Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hashkafa Q&A

 Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner shlita 

"Halacha Headlines ": Twisting the Torah to conform to the secular public mentality


  1. The problem is that the gedolei Eretz Yisroel go on the show out of ignorance they are not aware that the olam hatorah in America despises it

  2. Why do the frum newspapers advertise for the show

  3. Superb.Overdue.
    Am personally aware of upstanding individuals who Lichtenstein turned down because the distinguished person wouldn't collude with his 'open' agenda. Every show's agenda endzone is blatantly-for the less gullible-predictable.Except that he gives some leeway if he needs the distinguished top brand name guest to give him credence.

  4. It's a shame that the Yated advertises for the show and a bigger shame that R Gershon wrote about article for the voice another paper that lakewood bnei Torah don't allow into their homes and keep it on the street gutter where it belongs

  5. I listened to the recent Headlines show. I didn't get the impression that R' Gershon was being interviewed on the show. The headlines show simply played an audio of Reb Gershon and the show responded to it.

  6. Yasher Koach to Rav Ribner for taking a stand and calling out this newfound attempt which is a bizayon Hatorah

  7. Anyone know what number podcast and the place lichtenstein mentions him? Agav, I'm sure Davey boy is not gonna let this go unchallenged, I think we have ourselves some July 4th fireworks coming , get some popcorn and beer sit back and enjoy

  8. I listened to the show - they never pretended to interview him at all.

    Since when is a society, did we become so afraid to hear viewpoints that we don’t agree with?

    If we are strong in our beliefs, hearing something that is not aligned to what we believe shouldn’t completely derail us.

    1. He's listed as an interviewee just like every show. It literally says 'with RabbI Gershon Ribner'.

    2. The list was indeed inartfully worded using the word "with," but it was utterly obvious to anyone listening to the show that he wasn't being interviewed on the show. SOMEONE ELSE WAS ASKING THE QUESTIONS. Had the recording been edited - which Headlines could easily have done - you would have a case.

  9. To buttress and expound what was stated by 6:33 PM ,
    Lichtenstein Will be readily predictable to end up within the foul lines of the sorry unhealthy zeitgeist,subconsciously ,as remains the case with the vast majority of others who anoint themselves as open minded .
    He may however paradoxically due to the same forces on rare occasions end up on the other side e.g. while he is zionistic he is at the same time in his show a few years ago, opposed to the army draft because that’s where inherently the influence of the zeitgeist of the Charedi street.

    1. Short & sweet. Is he good or bad?

  10. Mr Lichtenstein was clearly disingenuous. He listed R Ribner as an interviewee and sure tried to make it sound like that he was participating in the show along with the other three Rabbanim. Then he goes and hits him hard. Can't expect R Ribner to take it sitting down. Mr Lichtenstein had it coming. Mr Lichtenstein underestimated R Ribner and paid the price. For those familiar with his style and tactics it was a long time coming. Kol hakavod to R Ribner for not being cowed by Mr Lichtenstein's wealth and methods.

    1. Why should he be cowed by his wealth? Was there ever a chance that R Ribner was getting any of it?

    2. That actually never happened. He did not pretend to interview, but it was clear from the interview.

  11. Lichtenstein didn't answer R Ribner. He just said, "I don't understand", and he truly is clueless about what R Ribner said. He didn't say 'it's ok to smoke', he said 'parents have to choose their battles'. If Lichtenstein doesn't understand that, who cares? Does he understand the issues of tum'as hatehom?

  12. Sounds delusional. He really thinks no frum yid ever has questions about science? Telling people "believe the Torah harder" won't help them. Not a fan of him myself but I'm sure many people stayed frum because of Slifkin's book.

    1. I'm pretty far to the left of Rabbi Ribner (and do not have an issue with Lictenstein saying whatever he wants on his show) but when it comes to Slifkin I think R' Ribner understated the issue. I have a cousin who is a rebbi in YU. Even he thinks Slifkin is a borderline apikorus at best and said that there are other (but not all) YU rebbeim who feel the same way. Slifkin is not about answering about Torah vs. Science. He is about proving the supremacy of science and bending Torah to match it. Were Slifkin to learn some of the Torah issues he discussed b'iyun and to have just a little less emunah peshuta in whatever scientific theories are currently being pushed etc. a lot of his questions would fall away on their own


    2. Judaism is free-for-all?or freefallin'?
      Who granted you heter to be "pretty far to the left of "?

    3. Who said I need to think the same way as Rabbi Ribner about everything that I need a hetter to be to the left of him? Who appointed him and what made him the ultimate word in Torah haskafa? I’m not ch’v knocking him with this comment. I’m sure he doesn’t think he is the ultimate and final word in Torah haskafa either.

    4. Depends for what
