Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday September 6 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, September 6, 2024 / ג׳ אלול תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת שופטים
Candle lighting 7:01 pm
Shkiah 7:19 pm

Weather: 75° Overcast. 
Shabbos day 78° Showers early, becoming a steady rain later in the day, Chance of rain 70%

US. hospitals will soon be required to report COVID-related admissions, restoring a mandate which was lifted earlier this year

- Trump’s sentencing in New York business records case delayed until after the election to November 26th — NYT

- Many girls schools are off today. After starting the first day yesterday 

A girls high school is opening an additional 9th grade class to accommodate the growth.

Baruch Dayan Haemes

Levaya of Telz Riverdale Rosh Hayeshiva HaRav Avremel Ausband zatzal is at 
10:30 am in Riverdale Yeshiva 640 w 249th st, Bronx, NY
Live Hookup number  712-432-4305 or u12-432-1923
Watch live Video hookup HERE

- Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita will head to South America after shabbos to join the delegation of gedolei yisroel who are raising funds on behalf of Keren Olam Hatorah

There will be hespedim for Rav Boruch Ber Ziemba ztl this Sunday at BMG Carey Street bais medrash at 6:30pm divrei hesped ByvRav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Novimonsker Rebbe shlita, His shver Rav Moshe Shimon Luria shlita.

- Parents who have concerns about the busing  must wait for Sep 15 to have them addressed and listened to. In Jackson and Lakewood there are bus stops that are more than 10 minute walk for little kids.

- Satmar Fleish Gesheft butcher shop will be opening in Toms River after Sukkos at the plaza of Cox Cro and Rt 9.

- Democrat-voting pollster Nate Silver releases new Presidential prediction model showing commanding Trump lead: with electoral college odds
Trump: 60.1% (+20.4)
Harris: 39.7%

- From Yated Neeman editorial: But I was not - prepared for what is feeling like the beginning of an American “Again” chas veshalom, when New York is now host to thousands of anti-Semitic marchers openly calling for heinous acts to be perpetrated upon Yidden. It is not slowing down, and the fuel of rhetoric from the so-called halls of academia is fanning the flames of what was once thought impossible in America. No marches, no propaganda, no reasoning seems to be helping.The originator of the hopeful prediction that promised that we would never see a reoccurrence of the atrocities of eighty years prior is no longer with us. He was gunned down by a bullet that had our enemy’s desire of “Once Again” scratched into it.We are in the Hands of the One who orchestrates all. Certainly, political machinations, security apparatuses and public opinion have not been an impediment to assure that such atrocities will never resurface.

In response to a article that was posted on several frum news websites  (and has since been pulled) Hatzolas Nefashos responds:


  1. The frum media is trash they have no rabbinic backing and are a click bate machine for money. They have done great harm to yiddishkeit and have pushed feminist and modern ortho hashkafos onto the yeshiva world. They are trash

  2. Interesting how Hatzalah has probably 100 Gedolim and Rabbonim who signed for them and support them and Hatzolas Nefashos has a grand total of zero.
    Enough said

    1. Call it classic inertia

    2. There we no signatures, only names. Ask the "rabbanim" on the list why. Hint, I know the answer but it's best you hear it yourself from them directly. Also, there were few gedolim on the list, many of the names were people who had shabbos minyan in their garage, hardly daas torah.

  3. Who's behind hatzolas nefashos? Why is there no name signing the letter or the names of rabbanim who back it?

  4. A pretty scary idea, if Zionism which was meant by its founders to be the solution to anti semitism, ends up being a cause of AS on its own

  5. Interesting that HN doesn’t include the fact that they were on scene for 30 minutes before they left to the hospital without medics.

    1. Please explain how you're defending the disgusting slander against HN

  6. What void was HN attempting to fill?!?

  7. Which girls high school is opening up another class?
