Thursday, September 26, 2024

Audio: Reb Asher Arieli on The Gezeiras Giyus

listen to audio clip from Rav Asher Arieli shlita regarding the serious threat to the Ruchniyus of klal Yisrael with gezeiras giyus, calling everyone to a tefilas Rabim

There's not much to add to the words of the gedolei yisroel. in Eretz Yisroel and America but they asked me to say a few words. The matzav is we are in a terrible sakana there's a gezeira to draft the yeshiva bochurim to the army and it starts off slowly slowly in phases,  there is a yeshiva near us where they learn day and night and 17 bochurim received draft notices to the army and the teva is that not everyone has the strength to get arrested and go to jail or fight with parents. This is a gezira to  eventually shut all the yeshivos and kollelim the yeshivos are the lifeblood of klal yisroel without the yeshivos learning Torah with Ameilus there is no yiddishkeit in klal yisrael and they want to break this, they want to wipe out klal yisroel this is not a gezeira from the outside the likes of geval amon and amalek but from our brethren from zera yisroel  which makes it a double chillul Hashem. This is a big tzara and of course our response must be to daven and pour out our hearts to Hashem to save the olam Hatorah from our brethren. All we have left from all the doros of tzadikim is the yeshivos and if the foundation is broken the building can not stand 

we should gather together the power of tefilas rabbim is great and we are davening for the ruchnius of klal yisroel the tears of such a tefilas rabbim will travel up all the way to the kisei hakavod. Hashem should watch us from all bad gezeiros A gut Gbenched yur


  1. Hundreds of Hostages?
    War in Gaza?
    War in Lebanon?
    17 (gasp!) bochrim get a draft notice (Not that they are actually draft notices)
    What happened about kulanu areivim zeh lazah????

    1. I would be very fearful of not showing proper kavod for Reb Asher. Your comment is even worse than that.

    2. Who's to decide if any of the above or if the threat to close down the yeshivos is greater threat to the future of klal yisroel? Would that be R' Asher Arielei (who NEVER gets involved in politics) or you, Mr. Ash?

      This doesn't mean that none of the above waren't horrific, of course they all are and we all davened and poured out our hearts for them. But nobody besides the bnei torah recognize or even care about the threat to ch"v close down the yeshivos. What a tremendous kitrug that can ch"v be, specifically when we are at war and so many lives are in danger.

  2. Daas Torah clearly demonstrates that the zjonists are modern day amalekim.

  3. Rav Moshe Sorotzin's shiur : 808 - The Zohar's revelation for 5784
