking. 
Playgroup and daycare has created more traffic  and added an additional pick up around town instead of having children stay local in the development minimizing an additional pick  up.  Cars are sitting daily in gridlock traffic causing drivers to make irrational dangerous driving maneuvers. Sitting 30 minutes to move a half mile is Normal.

Some solutions:
 Have more crossing guards keeping traffic flowing in congested areas and intersections were cars block each other to get thru.

 Allowing cars to drive thru short red light signals until the roadway clears if there's no extended green light.

-No empty school buses should be on the roadways after their morning drop off until after 10:15am. They should remain at the schools parking lots.

-No garbage trucks from 7am -10am

-Instead of hundreds of empty school buses picking up mesivta boys at 6:30 am which are not practical, use the money for shuttle buses on main arteries for bochurim to hop on and get to yeshiva at a practical time. It will minimize the missing shachris carpool traffic.

- It should be mandatory for All five township committee men planning and zoning members to drive the daily route across Lakewood sitting in traffic as everyone else.


  1. Menashe gets to drive the OEM vehicle which comes with lights & sirens for free. So, he doesn’t have to suffer like the rest of us.

  2. the crossing guard idea is a bad one, they just add to the traffic.
    no idea what you're talking about with the red light one.
    LSTA can't use shuttle buses to transport boys. not legal. the school buses only care about doing their runs and LSTA getting paid. they don't care if they're empty.

    1. Maskim corssing guards do nothing.

    2. They should give the money to the parents. At least it wont be going to waste.

  3. City busses like in Brooklyn. There's no reason for bochurim to have to hitch or be driven and no reason a student of 6th grade and older who misses her bus to be driven.

    1. Apples to orange comparison. In Brooklyn most Bochurim get to Yeshiva either by bike or by walking. The ones who go by bus don't have city bus lines made for them. There are bus lines they happen to be able to use. It would probably be cheaper to pay for their Ubers than to have empty city buses at 6:30 AM driving around Lakewood for bochurim to get to Yeshiva

  4. City busses like in Brooklyn. There's no reason for bochurim to have to hitch or be driven and no reason a student of 6th grade and older who misses her bus to be driven.

    1. ok, but you would have to change the state law for that to happen. according to state law, the high school boys are required to have busing and state and local tax dollars have to pay for it. even if the boys aren't on the bus, LSTA makes their taxpayer-funded money, so they won't stop unless the state law is changed.

    2. So give them aid in lieu of, and charge for the busses that run crisscross routes around town. Fully legal.

  5. It's time to stop doing things the same old the same old and start looking way way out of the box.
    the only way to reduce traffic is to get cars off the road and keep the ones on t he road moving.
    How to get cars off the road? have safe places for non drivers to walk, bike, electric scooter and I am sure more people can think of more ideas.
    How to keep traffic moving? roundabout are a start. Traffic lights make traffic because it causes cars to start and stop.

    1. a roudabout was removed by albert cause supposedly no one knew how to use it?

  6. The bus companies are making millions of dollars with the empty morning buses. The LSTA set up routes that are not nogea. The boys ain't getting up 6am to sit on a bus for an hour when shachris starts at 8. These routes are a sham and drive around empty. This tax money should either be given to parents directly or to the schools to arrange normal routes with a practical time. Or the money should go to a public bus system that helps the students, not LSTA or bus companies profiteering

  7. Is LSTA following all state rules???
    They are a private organization controlling the tax money for busing and are not under the same regulations as the BOE

    1. When I questioned the LSTA regarding covid masks they claimed they are mandated - Doesn't seem private to me!

  8. Route 9 and Oak needs a crossing guard otherwise you can't make a left
    Spruce and 9 needs a crossing guard

  9. who asked lsta to invade in jackson?? there barely doing a decent job in lkwd!!

  10. the chutzpah of the lsta to STEAL jacksons aid in liu and offer the worst service! a 45 min bus ride has some stops officially picked up 15 minutes after school starts!! besides the outrages co pays and $500!!! extra schools are charging jackson students for sundays

  11. the road work at night is unbearable. let them start working after 12.

  12. start charging for parking in bmg parking lot. that will reduce the traffic greatly as people will start carpooling, walking, or biking

    Also daycares should have transportation like in brooklyn.

  13. I thought opening Vine St was going to solve the problem!
    Anyways, who decided it was smart to build Bais Kayla in the middle of a road?

  14. If we build more houses and duplexes, that might help the traffic situation.

  15. Lsta doesn't need a pat on the back for the routes they set up. Boys too early. Afternoon routes kids getting picked up from school at least 30 -45 min after dismissal. 1st and 2nd grade of Bais Faiga in the grater building have a dismissal of 3:10 because that's when lsta can give them bussing. You can't change dismissal time when parents make arrangements and appointments far in advance. On central ave the busses are only stopping in the Ave for the HS girls causing crazy traffic. This isn't called filling the routes.

  16. Too late for this year, but for next year, parents should opt out of LSTA and arrange carpools, as is done OOT. Fewer busses on the road will improve traffic flow and safety.
